10 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me + THESE taste like heaven (w/recipes).

Can we start off today’s post by talking about these beautiful crepes? We had these for dinner last night and they are going to have to happen again soon in my life.

Yesterday I did another 7 mile run! 7 miles is just right around my happy place right now. A podcast episode usually lasts right around the same amount of time that it takes me to run 7 miles, I can do it before it gets too hot out and I feel like it is just the amount of time that makes the baby happy;). I think my runs must just rock her to sleep or something. I remember after having Brooke that she would always fall asleep in her little swing next to the treadmill when I would run. She must have found that sound comforting after all of the miles that I did on my treadmill during my pregnancy with her.

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Oh and I always take a few breaks along the way.

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I drove to a new spot and found some water…. water = there is a cooler breeze most of the time.

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Usually I make it home before the Brooke or Knox wake up but yesterday I found Andrew on the treadmill and Brooke working on her artist skills.

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I loved coming home to this card from Brooke.

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The other highlights of the day included leftoverenchiladasfor lunch (and for a snack later:).

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Brooke had a slip ‘n slide date later on in the afternoon.

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And for dinner my good friends invited us over for dinner!

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Brooke was pretty excited about her fresh manicure and pedicure yesterday (Andrew sure spoils her:).

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We went over to my friend’s house that I met over ten years ago in a spin class. They are the best and we’ve stayed close ever since then… gotta love the friends that we get from the gym and running. Lifelong friends for sure.

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Brooke went for one sweet crepe and one savory crepe (this family also has three girls and a million toys so Brooke was in heaven).

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Here crepe recipe is so good:

1 1/2 C milk

2 eggs

1 C flour

1 tbsp oil

2 tbsp sugar (optional)

She mixes hers in the blender but a whisk works great too! She cooks them on a normal pan too! I had two more savory crepes in addition to the ones below… you just can’t go wrong with these. In the savory ones we put in a her Garlic White Sauce, steamed spinach, ham and cheese. For the sweet ones we had fruit, Nutella, Biscoff and whipped cream.

Her Garlic White Sauce recipe (SO good):

Sauté 2 cloves garlic (minced) in 4 tbsp butter. Add 1/4 C milk or heavy whipping cream and stir continuously. Add 1 tbsp flour to tighten it up. Keep stirring. If it gets too thick add more milk or cream. If too loose add more flour. You will need to stir continuously for 7 minutes over heat to get the butter and milk to chemically bond. Otherwise when the sauce cools they will separate. Add salt and pepper to taste.

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Afterwards she made dessert with these three ingredients and it was SO good. All she did was mix up the yellow cake mix with the canned peach pie filling (in the dish she was baking it in) and then topped it in the pan with the Heath bits!

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She baked it in the oven for about 45-50 minutes @ 350 degrees and boom…

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An amazing dessert that was so easy. Try this asap.

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***Great Gold vs Great White is on July 23rd on the Discovery channel—> Michael Phelps will be racing a GREAT WHITE SHARK for 100 meters in an open-water race. This is taking place off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa and Phelps will be using a monofin (a big fin on his feet) to give him a little more speed to even things out a bit. I’m pretty excited about this:)

I thought it would be fun to share a few things about me that you probably don’t know… you might know some of them though because I’ve blogged for 7 years now so I might have shared them and forgotten but hopefully not:)

1. I weighed 9 lb 7 ounces when I was born… I really hope this baby girl of mine doesn’t do the same thing that I did to my mom:)

2.我曾经哭自己睡在初中和parts of high school if I didn’t fall asleep by the time I scheduled myself to be asleep. I was so worried that I was going to sleep through my alarm clock and be late to school the next morning if I didn’t fall asleep by a certain time. I graduated from high school without any tardies… kids have helped me to relax about being late at times but I still get anxiety when I’m late.

3. I quit track after my first track meet in 9th grade. The pressure that I put on myself for the race was way too much… (as you can tell I was a stress case in junior high:)… it only took me a decade to realize that races are the best!

4. I’ve been to 4 Dodger games in my life and at 3 of those Dodger games I have been given a ball from one of the players!

5. I’ve never tried alcohol or coffee once (on accident at the gas station hot chocolate machine I pushed the coffee button instead of the hot chocolate button).

6. My first job was at Fazoli’s—> The fast food Italian Restaurant. I always left each shift as a 17 year old smelling like buttery breadsticks but I didn’t mind.

7. Andrew’s nickname for me is ‘Lobster Toes’ because I have ridiculously strong toes and I pinch Andrew’s calves with them all of the time.

8. I’ve ridden in an LAPD helicopter before.

9. I wrote a short book one time (I think it was around 70 pages). I did it to cope during a hard part of life and I would just sit at my computer for hours and hours in the middle of the night and write about every thought and feeling that I was experiencing. It was beyond therapeutic:) I recommend doing this if you are ever going through something really hard.

10. I had a cockatiel (named Nala) when I was younger. I loved every little thing about birds. I thought they were the coolest things ever.


I would LOVE to hear random things about YOU that a lot of people don’t know about you!!!

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I was on the track team for one semester in high school and the poor coach didn’t know what to do with me because I was so terrible. He had me run a relay in my only meet. I guess he figured the other girls could pick up the slack. If only I could tell him that 20 years later I ran 7 marathons. Lol.

I had a cat growing up named Daryl after the NY mets player Daryl Strawberry.

I used to make everyone call me Sally Ann when I was young. (Ann is my middle name) and since I still go to the same dentist they call me Sally Ann.


Oh how I wish you could tell your old coach about how you are ROCKING running!!! I love learning these things about you Sally… thank you for sharing!!!


Hey Janae! Are you still listening to Up and Vanished?? I haven’t listened to this weeks episode yet but I’m curious your thoughts on it since it’s almost over :( Another way to cope is to buy an adult coloring book! I love it since it forces me to focus on something when I’m stressed or angry.



How crazy! I was 9 pounds, 8 ounces when I was born!

I once hula-hooped for 8 hours, 12 minutes and 3 seconds (which was the date–Aug. 12, 2003) just because. It was the summer after I graduated high school, and I was bored. I did it at a mall (and a huge crowd of my friends were there), and I got kicked out of the mall 3 hours in and had to walk while hula-hooping and finish the rest in the grass right outside. The August Texas heat was not kind to me that day, but it was something I’ll never forget.

I had a 10-pack of season tickets to the Rangers games last season, and I never got a ball, but I did get gum at every single game from the players in the bullpen (we sat right next to the opposing side’s bullpen).


AHHH no way… we were both big babies. Okay, what!?!? 8 hours and 12 minutes of hula-hooping…that is amazing!! I cannot believe you did that, that is so cool!!! I love that you got gum at the games! Thanks for sharing Natalie!


This is impressive!


Hey Janae! Are you still listening to Up and Vanished?? I haven’t listened to this weeks episode yet but I’m curious what you think since the season is coming to an end soon!

Another way to cope when stressed or angry is to color. I know it sounds silly but an adult coloring book is the best way to zone out and focus your stress or anger on something else!

A random thing about me that people don’t know is that I once cried because I didn’t get to go to a Chicago Blackhawks game and my brothers did.



I stopped listening to it once there were answers… is it still good?! I seriously loved that podcast! Oh I love coloring too… I do it with Brooke all of the times too:) I would have cried and been jealous too! I hope you are having a beautiful Wednesday Maureen!


I still love it! The final episode is coming on July 31st. I swear with every episode you get some answers and also have more questions. You should listen some more! I definitely think something sketchy happened with the investigation early on. Thanks Janae! Enjoy the rest of your day :)


I definitely think we all went through our fair share of struggles in grade school. I know I definitely did.

To cope with stress, I often find myself painting. I know a lot of people cope with running but I’ve never really found that to destress me.

A random fact? It’s so hard because I’ve blogged for so long. Since we lived overseas much of my childhood, I went to grade school in England. I had a British accent until around high school. Now my “accent is blend British, college in upstate NY, Texas, and New Jersey…”


Painting!?!? I didn’t know that about you Hollie… that is awesome! I didn’t know you went to grade school in England either? I love it and your accent:)


Hmm! This is a tough one. I think the one thing that people may not know about me is how much I love blogs (especially yours) and that one day I’d like to have my own. ;) I also hate sharing dessert! I often split meals with my husband, but when it comes to the sweet part, it’s all mine. Also, my husband has crazy strong toes, that he loves to pinch me with when we wrestle. I call them crab claws. Haha! Have a great day. :)


THANK YOU JULIE and please start one… I want to read it! HAHAH thanks for sharing that… usually I am the same way, I’ll share food but don’t come near my dessert! Ha Andrew might have to steal the crab claws name!!! Thanks Julie!


I knit, do puzzles, go for a nice slow walk, and watch fun t.v. to relax. I love to run but I agree with Holly – running does not relax me. It gives me lots of energy and makes me happy though!




I love to knit too!!! I’m glad that running gives you energy and makes you happy… so important!!! I hope you have some time to relax today Amanda:) Thanks for sharing!


Woah, lucky to have gotten balls from 3 of 4 games!! Thats so rare, hah!! A fun and very odd fact about me is that Ive ALWAYS had an obsession with playing with ears… mine and my families LOL this sounds so freakin’ weird now that Ive written it, but hey ho its me and I like ears.


Playing with ears… I LOVE IT!! Thank you for sharing:) I am loving reading these! Have an awesome day Carrie!


A Nutella crepe sounds amazing!

Would you mind sharing your outfit details from the pic where you’re holding hands with Brooke? (white pants and pinstripe top) Thank you!!!


HeY YOU!!! The top is from JCrew a few years ago and the pants are these ones (I got them at a boutique that isn’t online but they are the same type of white moto leggings):

I hope you are having a beautiful day Laura!


Thank you so much! Going to look at those pants now!!


I hate being late too when I was little if we were late for church I would go sit in the stairs and wait for Sunday School to be over with instead of walking in late and having people look at me. Since having kids I have less anxiety about it but I still get nervous when we cut things close.


YES YES YES… I’m not alone. Walking in late to things terrified me!!! Thanks for sharing Rachel!


I wrote a book around eight years ago. I did it when i was at home with my little ones and needed a creative outlet.

A little known fact about me…. I really want a third Child. I tell everyone I’m happy with two and that at 39 I’m too old…. but deep down I’m desperate for my third baby. Reading your HRG baby posts is not helping!


维姬,那太棒了,你写了一本书……perfect way to be creative and do something for yourself with young kids at home:) My sister had a baby at 37 and Andrew’s aunt just had a baby at 42!! You do what is best for YOU and your little family:)



HMMMM random fact: I proposed marriage to Dave Matthews when I was 17 (hooray for backstage passes!). He said “yes”.<3


OKAY, that is AMAZING TIFFANY!! I love Dave Matthews! So when is the wedding?!?!


Well, *someone* is being worse than a Bridezilla, and can’t for the life of him figure out who the wedding band should be.

That was twenty years ago. I can totes wait another twenty. *le swoon*


BAHAHAH You just made me laugh so so so hard. Thanks for that!


here’s a random fact about me: my nickname in high school was doodles! not many people today know that but my friends from high school still refer to me as doodles and I answer to the name like nothing, even 20 years later!


DOODLES!!! I love it!! It makes me so happy to know these random facts about everyone:) Thanks for sharing Meredith and I hope you are having a beautiful day! PS your recent eats post left me DROOLING… it all looked so good!


Just started listening to podcast when I run. Can you share a few of your favorites?


I recently started listening to podcast while I run. Can you share a few of your favorites?


是的是的是的Ev ! !&消失了,马拉松训练Academy, Off the Vine, I’ll Have Another with Lindsey Hien, The Runner’s World Show, The Running for Real Podcast and I really love Stuff You Should Know too! I think Serial is still my favorite podcast ever! I really like running podcasts as you can tell! I hope you like one of these and if you find any good ones let me know!


Serial is what I recently started listening to – LOVE it! Can’t wait to try your suggestions.


Why is it that whenever someone says tell me an interesting fact about you, I forget everything I’ve ever done? I just needed to share my amazement at the fact that you’ve never had coffee (on purpose). I’m such an addict it’s hard for me imagine life without coffee.


BAHAHAH that always happens to me too!! Well, I LOVE the smell of coffee:) Keep enjoying it for me!!! I’m boring ha! Enjoy your day Kaci!


I lived in Israel and Mississippi when I was 7 years old.

I used to be the fastest a school track races when I was a kid. And now I’m such a slow runner!!!!!!

I played soccer when I was in high school. I used to be a pretty good defense, and therefore soccer is my favorite sport. When I met my boyfriend, I was quite a nice surprise to know that soccer is his favorite sport too.

I used to practice Crossfit before being a runner.

I usted to participate in Models of United Nations during college.

I am a libertarian.

I was born and raised in Venezuela, so Spanish is my first language. However, I don’t have any accent when speaking in English.


Israel and Mississippi!? That is really cool Nathaly! Why did you stop Crosfit? I LOVED learning these things about you… I hope you are having a beautiful day!!


I get very stressed if I am in a large store and the person I’m with wanders away. I will look for you or call you to see where you are. It’s ridiculous since I know I can get home by myself if need be. (It stems from being lost in a store as a kid and my mother yelling at me because she was embarrassed. Apparently she told me where she would be and I didn’t hear her. I was Brooke’s age).

I am hyper-flexible and can zip up my own dress.

I took a trapeze lesson even though I’m afraid of heights. It was exciting and scary.


Oh yeah, I bet that is totally why you get stressed over that now Nina!!! Okay, I want to be hyper flexible, that is awesome… I never can zip y own dress:) Do you think you will take any more trapeze lessons?


Even when it’s happening I know it’s ridiculous but the heart rate goes up anyway. :) I probably will not take trapeze again but I want to try aerial yoga.


Loved hearing those random facts about you! And that peach dessert looks amazing!! I will have to try it.

I have a parakeet named Kiwi! It’s so funny how birds have distinct personalities just like cats and dogs – something I definitely wasnt expecting!


Try it and let me know what you think! Yes x a million about bird personalities!! We had two birds and they were SO different from each other and had their own quirks etc. So fun! Tell Kiwi hi:)


That dessert is so good! We always called it “dump cake” and made it with any flavor of pie filling.

My random fact is that I can juggle!


Ohhhhh dump cake, I love it. Do you have a favorite pie filling to use? JUGGLE.. teach me, that is awesome ! Thanks Stephanie!


OMG those crepes look so good. I want a Nutella one right now.

A random fact about me: I have a black belt in Kenpo style karate! I got this years ago and haven’t really kept up my karate skills since… oops.


Marina, that is AWESOME about your black belt! So cool! I hope you get a Nutella crepe asap!!!


Loved your list of things! Except I’m feeling major baseball envy! I’ve been to 4 or 5 games too and have never gotten a ball (except the ones I bought my boys at the gift store) let alone from a player! (you’ll have to share your secrets ;)

I got second place in EVERY SINGLE 400-meter race in high school track, my junior year.

I’m from a family (on my mom’s side) of ALL girls. My grandma had one sister and then my mom was one of three girls and my mom and aunts all had girls too. I was the first to have a boy in at least 3 generations


Dang, the 400 is HARD!!! That is crazy that you got second place every single time! I loved learning these things about your Karissa… ALL GIRLS and you had the first boy in at least 3 generations?!? That is awesome! I’ll send you one of the balls I got at the game;)


Ooh how fun! I actually hate chocolate (I know, right??). Chocolate bars, ice cream, candy, and double chocolate cookies makes me gag. The exception to this is chocolate chip cookies with large chocolate chunks!!


Same! OK, I don’t *hate* chocolate, but I definitely don’t crave it. And anything too fudgy or rich is out of the question. Chocolate should be an accent (like in chocolate chip cookies!), not the main event ;)


I am RIGHT THERE with you guys right now. I’ll eat like a bite of it but I just could care less for chocolate right now. I don’t even like chocolate chip cookies anymore ahhhhhhh


What podcast are you listening to right now? I’m finishing Up and Vanished – loved it – and I’m sad to see it end although it’s amazing that the case is solved and the families can have some closure.
And I can’t wait to try that 3 ingredient dessert – thanks for sharing!
A fact about me that not many people know is that I had a pretty rough birth…I was positioned face up and literally got stuck – they had to pull me out with a suction device thing. Once I was out, I was not a normal color – think blue/grey – and not breathing very well on my own. My apgar score was 3. Modern medicine sure is amazing!


Up and Vanished is SO GOOD!! I’m glad you loved it too:) Enjoy the recipe! So right now I’m listening to Marathon Training Academy, Off the Vine, I’ll Have Another with Lindsey Hien, The Runner’s World Show, The Running for Real Podcast and I really love Stuff You Should Know too:) I tried to get into S-Town but never got hooked. I think Serial is still my favorite podcast ever:) WOW… that is so scary about when you were born… thank goodness for modern medicine. That is amazing!


How come you’ve never tried alcohol or coffee??


Hey Rachel! I hope you are having a great day! I am Mormon (Latter Day Saint of Jesus Christ) and we don’t drink alcohol or coffee! It’s never been hard for me to avoid it either because everyone in my family is the same way!


Those crepes look incredible. It is WAY too long since I have had one.

And a random fact about me is that I don’t own a table. I eat while I am doing things which is a terrible habit.


I love these random facts… it makes me feel like we are all better friends now:) I hope you have a crepe soon and if you don’t need a table… no need to have one! I personally don’t think that is a bad habit at all! I hope you are having a beautiful day Jessica!


I have never ever tried coffee either, and I’m in my fifties! I just can’t get past the smell of it – to me, it smells awful. I have met other people who are the same but we are definitely in the minority!


Really!?!? That is really interesting Louise! I love the smell but the one time I tasted it I did not like the taste! Thanks for sharing and I hope you are having a great day!


Random facts are fun! We would have a hard time driving places together… I hate to be early and am pretty much always late to everything. I feel like it’s a waste of my time to be early and waiting. Yes, it does stress my husband out sometimes :)


I have been pulled over 8 times, yet to get a ticket. Only cried once!


I quit track the first time around too ( 4th grade.) I was so down after now doing well on my race but then I decided running was way better than dance.

I also wrote a short story every year in high school. It was amazing help with coping with frustration. It was basically a really detailed journal and now I blog.


Thank you for all those new fun facts about you! I wrote a few chapters of a book about the adventures I’ve experienced with my dog. We love to hike & run together.


Are you still wearing regular pants and clothes? Or branched into maternity clothing? I look forward to seeing you grow!i love pregnant women. They are so


Hey Mary!!! Right now I’m in my normal clothes that stretch or are a bigger size… the maternity clothing will be here soon:) Cannot wait!!!


Haha, my husband has lobster toes too!!

I’ve never tried an illegal drug and I cannot take any kind of narcotic for pain. I have 2 siblings that are addicts and I think this was God’s way of protecting me ;)

I was 5lbs 15oz and the hubs was 5lbs 5oz. My smallest babe was 7lbs 7oz and the largest was 8lbs 15oz, LOL, I wish they would have followed after their parents! Of course the 8 15 guy was born at home ;)

I did not run at all in high school. I played soccer, swam, and did basketball. I am extremely uncoordinated and not very good at any of those sports ;) Thankfully running doesn’t require too much coordination!


Those crepes look good! A couple random facts about me are I worked at Disney World for a few months during college as part of their college program. And I used to have a radio show with my dad when I was really young in Louisiana (like 5)….he was a radio DJ and I had my own airname “tootsie”!


I quit track in junior high too! Then I moved onto competitive swimming and when I returned to running 10 years later I didn’t realize how awesome races are!!! I guess that wisdom comes with age :) I loved reading your random facts!

Where did you get your neon running shorts?! I have been searching for a pair to match the neon on my racing singlet!


Hey Taylor!!! I agree… the older we get the smarter we are about running/races:) I got them here:


Thanks and I hope you are having a great day Taylor!


Those crepes look so good. How awesome that you wrote a short book one time. I used to write daily about my day and it was so many pages long. I made a separate file per month so I don’t know what the count was but when I was in college I really wanted to write a book and be on Oprah then she ended her show which I was sad about even though she is still around doing shows on her network. Still would love to write a book about my life or something.


I hope you do a post about nsale!


I have long and strong toes too. I do not like the word “moist!” It absolutely grosses me out. My husband and I grew up in the same town and had mutual friends but didn’t officially meet until after college. We are the same age but I am older by 15 days.


I love random facts about people! It’s probably the only article I read on the US magazine website these days. :) Also, agreed on writing as a form of therapy. It helps a ton and no one can judge how you feel or what you say.

Random things about me:
1. I used to be a ghost/content writer and social media manager for a local genealogy blogger/business person. That was a lot of fun and I miss it a ton.
2.I don’t like odd numbers. I’m almost obsessive about it and my youngest likes to set things around the house and van to odd numbers just to mess with me (he’s 12, so… ?)
3. I have randomly weird luck with radio call-in contests. I’ve won 4 over the span of my life.

Thanks for the crepe recipe! I’ve been wanting to try and make some. Now I have no excuse.


To go along with your baseball fact, my random fact, I’m a HUGE Red Sox fan and in 2004 when they won the world series for the first time in 86 years, my husband got irritated when I was jumping up and down hugging my sister, screaming and crying and finally calmed down enough to scream the following only 8 months after our wedding day, “Oh my gosh, the Red Sox won the world series, the RED SOX won the world series, THIS IS SERIOUSLY THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE”! -:) -He still reminds me of that comment when I ignore him during a good game and he wants me to talk with him.

好奇,是你缺乏酒精和咖啡因religious reasons? or is it something else?


I was 9lbs 6oz! Fat babies for the win!

For a random fact, I spent a few years as a kid living in a hunting cabin with my mom, and the cabin didn’t have indoor plumbing. It was adventure, for sure!


I’m hoping our similar food tastes means I’m having a girl too! I’ve been saying for weeks now that I could really go for a strawberry crepe!


哦,哇!我要绉配方和尝试the dessert recipe really soon. Random fact about me, i love coffee so much I actually have a tattoo of a coffee cup on my arm. And i’m thinking of possibly getting an open avocado…ahh!


在我20多岁的我在迈阿密南海滩度假with girlfriends – Jamie Foxx was at the bar we were at partying it up. We decided to dance near him and he ended up pouring alcohol (from the bottle) into our mouths, hahahaha. It was so random and funny. One of my friends actually tried to dance with him and he was not into it. Nice that he wanted to share some drinks I guess?


I also quit track after my first meet in 9th grade! I ran the 200m and I was so slow. I wish I had tried out distance races when I was younger instead of waiting until my 20s!


I kind of hope your baby isn’t over 9 pounds either:-)

I didn’t get married for the first time till I was 46 and let me tell you, so HAPPY to be out of the dating scene. I’ve been married almost 8 years and although it’s has it’s moments, I love him dearly. He was so worth waiting for! And by the way, I hated track in highschool too. Too funny…since I am now training for marathon #25.

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