Since we last talked…

-There was a 6.5 mile treadmill run (7:42 pace) followed by teaching spinaroo and then I came home to by favorite boo. Okay, I promise that I will never try to rhyme again in one of my posts. I’m sorry.

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-There was a Brooks Running event and I am in love with the ‘thank you conveniently located porta potty’ sign. We’ve all been there.

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-There was a photo booth at above event with a YOLO sign because runners sure like to live on the wild side.

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-And lots of red eyes.

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-There was a Maverick run because how can you beat $1.29 for frozen yogurt even if it is only 15 degrees out? Heaters and car seat warmers were made for the purpose of eating cold things during the winter.

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-There was some jewelry hunting.

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-And of course a few salads bigger than my head.

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-There was some walking around dirty piles of snow.

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-And plenty of eskimo kisses… Our latest trend.

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-There happened to be a lot of ‘climbing up mama’s legs.’

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-And that resulted in a very late night.

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Until the next time we talk, there needs to be a lot of Run Happy moments for all of us this weekend… Right?

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Off to California. We have gummy bears and Finding Nemo, the flight should be a breeze.


What’s been going on in your hood since the last time we talked?

Had any ‘Run Happy’ moments lately?

Chocolate, vanilla or swirl soft serve? This is a very important question, it says a lot about a person.

What are your weekend plans as far as running/working out goes?

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I usually go for swirl soft serve. Chocolate would be my second choice.

I have 5 miles to run tonight, then a 13 mile long run either tomorrow or Sunday. Then I officially start training on Monday! Woohoo!

Happy Friday!


I’m supposed to run a half on Sunday but the weather looks iffy with snow! We’ll see, I haven’t been looking forward to it but now I just want to get it done. Good luck with the flight :)


Swirl soft serve, always!

Not much on the workout schedule for the weekend – I rarely work out on weekends in the winter – maybe I will pay for daycare at the gym – but maybe not!


Safe flight!

I have an 11 mile long run but a battling a head cold so hopefully it goes away!

I would say Chocolate but I have done swirl a lot too!!!


大量的跑过去一周快乐的时刻,许多的铁道部e this weekend and Vanilla, because there really is no other choice!


yesterday was a rest day from running to have my iliopsoas worked on (ow) then a kitchen dance party while making homemade energy balls. Today was a mid day run in some snowrain.

SWIRL (cuts out the decision making or having one of each because I love vanilla, but my chocolate craving would be sad so it’s swirl. Or vanilla with chocolate sprinkles)

Hope to squeeze a run in during a swim meet tomorrow! Depends on time and how my hip is.

Happy weekend! I know that for as much sunshine at the weather will be, it’s always hard to make the kid swap.


I’m back running…woo hoo! As I ease back in, I’m only doing every other day, but I get to do a long run this weekend!!!
Chcolate unless there are toppings. With toppings I’m a vanilla girl.


Have a great time in CA! My BFF from Tucson is coming up for the weekend. I’m excited for girls weekend!


Probably swirl… or chocolate… not vanilla, though.

My weekend plans for running is to try to do 8 miles tomorrow, and 5 on Sunday.


Swirl for sure :)…best of both worlds :).
I am going to try to get in a long run tomorrow but we are supposed to get snow so it will be interesting. Then a baby shower and pampered chef party :)


Have a safe flight!

I am now going to go do a 5 miler / 4 miler tomorrow and 8 on Sunday. I am also timekeeper at a cross country event on Sunday so that will be a busy day!

I’m an ‘any flavour ice cream’ kind of gal!! – just love it!

Happy running! xx


You will need to do extra leg strengthening exercises to keep up with Brooke climbing your legs as she gets older! haha :)

This weekend I’ve got a half marathon on tap and guess what? The weather is supposed to be in the low 60s at the start… so basically perfect!


My dad came over for late night hangouts with his new granddaughter. He brought cards and brownies& ice cream. I love dads!


That is how I eat all my salads. My kids laugh everytime!
Twist-but then I always say next time just vanilla. But then again I get twist.
Group run with my friends!


Swirl with sprinkles! Is that picture with dirty snow park city?! Gorgeous!!


Swirl, it’s the best of both worlds!! I’m trying to build up the motivation to go a run after school today, buts it’s so darn cold! I really need to sign up at a gym then I wouldn’t have this problem :) Hope the flight goes well, safe travels!!


Have a great weekend! I’m running 11/12 miles this weekend, hopefully hiking on Sunday, and going to a basketball game. Chocolate-vanilla swirl is my favorite…might have to get some after my run if its warm enough.


I had a “Run Happy” moment this morning when I ran 8 pain free miles in perfect winter running weather! I had been dealing with some tightness and pain so I’ve cut back alot lately and tried to address it, and I’m hoping it paid off! And it was nice to run outside since with all the snow and ice we have had lately that hasn’t happened as much as I would like!
If I were getting soft serve I usually go with swirl because I can’t decide what I want! I think chocolate is good on its own but I prefer vanilla with toppings!


I ran four miles this morning and got to see the sun rise. Definitely a run happy moment. :)


I’ll be busy creating a couch to half marathon plan this weekend. It will be my first half and the race is the first weekend in November. Training wise, I have a long way to go. Any tips for starting for crossing the finish line in the upright position?

Enjoy Cali!


How fun.! :)

I like vanilla. Always vanilla. And for this weekend, I’m gonna see how I’m feeling after taking a week off with a groin pain. Anddd. I work on Saturday.


5K on Sunday! Its in an underground tunnel, so it should be somewhat warm thankfully


Is it the groundhog run in Kansas city by chance?


It is, are you doing it too??


No, I Ran It LaSt Year And Had A Blast. Good Luck!


Chocolate soft serve all the way :)
10 mile run this morning, running with my husband tomorrow!
Happy Friday and have a safe flight!


So fun!! Chocolate vanilla swirl all the way! Running the Rock n Roll New Orleans Half this weekend woohoo!!! Happy Friday!!!


Have fun in Cali! SOOOOO jealous of you doing your long run in nice weather..wahhhh!!! It’s going to snow here like crazy and i’m SO SAD. This means a long run on a treadmill…wahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

I love that porta potty sign! SO funny!


昨天我有一个快乐时刻运行。这是冷杉st time in weeks that I found myself singing along to the music and focused on the happy and not the runner’s knee. (BTW the song was Ella Henderson’s Ghost)

Vanilla only! I only eat chocolate in it’s purest state. Chocolate bar or chips. But froyo is always vanilla.

Hoping to get an 8 miler in on Sunday.
Enjoy your flight and Cali


This whole week has been a ‘Run Happy’ one! I’ve finally gotten back in my groove and that makes both my soul and my legs happy :)
I’m a vanilla person! I like chocolate, but the flavor of vanilla is better to me
What are your weekend plans as far as running/working out goes?
My long run on Saturday morning is 10 miles and then a personal training sess. Yoga on Sunday!


Swirl, always, though I find that there aren’t many places by us that can do swirl cones which makes me sad.

I’m currently 4 weeks behind in my half marathon training and the most recent setback was either an odd quick stomach bug or food poisoning. Either way it hasucked up 2 days of my training this week. Hopefully the weekend will bring good things :). I’m signing my son up for the kids race at my half marathon and it happens to fall on his birthday so I think that will be a lot of fun.

Safe travels!!


I’m a chocolate person, but I’ll occasionally take a trip to the wild side for a twist cone!

My Run Happy Moment was finalizing my half marathon training plan this week. I’m looking forward to my Sunday long run and the giant glass of chocolate milk that comes after it!

Safe travels.


It’s a rest week for me so I have an easy 3 mile run to do today, 4 miles tomorrow and then 12 on Saturday! The next two weeks are peak weeks so I’m trying to enjoy this.

Have a safe trip!


Swirl…variety is the spice of life!!
Just an easy 7 miler this weekend and then its back to hitting it hard on Monday!!
Have you ever had Albanese gummy bears?? They are awesome!


18 miler this weekend (**nervous laugh**).

Enjoy CA! I wish I was doing my run there instead of the chilly east coast!


I had a “run happy” moment last night on my tempo run. I finally felt good during and after the run; it gave me hope for the remainder of my training. This weekend I’m spinning and have a 12 mi run :)


I’ve had a pretty good week, my first “real” week back to training post-injury – I got in a 7.5 mile run, a yoga class, and a 5 mile run. Today will be a rest day (and acupuncture) and my weekend plans are up in the air depending on how my hip feels and the snow storm that’s coming for us tomorrow! Enjoy CA, I miss it so much!


I love swirl–however because it is so cold in Illinois, none of the froyo places are open. I believe that the only place that I could get it would be Sweet Tomatoes.

In my ‘hood,’ second semester just started so I have 70 new senior students.. and still grades to do for semester 1 finals.

I will definitely be working-out an hour on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It makes me so happy because I had severe lower abdominal pain for nine months–now that I am staying away from gluten, I have been feeling much better (NO PAIN) and had tons of energy… so I am so grateful to workout again. :)))))))))))


The weather has felt like Fall here so lots of “run happy” moments :) I’m not sure why, but I LOVE when you pass another runner on the trail and they smile and say Good Morning!


I’m just going to say thank you for acknowledging the fact that eating froyo in the winter while sitting in your heated car is NORMAL and AWESOME. My husband makes fun of me for it… I will be showing him this when he gets home.

If you’re ever in Texas, let’s go get some judgement free froyo.


Totally a swirl. I prefer vanilla ice creams over chocolate ice creams but will get the swirl since it’s a nice balance. I usually like a vanilla base with lots of chocolate toppings.


Ice cream is always a good idea – no matter the temps! ;) I go for vanilla ice cream. I adore chocolate, but not chocolate ice cream.

Safe travels! Have fun in CA!


vanilla soft serve for sureeee. I’m not a big fan of chocolate ice cream… weird? perhaps.


Swirl soft serve! With lots and lots of rainbow sprinkles.


I think I’d go with swirl but my second would be vanilla. I love chocolate, just not in frozen yogurt or ice cream form. Weird.


Those salads…… the bigger the better!!!!!


Decisions are hard – I always chose swirl icecream. :)

This weekend I have my longest run since coming back from my stress fractures! Boston – here I come!!


Hey Janae, just wondering if you have any tips for working out in the evening (when I teach spin) and then again the next morning… there is hardly any time in between but it is where I can fit the workouts and my next morning runs are far from fast :$ Thanks girl :)


Weird request/thought for a post-
From a fellow salad lover, I’d love to hear your thoughts/feelings on salad dressings. Homemade v. store bought, favorites, what types you use for particular types of salads?
Recent activities? Studying for the bar exam!
Ice cream? Vanilla, 99% of the time
Run happy moments lately? Being able to run outside and not fall on ice!


Ahhh… I forgot about the climbing up the leg trick. One more thing to look forward to! Right now I’m in the phase where I’m hunched over holding Callum’s hands while he tries to walk. All the photos are of him, my thighs and a view down my shirt. :P


Chocolate/Vanilla swirl every time. I’ll always choose vanilla over chocolate, but I love them swirled. Oddball, for sure!

One of these days maybe I’ll be able to post something about having a great long run, but I’m just not there yet. :(

Hope your flight is smooth and safe.


I had quite a few Run Happy moments this week – joining 2 new running groups will do that to you :)

Chocolate for sureeeee. With all chocolate toppings.

Weekend plans for running = 16 miles Saturday, yoga or swimming Sunday


I normally go for swirl. I find chocolate to be too sweet all on it’s own, and vanilla is delicious but kind of boring. I’m gearing up to do a “clean eating challenge” in February, though, so have been trying not to have refined sugar.

Planning to run six miles tomorrow and do either a very short run (like two miles) on Sunday or work some cross-training in.


Come visit meeeeeee!!!


I got through my speedwork yesterday with minimal random ankle pain – I count that as a win.

Swirl, or vanilla. Pretty much never straight up chocolate soft serve.

I get to run with my running group tomorrow! I missed out last week because of my ankle, so I’m psyched to make it this week.


Not sure where you are heading in California, but it’s nice and mild in San Francisco right now! :)


Does having a Garmin on you motovate you to get out the door more? I’m investing in a fit bit surge!


Run Happy moment of the week: a friend that lives right down the road from me just bought some running shoes b/c she wants to start running, so I told her if she wanted a running buddy/guidance for the 4 miler she wants to do in the fall, I’ll run with her. So Tuesday afternoon, I ran to her house, and “picked her up” so that she could get a little 30 minute run/walk in during my 6 miler. :) It was fun, she did great, and it broke up MY run!


Whenever I used to go to TCBY back in the day for froyo, I would always get choc-vanilla swirled. Now at regular froyo places, I usually get vanilla with fruit toppings :) I’m supposed to run 7 miles this weekend! Wish me luck because I’ve had to take two rest days in a row because my body freaked out on me on Wednesday at work :/


Definitely chocolate, all the way! Had an awesome run this morning after taking two days off bc of very sore legs and a knocking in my knee. Did some yoga yesterday and it felt awesome. I was so thrilled that I can still get into a bridge that I won’t be skipping out on yoga for so long anymore! Got in 6 miles this morning with my first attempt at a speed workout. Negative splits all the way with my last mile 8:49 which is pretty fast for me, especially before coffee!! Trying to sub-2 in my half marathon in April & feeling like it’s totally possible. Tonight I have a hot date with my foam roller.


I’m boring and always chose vanilla over chocolate. Chocolate needs to be in solid form, not the soft serve kind.

Unfortunately my last long training run tomorrow with my fav running peeps, 20-22miles. Making lab babies! Hopefully I’ll get in a weeks training before the Napa Valley marathon, 5wks out!

Safe travels!


I’m a swirl girl when it comes to soft serve!!! Lol :)

Running plans are whatever I feel like this weekend…. I HATE not having something to train for! You enjoy that beautiful California weather for your long run tomorrow! Looks like we’re get a snowstorm on the opposite coast!


Vanilla. I love it too much. My run happy moment this week was running in a tank bc it was 65 degrees Wednesday! (The tank was from target, my fav running tank to date……….it says “I hope your day is as nice as my butt”……..LOVE IT.)


the picture of you and brooke hugging is the sweetest!!!! safe travels and enjoy the sunshine!


I love that Brooke and her friend are jewelry shopping. the girls have taste.

flavor: chocolate. I only like vanilla when it’s disguised with honey or chocolate.

My speed training went well – my run happy moment of the week.

Weekend includes bingo for a cure, a long run, nasty winter storm, looking for a new car and packing for a trip.


The Brooks event looked fun!

Always chocolate. Always. :)


OMG, forget the dirty piles of snow in that one pic… get those mountains! I live in a city and I would swoon to run by a majestic set of mountains.

I ran my first tempo run this morning! Thanks to one of your earlier blog posts, I was able to unlock the mystery of the tempo run and modify it for my novice level. The variety helped me crush my run! If I didn’t have to skedaddle off to work, I would have thrown more intervals in.

In conclusion, vanilla/chocolate swirl soft serve. Every time.


Swirl soft serve all the way! Run Happy moments this week have been running outside! It has been a rare warm week in January…so I am trying to run outside as much as possible!


I can’t imagine having those mountains being just part of my everyday scenery. So gorgeous.


Mmm soft serve, I totally want some now!


In my hood….well, in my head….there’s been a lot of stress. I feel like if I could just go workout or bake cookies or both, I’d feel better. Sometimes the heaviness of stress just weighs you down, ya know? I need to “un-funk-ify” myself.

如果提供,漩涡软服务。不过,麦当劳弗吉尼亚州nilla cones are pretty heavenly.

Tonight – taking a BodyPump class (so I learn the new moves). Tomorrow, teaching said BodyPump class and hopefully running for at least 50 minutes. Sunday, BodyPump & running again!


Yes, McD’s cones are kind of our “go to” cone when we are out and about. They are yummy and cheap! And you can always find a McD’s, right?!? I thought I was the only one. LOL.


Any recommendations for a versatile shoe that is best for the gym? e.g. spin class, step, body pump, tradmill, etc! :)


I love love that photo of you and Brooke cuddling


I will be pool running and biking this weekend!
This is my new normal, as I have to have surgery on my knee (stress fracture is not going away on its own after 6 weeks rest)
So, no Boston for me this year – hopefully surgery next week and start running again in June!
But I will be “running happy” in the pool :)

Vanilla for me with chocolate chips (my favorite!)

We are having awesome weather here in So. Cal, so enjoy your long run!!!


Have fun in California. I wish I were going somewhere snow free too!


She looks so little and sweet hanging there in your arms in that first picture. I loved holding my littles like that.

Then they grew big. Dang it.


I’m running in the Miami Half Marathon on Sunday!!!! My 4th half and 1st race of 2015 :) The medal is AMAZING!!!!!


I am going to have to go with the swirl on the soft serve :) The other day I decided that I wanted to do another half marathon, that was a very run happy moment for me! :) Have a safe flight and enjoy the weather :) I will be jealous here in Utah ;)


Swirl all the way!! A little bit of both.
Both of my kids got invited to sleepovers tonight, so enjoying a date night with the hubby! That also means some time to squeeze in a run tomorrow morning and try out my new trail shoes :) Good weekend to everyone!


I am not the greatest fan of ice cream but when I do eat it I love to eat it while taking a hot bath. It is the perfect combo!


That first picture is so precious! I am a HUGE fan of ice cream. I seriously could eat it every night, that’s why I don’t buy it, because I have no self control when it comes to down to it. lol Typically when I’m out purchasing it, I gravitate towards a rich chocolate, but I can do vanilla with good toppings. This weekend I plan on doing some spinning in my studio!


我喜欢看到别人吃巨大的沙拉s out of mixing bowls! People always tease me about it, but I just smile and take another bite ;)

My workout plans for the weekend include getting a run in at some point- probably tomorrow afternoon.

Enjoy your time in California!

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