
It is me and Bangs Friend’s Anniversary. One year ago today she brought me coconut curry for dinner and ice cream with raspberries for dessert. I had never even met her before but she was from my church and heard that I had a new baby and that I had just moved to California so she brought dinner over out of the kindness of her heart.

Talk about instant friends for life.

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Wanna hear the really really really good news?

She is coming to visit me next month. I have our entire itinerary planned out. We will be doing everything from running to her cooking dinner for me to us spending the day in Park City.

We text and FaceTime pretty much everyday. This friendship is kind of a big deal.


布鲁克四处昨天和交付some of her party invitations.

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And then she tried to feed a dog my watch. He wasn’t really into it.

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For dinner we went to our friends’ house for chili and cornbread (that tasted like candy). This gorgeous friend of mine is 33 weeks pregnant with baby girl #2…Brooke is going to have so many friends to hang out with all of the time.

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Salted Caramel Truffle ice cream. The name alone sold me. It was kind of stressful to eat my ice cream because I had Brooke and the dog wanting to steal bites.

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And then we played outside with the chickens. Summer nights spent outside are the best, winter better not come this year.

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I am meeting up with a group of incredibly fast runners this morning for a trail run. If you don’t hear from me for a while it may be because my legs fell off and I am on the side of the trail somewhere living off of leaves and berries.


Share one of your favorite running quotes with me (please:)!

Do you wear a watch? (a normal one, not a garmin)

-Yes, even though I still use my phone for the time…it feels weird not to wear one.

What kind of pets did you have growing up?

-I had a dog and also cockatiel name Nala.

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I never wear watches… having something constantly touching my wrist bugs me! I know I’m weird. I had a dog named Sam/Sammy/Samantha and a cat named Tiger. I miss them!
Do you use a running app on your phone? If so, which one!?


OMG !我喜欢辣椒。疯狂的天气ado, sometimes it’s cold enough to eat chili even though its the summer!


Hah, eating ice cream with Brooke and the dog trying to steal bites is like sharing dessert with my boyfriend! He’s SO fast I have to scoop up all I can!


I used to live in my watch and now I almost never wear one! I used to have cats and dogs! I don’t know if this counts as a quote but my high school xc team always used to say “we bust our grass” and even now it makes me smile :)


很高兴你的朋友来访问!有有趣的trail running. I love hitting the single track! I always wear my Timex Ironman watch. I don’t own a Garmin so my Timex is my running, cycling, swimming, everything watch!


P.S. I had a daschund growing up who lived to 18! Now we have the sweetest Vizsla. He’ll be 10 in November.


I’ve missed Bangs Friend’s appearances on the blog!

I wear a watch all the time too because it feels too weird not to have it on, but like you I use my phone for the time. Haha it’s embarrassing when someone asks me for the time cause it takes forever tofigure it out from the watch!!

Haha I LOVE the picture of Brooke and the dog, such a funny girl :)


我很高兴你得到和刘海的朋友团聚!I wear a watch sometimes but like you don’t use it to tell time, it’s just for looks ;-) Salted caramel truffle ice cream sounds divine!!


Ahhhh that picture of Brooke delivering her party invitations is too much! Yey, I am so glad that Bangs Friend is coming to visit you, that makes me happy just to hear :)

I used to wear a normal watch, but I have a habit of getting to tied to what time it is and sticking to a schedule so I’ve wearing one lately, and rather enjoy it!


We had a ton of pets growing up. At various times we had fish, mice, a gecko, birds, dogs and cats. It’s sad that I have no pets now. When we buy a house I am getting a pet of some sort!


I try and remember to put my regular watch on but forget sometimes.

That salted caramel ice cream looks divine!


I think my favorite running quote is “Somewhere in the world someone is training when you are not. When you race him, he will win”… I think that it is good for motivation. I am craving all things salted caramel these days so that ice cream looks amazing!


Omigosh !我不能克服的和spikey兄弟oke is in that first picture! And that’s so awesome that you’ll be reunited with Bangs friend :) Having friends that live far away is one of the hardest things, but then seeing them and being able to catch up without feeling like any time at all has gone by is pretty amazing.


I had a gerbil named Templeton. (from charlottes web)
“Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.” -Kara Goucher
I’m excited to see your and bang’s adventures!


I’m glad Bangs Friend is coming to visit you, she seems like a real quality friend and I’m sure you guys will have a blast!

I wear a watch sometimes but not every day. I really like boyfriend watches that are kind of loose and chunky. I love that Brooke delivered her party invites herself, how could anyone say no to that face??


I’m so glad to see Bangs Friend again! I can’t wait to read all about her visit :-)

I don’t wear a watch…just use my phone. And, we have two dogs named Frick and Frack.


HAVE FUN on your trail run! :)


I’m so excited for you that Bangs friend is coming to visit! That will be such a blast! Caramel ice cream is absolutely the best, although swatting hands and dog noses away is a tough job. I think you’re up for the challenge. I never wear watches when I’m running anymore. When I did, I found myself getting way too excited about pushing myself harder than I should, and I’m much more relaxed when I’m running technology free!


Glad bangs is coming for a visit!
Brooke will be fine at home with you, her family and her buddies, don’t you worry!
All I had for dessert yesterday was fudgecicles, but that ice cream looks better….


Happy Friendiversary!! My best friend and I went on vacation to celebrate 15 years of friendship, so I imagine with time, you and bangs friend will do the same :)

Your comment about living off leaves and berries literally made me laugh out loud this morning. I totally needed that. Thanks for being so positive, Janae! We are lucky to have you!


I always want to wear a watch, but they end up annoying me, so I never do.

I only had a dog growing up and only one. My life was very sad lol.

I’ve been making my own ice cream lately and am always looking for new flavors to try to make. That caramel ice cream sounds like my next experiment.


Yay for Bangs Friend! My xc team is currently deciding on a quote and we like “The faster you run the faster you’re done”, “We run for the hill of it”, and “It’s not how fast you run, it’s how long you run fast” they’re not really my favorite but I can’t decide on any favorites! I had one cat most of my life, then all of a sudden we got two more cats. So now I have three!


So happy that you’ll be reunited with Bangs Friend! That’s awesome. Nothing like girl time! And that picture of Brooke inviting people to her party– SOOOO cute!

I had some what weird animals as pets as a kid. Turtles (I named them all Shelly, aren’t I creative?), hamsters, frogs, guinea pigs…my mom wasn’t very happy ;-)


Good luck running today! It will be so good to see bangs friend!


Sharing ice cream is one of the worst parts of having ice cream. Ha. But I definitely need to get my hands on that salted caramel truffle. Yum.

I’m so glad Bangs friend is coming to visit you!


yup – I wear a Michael Kors watch the size of my Garmin (huge) during the day :)


“Every mile earned, never given.”


Ahh that will be SUCH a blast when she comes to visit! How nice of her to come over after you had Brooke and start this friendship :)

I have a silver watch from New York and Company that I wear a lot, or a white one from Fossil. Both I love! Even though I typically use my phone for the clock, it’s still nice to have a watch on!!

I had a cat named Cinnamon growing up, and we got another cat named Myste.. of course we had numerous hamsters during those years, though!


aww yay for good friends! they make everything better :) that photo of brooke delivering the invitation is SO cute!! and we had dogs growing up. Two shar-pei’s- one named Picabo (after picabo street, the skier) and the other named Junior (i cant remember why…)


Yay for friends visiting! And how adorable it is that she’s giving out invitations! I sometimes wear a watch, but I don’t have a good everyday one so it’s not a regular thing for me. Growing up we had lots of fish and eventually my parents agreed to get us a dog. I think it’s really important for kids to be around animals.


Share one of your favorite running quotes with me (please:)!
“Just keep running!” (Sang to the Finding Nemo “Just Keep Swimming” tune). I repeat that during the worst part of any run.

Do you wear a watch? I used to, but then I got engaged/married, and my silver watch didn’t match my rose gold rings… so I stopped. I don’t like mismatching. I don’t like huge watches either, which is why I don’t have a rose gold watch yet. But I found some cute smaller ones that will definitely go on my Christmas list!

We always had cats growing up, and then we got a dog when I started high school. I love having pets! My husband and I can’t wait to buy a house with a yard so we can get a big dog and let him run around. :) But for now, we have 3 very needy (and fat) cats.


I ALWAYS wear my ironman watch.. It drives my mom crazy when I’m dressed up and have on my sports watch. ;)
We had a terrier poodle mix when I was a kid. My dad, who is still a funny man, named him Pooter.
Stay strong – I know this is a hard time. I’m glad you have your family.


Haha glad you and Bangs friend will be reunited once again.
What is it about great friends that makes everything better!
Also that photo of Brooke it too adorable!


How wonderful that Bangs is coming to see you! I have been so worried that you are missing your CA friends. You two are going to have a marvelous visit!

No, I do not wear a watch. I have a few for “dress up”, but don’t wear one on a regular basis. In fact, I rarely wear any type of bracelet. I have a ton of them, but they are just annoying when I type – which I do a lot of during the day.

Growing up I had dogs, cats, and horses. At one point we had a spider, and if I remember correctly a baby alligator. The gator didn’t stay long – Mom put her foot down. No, we did not live on a farm – lol. I now have zero pets, but have been thinking seriously about getting a cat, or a miniature giraffe (if you know where I can get one please let me know ASAP).

That picture of Brooke delivering her invitations is too cute!


I got made fun of the other day for wearing a real watch. But if I don’t wear one, I feel naked and end up looking at my wrist a lot.


I love that running quote! So simple and so true.

I wear a watch about half of the time. Right now I don’t have one neutral enough to wear constantly.

I had so many different pets growing up! My parents really indulged my love of animals. I had cats, dogs, chickens, rabbits, mice, hamsters, guinea pig, parakeets, tropical fish, gold fish, a very large Oscar fish, land turtles, water turtles, and chameleon lizard. Those are all I can remember…


I forgot to tell you happy Friends Anniversary! Today is also my very best friend’s birthday. We have been best friends since we met 28 years ago (next month)!!


Love that quote!
And your exaggerations always make me smile : ) I hope your legs did not fall off!


“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift”- Steve Prefotaine

I do wear a watch but only when I am “dressed up” which these days doesn’t happen all that often :)


So glad she’s getting to visit!

I don’t know a bunch of running quotes, but I’m looking for a shirt that says “13.1 isn’t half of anything” for when I finish my first half marathon this fall.

I wear a watch some of the time. If its too hot out it gets sticky on my wrist. I have a skinny but not skinny enough wrist apparently- if I leave the one link in, it practically falls off, and if I take it off its tight especially in the summer. But I have a cute large faced fossil I love.

We had a few kinds of animals through the years, but never more than a few at a time. A dog named Bear, and then later after she passed a dog named Snake. We had quite a few cats, but never more than 1 or 2 at a time, they kept running away… We had a cockatiel but I can’t remember his name. And an iguana named Lynwood.


Bangs Friend is so sweet – I’m glad that seems going to visit!
I haven’t worn a watch since elementary school, but whenever I wonder what time it is, I still look at my wrist even though I know I’m not wearing a watch!


Oh my gosh. That picture of Brooke delivering her invitation kills me. So cute.


Happy friendsversary (very real term LOL) with Bangs Friend!! I have loved watching your friendship over the past year, she seems like an awesome person :) I know you guys will have an awesome time hanging out!

I don’t wear a watch except my garmin. I never did though even growing up…I know that is probably a little weird!

One of my favorite running “mantras” was something my friend told me when we ran our first half marathon together several years ago–“keep running up the hill and then you can walk down the other side!” Because of course you are not going to walk down a hill but telling myself that on every hill actually does help mentally!

Bible verses related to running help me a lot too…I keep a whole bunch of them close by to read before a race :) One of my favorites is from Hebrews 12: “Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed.”


Hahahah You’re going to have a handful when she gets older – she WILL be stealing your dessert. I don’t wear a watch as much as I like wearing one, it that makes sense. I actually don’t have any running quotes, I guess I’m not a real runner haha at least now I don’t feel like one.


I don’t wear a watch because I do use my phone when I need to know the time, but I should wear it more often as an accessory.


I always HAVE to wear a watch or I feel naked. I’ve been like that forever.

Favorite running quote? hmmm…I like this one a lot, “It’s very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runners. Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants you to quit.” – George Sheehan. It’s really true.

I’m happy for you that Bangs Friend will be coming to visit! It’s so nice to spend time with friends who are far away – it’s just this amazing recharge and it leaves you feeling better about life.


Happy Anniversary to you and Bangs! :) It is so awesome that the friendship started by a simple act of kindness.

I wear a watch everyday….I feel naked without it on. I have been wearing Fossil watches for a while now and get a new one every 1 to 2 years. My husband bought me a new one this past winter as my “push present”.

I had a cat named Beardsley and we had him for about 20 years…so sad to see him go since I didn’t really remember too much of life without him.

I can’t wait to read about your speedy trail run….I will try to channel my inner HRG when I’m out running today so I can be speedy too. Have a great day!


I never wear a watch; I feel like it would be so bulky and get in the way. But I also don’t like wearing bracelets for that same reason.
I had a cocker spaniel named Buddy when I was real little, I don’t really remember him. But all my life after that and still to this day I have always had a hermit crab. My hermit crab now I have had and loved for at least 10 years (hence the name Spongebob)…and we refer to her as a girl.


My favorite running quote ever: “If you run, you are a runner. It doesn’t matter how fast or how far. It doesn’t matter if today is your first day or if you’ve been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run.” ― John Bingham. It’s so easy to compare ourselves to other, better, runners, and make ourselves feel inferior to them. But the truth is, we’re all runners. We’re all different, and that’s perfectly okay.


I feel naked without my watch (which is actually the same as yours in the pic!). Is it weird that I was actually thinking about you and bangs friend while I was working out today?! Glad your friend is coming to visit. I’m sure you will have a great time!


Oh man! I hope you aren’t munching on leaves and berries right now. These pictures are awesome. Brooke’s facial expression while trying to feed Armani the watch is soo hilare. I think I need to meet Bangs friend when she comes out. We’ll take her out to get shaved ice together! She seems like a real quality friend! Love that! Xoxo


Happy friendiversary to you both!

I love how Brooke and the dog are eyeing that ice cream, haha.


I tried Salted Caramel Ice Cream on vacation earlier this year and it may have been my favourite ice cream of life.

I am not a watch wearer at all. I use my phone.

Have a great visit with bangs friend!!


My best friend and I celebrate our friend anniversary too… it’s the cool thing to do! :)


My favorite running quote “If it was easy, everyone would be doing it!”

No pets growing up, but now I have a black lab named Cole, and I love this big guy to pieces. We do everything together, like running and lounging on the couch watching extreme makeover: weight loss edition!


I am in a running rut. It has become a “to do” item, and I do not like running when it feels that way. Sigh.

It might be less that way if my hamstrings were not so tight all the time, so I have a question for YOU: Do you/your coach/any of your running friends have any hamstring loosening advice? It pretty much only happens when I run fast, but they will tighten up pretty bad until I have to stop and stretch. I am not sure if there are special stretches I can do before I go, or after, or if there is some kind of form drill I can throw into my running to loosen me up so I dont have to stop and start again….

同时,我嫉妒你的跑步的伙伴! !我知道h I had someone fast to train with…I like running fast but not hard by myself, and perhaps running with a buddy could teach me to run through the hard parts!


what a great friend she is! I am glad she will get to visit you soon. Good luck this morning. Hope your legs make it through.


Fav quote: Yesterday you said tomorrow!

We have a bordie collie that apparently is mixed with a corgi. So he looks border minus his height. He makes a lot of appearances in my blog because hes my little bff and shadow!




I bet you are over the moon with your visitor next month! YA for traveling friends.

We always had loveable labs growing up.


Glad you and Bangs Friend are going to be able to visit! Looking forward to the full reporting on cute little Brooke’s birthday party – that picture of he holding the invitation that is about 1/3 the size of her body is adorable.


I need a new watch. I want a rose gold one. I also need a new watch battery for my fancy watch that I wear with dresses.

I had all sorts of animals growing up and I will continue to have pets until the day I die :) Right now, I have Mr. Gatsby and Hattie Mae (the Mad Hatter). They are both Cairn Terriers (the Toto dog).

When I am finished with Law School and have been in a secure job for a long time, I want to start working pro bono with animal rescues and shelters :)


Oh my gosh. Every time I think Brooke cannot get any cuter…she does! You are going to have your hands full with that one :)

Your writing lately has been beautiful. I know you are struggling but your blog has become one of the highlights of my day. Keep on keepin’ on girl.


Thank you so much Danielle, that means a lot to me!


I think I want some caramel truffle ice cream now. I will disregard the fact that it is only 9:20 AM. :-)


I don’t really wear watches, except when needing a sports watch. I really like your watch though! Where did you get it?


Thank you! It is a Nixon.


Brooke has the best facial expressions ever. :) We had cats and a dog growing up… plus some bunnies and hamsters in the mix :)


“the faster you run, the faster you’re done.” My parents have a Maltese dog now and I refer to her as my little sister. We grew up with two labs and now I’m dog-less living in a studio apartment and it makes me so very, very sad.


One of my favorites from George Sheehan. If you’ve never read his book Personal Best, you should. Its great and has wonderful analogies about running/life in general. He’s very philosophical. “Sweat cleanses from the inside. It comes from places a shower will never reach.”–George Sheehan.


Love that quote!


good luck on your run out there! i recently got a cool watch that is sporty but also cool enough to wear with normal clothes:http://www.slapwatch.com/


Get after that run today.
As soon as your done living off the land, there will have to be a speedy trail-run recap, right?


That picture of Brooke “delivering” her invitation is so adorable! It made me smile :-)


That icecream, please tell me what brand it is! I need some! Yay for Bangs friend! I moved to NC 10 years ago and still haven’t found my “Bangs Friend”. So happy you guys get to hang! Brooke is so cute! She would have fun with my girls!


Great that Bangs Friend will be able to come visit you! I wear a watch to work because it looks fancy, but like you I still end up using my phone to check the time.


I grew up with dogs and never liked cats. Now I’m a legit cat lady.

I really want a regular watch but can never find one I really love.

“Me and running don’t always see eye to eye. Some days it hurts more than others. But it doesn’t mean that I don’t do it. I deal with it and I keep running because not everything that is good for you always feels good for you. Every day is the day.”


Haha, those look just like my chickens! Brooke is so cute handing out her birthday party invitations :) you are so blessed to have such a sweet little girl.


Yayyyy for a visit from Bangs Friend! That will be so much fun. :)

I go in phases with watches. Lately it’s a non-wearing watch phase.

My mom and stepdad had a lab, and my dad and stepmom had a beagle and mini dachsund growing up!


Hi my name is Michelle and I am a Michael Kors watchaholic


“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us”
Hebrews 12:1

I wear a watch, but not when I run. I love it because it is the watch my parents gave me when I graduated HS (almost 20 years ago- still ticking!)


I don’t really like wearing jewerly, and I haven’t worn a watch in years.


It is more of a mantra, when it gets tough “Left, Right. Repeat”


I need to take tips from you on how to make friends.


still a very popular quote in Germany:
(watch out! it’s quite heavy)

“Quäl dich, du Sau!”

It’s not easy to translate.
Word by word I’d say :”torture yourself, you pig”
(move your ass)
In 1997 at the Tour de France. Udo Bölts yelled these words to his teammate Jan Ullrich who was feeling weak during a stage.
Ullrich finally won the Tour the France.

You hear and read this quote a lot, especially during marathons.


Yay for good friends; they truly are the best!

I do wear a watch, it as given to me as a gift a few years ago and I too feel naked without it.

I had a dog named Jeb and a cat named Gideanna. We have two dogs and a cat now. I didn’t realize how much of an animal person I actually am.

Where in the world did you get that ice cream??


I wear a watch almost every day but I never use it to tell the time! Once one’s battery h ad been dead for months before I noticed haha.

I had every kind of animal growing up. Dogs, cats, lizards, rabbits, guinea pigs, ccockatiels, a turle, fish etc. I think that’s why I have a zoo now! I have three dogs, two cats, a fish, and will be getting a rabbit any day now.

Yay bangs friend!!


PAIN IS TEMPORARY, PRIDE (or quitting, as you would put it ;) IS FOREVER!


Last week friends and I were having a Twitter convo about running and how some people could be turned off due to an insisitive comment made by Runner’s World and my response was that running is both my therapy and my church. It’s so true. It heals me every day.

What a blessing to have bangs friend in your life.


That picture of Brooke delivering her invitations is adorable!!

This isn’t quite a running quote, but more of a “life” quote and lately it has been one of my favorites;

Good things come to those who believe,
Better things come to those who are patient,
The best things come to those who Don’t Give Up.

Have a great day!:)


You know why Bangs friend is coming to see you? Because you are AWESOME, that’s why! I hope the two of you have the greatest time ever with the Brookster.
My favorite saying that gets me out the door on days that I would rather be lazy is, “Those that want to will find a way, those that don’t will find an excuse”. Works every time.
I never wear a watch. I use a simple stopwatch/timer with splits app to time my runs.
Growing up, we had a couple of wonderful family dogs that I still love to this day, and I got to have my own birds-parakeets and lovebirds.
And, I don’t know what you consider “incredibly fast”, but if that means they are faster than YOU, they must be darn near invisible. Wow.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!!


What brand is that salted caramel truffle ice cream? I think it has my name written all over it.

My favorite quote is this: “I don’t run because I love the feeling of running, I run because it makes me love the feeling of living.” I don’t think a truer quote exists that captures how I feel about running.http://pinterest.com/pin/30680841183243388/


I’ve actually got on a new watch today… but its a LifeTrack :) Gotta have SOME sort of info on my wrist at all times


That picture of Brooke passing out her invites made me melt.. could she be any cuter?! :)


Brooke’s hand delivery of her invitations was just too much! Made my day!!

Favorite running quotes:

“I run because somehow completely exhausting myself is the most relaxing part of my day.”

“Its not 26.2 miles, its 8 water stops.”

“There will come a day when I can no longer run, today is not that day.”


Congratulations to you and Bang’s Friend! :)

I’m glad your friend’s chickens made the blog! We have chickens, too, and I think they are pretty awesome! :)


I love 3:
“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.” ~ Kenneth Blanchard

“Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows that it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a lion or a gazelle; when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.” ~ Anon

“Remember, the feeling you get from a good run is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around wishing you were running.” ~ Sarah Condor

Yes, it is a Timex Ironman Watch. I love it! It has a timer and is digital. :) I actually don’t own a Garmin; I wish I did!

I had goldfish named Beach and Seashell – I was 5. And I had hamsters named Nibbles and Chica.

Good luck on the trail run!


I’m so glad you are out running with the home-girls! They are so fun and fast! I know several from fast running blog. Plus, if you’re hanging with Rachelle….you’re spirits will always be lifted. Hopefully, I can get fast enough to run with y’all someday! Have fun with Bangs :)


The truest friendships are those which last no matter what distance! I am so glad you found a true friend and she gets to come visit you!!! I had a hamster (Pabloo), a fish (Lucy), and a poodle (Oreo) before I got Elmo :D Being stuck on a trail living off of berries doesn’t sound too bad to me lol!


Glad that you have such good friends supporting you and keeping you smiling. Love Brooke delivering her invitations…how could you say no to that face?

Sometimes I wear a watch (besides running) and sometimes I don’t. It’s never been something I HAD to wear, I don’t feel weird with or without it. I have always been the same way about rings. Now I wear 2 rings all the time, but it’s taken time to get used to.

I had dogs growing up. Black lab, then after him was a pug, and after her was 2 more pugs (which my parents still have)…. we also had hermit crabs that we got in Myrtle beach for a while…but mom didn’t like that we would come home and they would be out of their tanks and on the floor….little ninjas.


only in Utah, would you REALLY be hanging out outside with the chickens…. :) looks like fun times…. Made my heart smile to know Bangs friend was going to visit you, and that she continues to support you from afar. The best kind of friends… Have a wonderful time!..


That ICE CREAM!! Ahhhh the flavor sounds ahhhhmazing!

Good luck on the run :) I am sure you’ll be totes fine, miss speedy.


I LOVE that that’s how you and Bangs Friend became besties. She is so sweet!

I don’t wear a watch because I always manage to break them.

I had a cat named Rex from age 6 until I was 19. He was the best!


Some fave running quotes:

If you wait for perfect conditions, you’ll never get anything done. (motivates me to stop making excuses!!!)

If it doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you.

If it hurts, run faster. It won’t stop hurting, but you’ll be done sooner. (of course, this one can’t be taken too much to heart, because if it REALLY hurts, you should probs just listen to your body and stop! but you know. the idea is good)

Someone who is busier than you is running right now.

You’re only one run away from a good mood.

:) Okay, I really love running quotes!!


Never had a pet growing up but I take care of a friends now quite a bit and I’m soooo attached!
Fave quote… “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” (applies to running but other things as well.)
So glad Bangs is coming to see you!!! :)


No watch for me – I really hate having things on my wrist. I hate it so much that as soon as my run is over I strip my watch off and hold it during my cooldown until I walk through the door – ha.
I had a yorkie/shih tsu mix dog growing up named Kirby. I still miss him!


Ahh I was wondering about Bangs Friend! I’m glad you two will get the reunion you deserve :)
Brooke really is a mini-Janae huh? She’s got good taste in food obviously!


I love getting to see best friends that you haven’t seen in a while! And I had three dogs growing up, but one was basically like a little brother to me since he was an inside dog. :)

A good running quote:
“运行:没有中场休息,没有超时,没有substitutions, the ultimate sport.”


Ok – seriously…where did you get that ice cream?!?!


It’s not really a running quote but it can totally be applied to anything you are aspiring to do but may have a few self doubts.
“Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right ”
– Henry Ford

Keep on keepin on, Janae :)


Yay!! I’m glad that Bangs Friend is coming out soon! You guys are going to have a blast…and that picture of Brooke delivering her invitations is priceless :) I have many favorite running quotes but two in the top 10 are: “I don’t run because I love the feeling of running. I run because it makes me love the feeling of living” ~Bonnie Pfiester and “Never underestimate the strength of a woman. Never f@#k with one who runs 26.2 miles for fun.” Don’t know who said it, but it sounds pretty appropriate for this :)


That ice cream…say WHAT?! Sounds AMAZING.
That picture with Brooke inviting her friends…oh my gosh, Janae, I die. She is BEYOND cute. And getting way too big.
How fun- nights spent with chickens- that’s awesome! :D


Yay for bangs friend! And yay for girlfriends in general!

I had a sausage dog named Bazza and terrapins (tiny little turtles). So cute!

Brooke delivering that invitation is beyond cute. When’s the party?


Where did you get Brooke’s koi/goldfish top? It is so cute!!


I recently met an instant friend myself. Some souls just speak to each other. I don’t believe in love at first sight, but I believe in friendship at first sight, which I guess is a form of love.


“It’s very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runners. Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants you to quit.” – George Sheehan

I really liked this quote because it is so true. Although winning a prize is always awesome lol. I used to always HAVE to wear a watch, my wrist would feel uncomfortable if I didn’t. I’ve gotten used to not wearing one but would still like to. I just haven’t bought one.

I always had both dogs and cats growing up. My parents didn’t really like them but I always convinced them to let me have one. They tend to prefer cats because they are cleaner than dogs.


Brooke is too cute!! I just want to squeeze her little cheeks through the screen.

I never wear a watch unless I’m running. I used to, but since having my baby, I stopped since I tend to carry him with the left arm, which is where I like to have my watch. It’s not very comfortable for him or me.

I lived on a dairy growing up and we always had cats, dogs, chickens, rabbits, ducks, and my brother had snakes as pets. I love animals!


Share one of your favorite running quotes with me (please:)!

“You were born to run. Maybe not that fast, maybe not that far, maybe not that efficiently as others. But to get up and move, to fire up that entire energy-producing, oxygen-delivering, bone-strengthening process we call running.” – Florence Griffith-Joyner

Do you wear a watch? (a normal one, not a garmin)

I used to, but since the battery died I haven’t. Phone is always on me to see what time it is :)

What kind of pets did you have growing up?

Fishies, rats, rabbits named Spice and Rags, a dog named Jake, then later a dog named Sandy.

So happy you have a good friend coming out to spend time with you!!


Yea for Bangs Friend’s appearance on the blog and visit next month! And if I’m this excited, then I can only imagine how excited you are :-)


Yay for good, true friends! Brooke is too cute with her invitations.

I had goldfish when I was a kid. They were very cleverly named Whitey, Blackie, Orangey and Tubby. I’m sure you can guess what all of them looked like?! Lol

I never wear a watch, it interferes with my job.


I’m glad Bangs Friend is still part of your life. I bet a hug from her will be very comforting!


Bangs friend is awesome! I have never even met her, but would want to be her friend. Glad you guys talk so much!


I am so happy to hear that Bangs Friend is coming to visit you! I had wondered if/when you would be able to see her again.

I love that Bart Yasso quote! One of my favorite quotes is, “The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start” by John Bingham

I wear a Timex IronMan watch for everyday, but I use RunKeeper on my phone for running. I have a couple of blingy watches for dress-up fun!


I was just saying today that I need a watch because I’m tired of relying on my phone. Maybe I can convince someone to do that for a birthday gift :)


I read your blog but never comment, but today I just have to say, Yay! So glad you get to see Bangs Friend. I think you two need a combo name… you know like celebrity couples. You two are adorable. So awesome to have such a great friend. I need to take some notes on making friends… its been a while since I’ve found a friend for life like that :-)
I do wear a watch. I love watches. I need another one though. My current one doesn’t match enough outfits.
I had a Dalmatian growing up named Checkers :) She was my buddy. Someday I want to get a dog for Elena, but not until we move out of our apartment and into something bigger.
Love you! You’re such a positive person and your smile is contagious :-) Keep staying strong. You’re amazing!


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