Sentence Per Picture Edition #402.

7 miles @ an 8:34 pace and maybe someday it won’t feel like my hamstrings are 2 inches long and about to snap whenever I try to touch my toes.

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Fact: I lose my dedit card more often than Brooke loses her debit card.

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Crunchy almond butter is growing on me and we had ab & j sandwiches for lunch because it just felt right.

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Paige and I caught up while hanging out in a parking lot and Brooke’s BF already knows the way to a girl’s heart… Chocolate.

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Food really does buy happiness.

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I am taking Brooke to California this weekend to see her dad and I am feeling pretty good about the weather for my 16 miler on Saturday (you know the first thing you think about when you see the weather report is how it will affect your running too).

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I just love these two.

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Been loving to run to this song by Fall Out Boy, their latest stuff has been my favorite running music:

A few people have asked about where we bought our mini piñata, Target… The store that you can find everything you will ever need.

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The Brooks team is in town for Outdoor Retailer so Brooke and I are off to go hang out with them and talk about shoes and things:)


It has been weeks since I last posted about donuts and these were the beauties at our Bachelor Party on Monday… doesn’t get any better.

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What is the thing (or two) that you lose most often?

-My debit card, I have Wells Fargo on speed dial because of this problem.

Favorite type of bar?

-I can’t stop eating KIND bars.

Are you flexible? Easy to touch your toes or a struggle like me?

Last thing you bought at Target?

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I can’t eat very many of the Kind bars because I’m allergic to nuts, but I can have the Almond and Coconut ones, and they are amazing! I just posted about them on my blog on Monday also! I sometimes make rice krispie treats with coconut oil instead of butter and that’s what the Almond Coconut Kind bars remind me of.

I am always losing my cell phone. I set it down and then forget where it is. I was irritated and couldn’t find it the other day and my husband pointed out that it was in my hand. It wasn’t one of my best days.

远程我不灵活。这是一种embarrassing. I can stretch next to you sometime so that you’ll feel like you are crazy flexible! ;)


I’ve been doing yoga for 2 months now and my flexibility has vastly improved and is now back to what it was 10 years ago before running. Not sure if my running will improve at all from this but my muscles feel so much better and I’m loving yoga.

I’m always losing hair bands!


The last thing I bought at Target was a birthday present for one of our boys’ friends. And maybe a salted pretzel…

I tend to lose my watch more than anything, which is ironic because I am chronically punctual and hate being without it. Thankfully, I usually “lose” it in one of three places — the kitchen or one of the bathrooms. But I never can remember where I took it off last. Old mama brain, I suppose.

Safe travels as you head to California.


Those salted pretzels are bomb. I am glad you never lose your watch for good.. that would be lame! Thanks Marian and I hope you have an amazing afternoon!


The only part of me that is flexible is my stomach. Because I love to eat and just can’t help but being rungry.

I lose my hair bands like it is my job! I put 5 on my wrist every morning (okay, that’s and exaggeration, I put on 3), and then BOOM, their gone.

Have an awesome night, Janae!!


I lose EVERYTHING (temporarily usually but still). The item that I lose the most is my phone. It can be ridiculous – However, the last time I was frantically hunting for it, I realized that I was talking on it!

I’m just not a huge bar fan. I never really feel that they satiate me and then it’s frustrating because I am left still hungry.

Last time I was in Target was around Christmas (closest one is almost an hour away)….and I got a plethora of stuff but most notable was shirts for work


AN HOUR AWAY!?!?! That is just not okay.

Bahaha about your phone story! That has totally happened to me too! Have an awesome night Angela!


I just went to Target last night – went in for one item that they didn’t have and somehow still spent $28.00. I blame the dollar bins. They get me EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.

I am also semi flexible. Touching my toes are no problem.


I haven’t been able to touch my toes in at least ten years. So you are Waaaaaay ahead of me there.

I can’t believe you guys drive back and forth to CA like that! It’s so far! But I guess two plane tickets would cost just as much as the gas. It just sucks!


Actually we normally do fly… plane tickets have been crazy cheap lately! I hope you have a great day! PS good to hear from another ‘touching my toes hurts’ person!


I would do literally anything for those donuts.

I am also woefully inflexible; I went to yoga today for the first time
In a while and it was sad how much I needed to bend my knees to touch the ground in forward fold.


My last trip to Target was yesterday… I go in with a list of three things and left with a cart full. Happens every time!! :) I would go there every day and just buy fun things if I had all the $$ in the world and a house big enough to hold all of the things!

I’m a Quest Bar ADDICT! It’s bad. My favorite is Double Chocolate Chunk, with S’mores coming in a close second.


I haven’t been able to find the s’mores :( My current favorite is vanilla almond although they have ALL been my favorite I go through a box a week, yummy.


I loove target. I go there every day that I get paid. Lol and I am sooo not flexible. I’m pretty sure a TRex is closer to his toes than me. Aughh.

I lose my phone and car keys ail the time.


Those donuts!!!
I lose my phone, but always find it!
Fave bar: Picky Bars
I can touch my toes but I’m certainly not flexible!


I don’t lose stuff heaps … I actually can’t think of anything I’ve lost lately!

I’m SO not flexible. Something I should really work on.

I think the last think I bought at Target was some running shorts and singlet. Our Target isn’t as amazing as yours though!


I lose my keys all the time. Sadly, I always find them later….in the front door, ALWAYS!

Apparently, I’m making it quite easy for anyone to break in. :(




Someday soon we will run to all of the different donut shops in southern California and find the best donut offered.


I love the mini luna bars, and I really like clif bars after long runs when my stomach isn’t up to real food.

I’m pretty flexible, but I have really tight hips…if you have any ideas I am all ears!

Enjoy your warm run. I’m pretty excited for the weekend forecast in Salt Lake- hopefully the air quality stays ok, too!


I am the least flexible person EVER.

We have a target right across the street from my office and it is dangerous for my wallet. I went with a co-worker during lunch yesterday and walked out with a new notepad, sticky notes, a coupon organizer, and a chocolate covered marshmallow heart. Neither of us needed anything, but we felt the pull so we had to go!


我总是失去我的车钥匙和徽章into work. You would think I’d learn but never does it happen. Last thing I bought at Target was Le Croix soda water. It’s the only place I can ever find it.


I lose my student ID all. the. time. Well more like every time I want to go to the gym.
I’m a huge KIND fan! I love the cranberry almond and blueberry pomegranate pistachio flavors!
I went to target the other day and spent way too much! I actually went looking for school supplies and they didn’t have what I needed. I didn’t know that was possible!


Have you tried Trader Joe’s crunch peanut butter with chia and flax seeds? It is the bomb!


I haven’t yet… Guess I will be picking it up at TJ’s next time I am there. Thanks Hannah!


Those donuts look so good!

I’ve thankfully never lost my debit card. I have lost my keys a couple times though and that was crazy stressful.


Kind bars are amazing, they are the only brand I’ll eat and I ALWAYS have them in my office drawer. Now I want donuts so bad..


I don’t lose things often but I did lose the key that lets me into my community gym. It fell out of my pocket while running and I have yet to replace it. I really need to!


Those donuts are SO FANCY. I’m a sucker for just a plain cake donut!

Last thing I bought at Target were my groceries! Our super Target is great, and is really comparable to cheaper more chaotic stores like Walmart so I do most of my grocery shopping there and at TJ’s, which is more fun for me! :)


I’m almost always misplacing my car keys. I’ll leave them in weird places, or they’ll get covered by stuff, or even left in the door!
Kind bars are so good! I really want to try making my own versions.
I’m moderately flexible now, I used to be more flexible when I taught Pilates and yoga in college, but now even simple yoga videos put my flexibility to shame.


Have you had the maple pecan sea salt KIND bar? I had a problem w them for awhile and would buy boxes and boxes of them. Then one day they got too sweet for me and I just stopped. Now that I am talking about them, though, I may have to get another one soon.

Those donuts look delicious. I had better go get dinner now before I start eating all the chocolate in the house.


So I just tried the spicy flavors of KIND Bar this week and I’m digging them! :)


I’ve never been flexible a day in my life, and gomacro bars are unbelievably delicious.


I am so NOT flexible. I love the dark chocolate and sea salt kind bars! And my second favorite flavor is almond and apricot.
I always lose things in my purse. I could literally place my phone in my purse and two minutes later it starts ringing and I can’t find it fast enough to answer. Lol.


Picky bars are my go tos right now. I’ve been eating them on my long runs and it’s the best fuel I’ve ever used! I’m not flexible at all, it’s horrible! I went to target this past weekend and bought bacon and peanut butter…the essentials.


Someone just asked me while I was smiling so big at work. I was looking at the picture of Brooke holding the pinata. Adorable.

What are good hamstring stretches? Mine are so so so tight.

Why is almond butter better than peanut butter?


I’m really good at losing jewelry and gift cards – for some reason.

Candy bars! Oh, you mean actual food…Chia Bars are super good.

I have never been flexible, even when I was younger. It’s annoying.

The last thing I bought at Target was a pair of yoga pants (that ended up being too big because I don’t try things on) and a pair of dumbbells.


The last thing I bought at target was some gloves that were on sale because I keep losing gloves!

I am a sad panda because Target is leaving Canada :-(


i’m slowly coming to terms with almond butter too but i don’t know if i’ll ever get used to the sound of “ab&j” because i only read it it as “ab” and i don’t think an abs sandwich would be very good.

i also LOVE brooke’s little coat where she’s snuggle with your dad!


上周末我刚失去了我的驾照!去了on a long run with friends, it was in my hydration vest in a zippered pocket. Never opened the pocket till I got back to my car (my keys were there as well). I haven’t seen it since. Which means a trip to the dmv which I soooooooo do not want to do!

Have a good trip!


I can’t think of anything I frequently lose. We have a hook on the wall for keys, otherwise that would definitely be the thing.

I’m a big fan of Clif bars. I think they pretty much all taste the same, but I enjoy them anyway :) I also enjoy these white chocolate pretzel ones from Safeway, but they feed my nighttime snacking habit so I don’t keep them around much.

Last trip to Target was today and I got a purse, but I totally forgot that I need mouthwash. Darn it, I guess I have to go back.

I have no problem touching my toes. In fact, I can allllmost put my palms on the ground while standing up.


I constantly lose my car keys. I have an automatic car starter so I constantly start my car than can’t find my keys… I know I know first world problems. I also constantly misplace my headphones this time of year when I am constantly alternating from gym to outside to gym …..

Target is my love. I make up reasons just to go and walk around… I always fine Something!


I’m always misplacing keys, my credit card, and sometimes my wedding ring because I only wear it during the day, not while I sleep or workout or clean.

I am fairly flexible.

I practically live at Target. I think the last thing I bought was facial lotion.


The thing I lose the most is my cell phone. I can never find it and it’s always on silent!


Totally random, but I’ve got a bit of a proximal fibular stress reaction going on, and in the meantime thought I’d try spinning to stay sane. Can’t afford a class and have never been–do you have any advice or articles I could reference for advice on spin workouts/technique/form you recommend?


I’m addicted to Kind bars too…the maple ones. It’s my b-fast with my coffee. :)


I’m constantly misplacing my hats/gloves/scarves etc.

Favorite bars…lara bars! The less ingredients the better:)


Flexibility: YES. Especially now that I am taking barre classes 4x/week. But I do find my flexibility can vary by the day and/or time of day and I haven’t figured out a pattern there.

Last thing I bought at Target: a desk blotter/calendar, Valentine themed straws (isn’t everything better with a straw?) and clearance Christmas wrapping paper!


I REALLY need to know where those donuts are from. Thanks.


BEYOND GLAZE!! SO so so so good!


I usually misplace my car-keys.. not a good thing.
I love QUEST bars because they are super high protein.
I am flexible because I did ballet for about sixteen years.

Last thing I bought at Target.. WOW Cookies.. they are near the other gluten free items in the chip aisle (near the Annie’s bunny snacks).. WOW COOKIES ARE AMAZING, and in the midwest, I can either order $30 worth of Wow cookies or get them from Target… so each time I go to Target, I always get at least 3-4 bags of WOW Snickerdoodle (gluten free) cookies. I really, really wish they would sell the lemon ones, because WOW lemon cookies are OUT OF THIS WORLD and back again AND OUT OF THE WORLD AGAIN.

Last thing you bought at Target?


I’m relatively flexible–but I’ve been neglecting doing yoga for a few days. I know what you mean by looking at the weather! I calculate and think of the times i can do what and when, especially plan my long runs. I’m running out of places to run, actually and I lose motivation to do my long runs.


The last things I bought at Target were a pair of tall black boots and a plaid coat, both on clearance for a total of $16!

I’ve given up hope of ever being able to touch my toes


I misplace my car key more than anything. Perhaps if I had it on a keychain with other keys, I could avoid this problem. However, I always take it with me when I run so it has to be on it’s own. If I misplace it I can usually find it in one of my running shirt or coat pockets.

I love Lemon Luna bars. They never get old.

The last thing I bought at target was a bunch of gift-wrap and décor for Christmas. I haven’t been shopping since Christmas.


My boyfriend has the same problem with his debit card. So after me asking him after every single meal etc if he grabbed it, he hasn’t lost it in over a year! #winning He was so bad about leaving it at restaurants!

My favorite bars are Quest Bars, specifically the Cookie Dough and White Chocolate Raspberry, but I love so many other flavors too!

My hamstrings feel like they are about 2 inches long as well. I am always trying to work on this! Glad I am not the only one! Yoga Yoga Yoga! It is so hard to foam roll the hamstring but if you could share your tips on that sometime I would be your BFF!


oh man I love target! The last thing I bought there was shower curtain hooks… haha so boring right?!


Those donuts were tasty, but I still like a good old fashion/sour cream donut, and of course, you have converted me to apple fritters.

I love kind bars. Sometimes they go on sale for $1 each at Smith’s and that is stock up time.

Your weather looks amazing, even better than it will be for me in st geezy. I rearranged my normal weekly running so that I would get to run there 2x instead of just once. I am quite looking forward to it.

Target. The store that has everything you need and everything you don’t, but think you do. I need blinders on when I go there.


Always losing my chapsticks! Good thing I have about a hundred of them but I hate when I can’t find any for a while -especially this time of year!

I’m not a huge fan of bars but I prefer macrobars when I do have them.

My flexibility varies from day-to-day. Hamstrings always feel crazy tight but yoga helps!

I just went to Target on Monday and I picked some hand soap and other house items. I forgot stickies so I must return soon!


I’ve never eaten a kind bar.

I can’t even remember what I bought the last time I was at Target! I don’t shop there very often, but when I do I love it!


Excuse me while I cry a little about the fact that Target is pulling out of Canada.

Can me and my son just move in with you so we can go to Target every day together?


OMG KIND bars are my jam! I have yet to try a flavor that I dislike. I actually got one as a stocking stuffer and it made me so happy :)


I lose my keys SO often. One time, my old boss had to come get me from my house so I could come to work!


这些甜甜圈从哪儿来的?他们看起来像一个re worth the 12 hour drive to the SLC area :)


Beyond Glaze!! Come on over to Utah and I will treat you:)


Yum! I’ll have to work on that ;)


Constantly losing my keys! I have a special hook for them and I still always lose them :)

Target – I don’t go often, but when I go, it’s to get like three items and I come out $150 later… :)

I can touch my toes, but I need serious help with flexibility.

Love Kind bars, but want to try Picky

If you come to Southern California go here for the best donuts!!!


What I lose a lot: my muscle roll-out stick. Still can’t find it!!! My toddler things it’s a sword.

Those doughnuts… WOW! That makes me want to drive to Tim Horton’s just for a doughnut and then go to bed. Not sure where those ones are from, but Tim Horton’s is the best doughnut place I can think of that’s close-ish to home.

Last thing I bought at Target: yogurt covered raisins. Good stuff!


If you meet any of the Brooks Gurus at OR give them a big ol hug from their fellow G, Ally!! Actually just hug any Brooks employee you see :)


I stalk the weather app to see how much Mother Nature is going to “love me” or “hate me” on my running days too. I run slow regardless, but it’s nice to have a third party to blame that on sometimes.
I danced when I was younger (much younger) so I remember the days when touching my toes was easy… now I’m grateful I can look down and see my toes (and even wave at the few toenails I have left). I am working on my flexibility though and incorporating yoga to help me with that… so one day soon I will be able to touch my toes :)


Lately I’ve been losing the papers I copied in order to teach my class things. In the moment I need them, of course.
Last things I bought at Target: toothpaste, conditioner, and a long sleeved running shirt. We just found out a week ago though that Target is pulling out of Canada. Now I’ll have to drive across the border to get cheap running clothes!


THOSE DOUGHNUTS. Those. Doughnuts.

Fall Out Boy makes for great running music! And I didn’t know that almond butter comes in crunchy…I might have to give it a second try after all!


I never lose things! I am not flexible at all and have yet to try yoga. I haven’t craved any bars lately but I did go through a Kind bars phase most recently. Also Brooke TOTALLY is already making the same faces you make and it’s awesome how similar yall look! :)


Camille Herron has a great post on her blog about hamstrings. It was super helpful….stay healthy girl! Also, Classic Stretch on KBYU is becoming my new favorite show. It’s totally dorky, but good!


My sister pointed out years ago that whenever I’m stressed I lose something important like my driver’s license, my military ID or my debit card. It always happens when I have something really big on my mind.

One time I dropped my military ID in the commissary parking lot on base. I knew I had it as I had paid for my groceries and I had a vague sense of dropping something on the way out the door but couldn’t see anything when I looked around.

Came back that night to see if anyone had turned it in and they had paved the parking lot. I assumed they paved over my ID. Pretty much sealed my fate right there. LOL.


Oh I love Kind bars! We got some good Kashi bars with dark chocolate and can’t remember what else at Costco in bulk kids love em. I lose my phone almost every day but always find it. Once it was in my stack of towels in my laundry room!
Those donuts ahh and I’m trying to be good with food. I ate SO many cookies and such over holidays being 38 and that I barely squeeze out 20 miles a week of running I can’t over indulge like I used to. So I’ll just stare at those donuts.


I lose cell phones! It’s pathetic and my son does too so I’m convinced it’s an inheritable trait.

That picture of the boy handing Brooke chocolate is perfect! His expression is priceless! Frame it!

I’m not flexible at all, marathons and ultra’s will do that to you…and those doughnuts look absolutely amazing!!!


The top number one thing that is most lost around here is: ball pumps. I probably buy about 3 each year. Not kidding. No idea why. Weird weird weird. Not as inconvenient as bank cards, but still frustrating.


I practice yoga regularly and I still can’t touch my toes!

The last time I was in Target, I went in for dog food and came out $100 later. But I did remember the dog food!


Those doughnuts look AMAZING!!!


不灵活…! !I am working on it though…so maybe someday! I lose everything!! I put stuff somewhere and then I can’t remember where I put it! Just last night I couldn’t find my headbands! I wear them for every run, I don’t know how I managed that!


Where did you get Brooke’s debit card? I’ve been wanting something like that for Harlow’s purse!

I’m very flexible in every way except my hamstrings. In yoga, any pose that doesn’t involve my hamstrings I can nail. A simple forward bend or downward facing dog, though? Not so much.


I seem to lose my credit card and phone, or I guess misplace. They normally show up about 10 minutes after I needed them. I used to dance and I think that flexibility has stuck with me some but as I get older I can feel it going away. Even with flexible hamstrings sometimes mine feel like they are going to snap after a very hard workout. Bleh.


Those donuts look ahhhhhmazing!!

Peanut butter chocolate chip + chocolate chip cookie dough Larabars are my faves!


I love Quest or Balance Bars. SOOO jealous for your saturday run in the warm sun! Have a blast in Cali!


I shop at Target like 5x a week, so I never leave there without spending at least $80. Yesterday I bought a duvet bed cover from there :)


Lose my keys. KIND bars are the best, but I also love Quaker Chewy bars and they are less expensive. I am flexible, but not as flexible as I used to be. I ordered photo prints from Target.

Those are the best looking doughnuts I have ever seen.


现在不能我感觉好多了to touch my toes (or even get close)! I keep telling myself that I need to work on overall flexibility, but with marathon training, I’m just happy to get my miles in and find time for some strength training every now and then.


I tend to ‘misplace’ my license often after transferring it from bag to bag/wallet etc!

We don’t have a target here (Bahamas) but it’s always the first stop whenever we go to Fl/the states! I already have a list for when we go in Feb….and now I’m day dreaming about target..

I can still touch my toes, I guess I have years of cheerleading and dance to thank for that ;)


I am usually pretty good about not losing things, it seems i have had to hunt for my ear buds the last couple times i’ve went for a run outside.

I’m pretty flexible, except my pesky right leg IT band.

Target…oh I hate and love you. I’m a marketers dream in the sense that darn Cartwheel App screams for me. My brain “Oh its in cartwheel of 5% off, what a deal” sigh…


I can’t even remember the last thing I bought at Target because it is one of the stores you go in thinking you will buy a couple things and you walk out with a cart full. I don’t know how they do it! It really is a love hate relationship :)


I’ve heard that non flexible people are better runners. Not sure if this is true?! But if so that’s an encouraging word for you!!


Oh Target… it’s in between my house and the gym so that’s where I wind up stopping for everything. Which is dangerous. “I better pick up milk” can easily become an hour long, hundred dollar trip. I’ve been getting better though. My last trip to Target was milk, whey protein, and coffee- just the stuff on my list!


I am trying to incorporate more yoga into my routine because I feel like I’ve lost a lot of flexibility in the last few years. Plus yoga feels good.

I lose my phone most often. And usually it’s in a pocket (my jeans, my coat, whatever). Sometimes it’s even on my person and I’m running around the house looking for it. Yes, I’m ridiculous.

My favorite bars are Picky Bars. Especially All in Almond and Blueberry Boomdizzle. Because yum.

The last things I bought at Target were socks. At least, that’s all I went in for. But I spent $100. Go figure.


I love kind bars. They are the only bar I eat.
Those donuts look like cupcakes! I need to know where u got them so I can get them when I come up to visit the family.
My hamstrings are not very flexible either.
Have fun in Ca! Do u get to visit your man while u are there also?


I am pretty flexible, but I need to work on stretching a lot more! I lose my cell phone a lot, and I have it on silent so much that it is really hard to find :( I have never tried Kind bars before, I am going to have to :)


I lose my credit card so much! It sick cause it is linked to so many automatic bills that it is a pain changing it every time. I am actually pretty flexible. Back in the day I was in the 99th percentile for sit n reach.


Those donuts look delicious! I would so eat ALL of them! ;)

I just bought a jalapeño roasted (I think) KIND bad, but Ive been too weary to try it- I don’t know why I think it’s going to be spicy…

Im still pretty flexible, but nowhere near what I was when I was coaching gymnastics.

And, the last time I was at Target… What didn’t I buy?!


Skvěle fotky nejvice mězaujala druha fotka:)

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