TUESDAY TANGENTS + Happy 4th of July + Cherry Dessert Recipe!

*HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!! I hope your day is beautiful and full of your favorite things!

*Yesterday’s run was 7 miles and it was hot (I’m positive that being pregnant makes me constantly feel like it is 15 degrees hotter than it usually is;) but it felt good after a day of laziness on Sunday.

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*Brooke is my official smoothie buddy. It doesn’t matter where she is in the house or if she is in the backyard… the second I start the blender, she comes running! Yesterday was an Aloha vanilla protein powder + frozen mango and pineapple + milk + pb + banana. It was a fabulous combination.

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*Had a lunch date with Andrew at the kitchen counter eating chicken and veggies in between his schooling.

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*Brooke joined us too;) She likes to put her head on my lap while I eat… she’s not going to be able to do that in a month or two anymore.

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*My bro-in-law is sharing his family’s cherry dessert! It really was SO good. It was perfect because it wasn’t too sweet either. Try it:) I’m drooling thinking about it right now:

1 cup vegetable shortening

2 cups white sugar

3 cups all purpose flour

4 large eggs

1tsp of vailla

Small pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 375.

1) Cream shortening, vanilla, salt and sugar.

2) Then beat in and add one egg at a tim.

3) Add flour and mix in.

4) Greease cookie sheet and then spread half the mixture evenly on the cookie sheet.

5) Spread the pie filling of your choice on top of it.

6) Then using a 1 oz cookie scoop, dollop the remaining dough evenly over the top.

7) Cook for about 35-40 minutes or until the cookie top is golden brown.


*Peaches with Brooke on the carpet. These were officially the best peaches I’ve ever had in my life. It’s a miracle I shared with her.

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*I colored my grey hairs out:) I’m doing this every few months with a semi-permanent (my sister uses Redkin on me to die my hair and then I run home and wash my hair out:). No more plucking grey hair for a few months ha. I’m excited about it.

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*Brooke fell asleep at Stadium of Fire and this is how Andrew carried her all of the way to the car. Quite efficient.

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*I love it when they are so excited for something that they can’t just walk, they have to run.

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*Knox has so much admiration for police officers and army men. We saw a several last Saturday night and on our way home two army guys talked to us. Knox was practically shaking he was so star-struck.

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*Two of my best friends and I got together for dinner last night! One of them is here from Switzerland (that is where she lives now)!! I had the best salmon ever for dinner… I need to go back for more.

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*We stopped by where my brother and sister-in-law are staying afterwards to say hi! They ordered Chip Cookies and I STILL CANNOT EAT THEM. Strangely they are one of my food aversions and for some reason my body refuses to want to eat them. Such a sad thing to miss out on. I had a banana popsicle instead.

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*My sis-in-law puts ice in her milk… Anyone else do this?

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*I decided on not doing a race today but I am already looking forward to my running outfit:) Brooke’s 4th of July outfit is already laid out too. I get really excited about this stuff.

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*If you are doing a race today, GOOD LUCK and have fun! I wonder if 2017 will have even higher numbers. Last year the biggest race on the 4th of July was the AJC Peachtree Road Race… has anyone done this one before?



Have any tangents to share? I would love to hear them!

Are you celebrating today? What are you doing?

Does your family have any special family recipes? Things that you ALWAYS eat together?

Smoothie lovers… what usually goes into your morning smoothie?

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During this pregnancy I have also consumed many smoothies especially during the summer. Adding mango has been a favorite. No race for me but heading to the beach for a quick run before the big crowds arrive. Happy Fourth! ?


快乐7月4日Janae从你的一个加拿大人virtual friends! Canada day was on Saturday so it’s back to normal here! I love the Vega sport Berry flavoured protein powder. I put 1 cup of water, 1 cup of frozen fruits (usually mangoes and pineapple) and about a cup of ice. Thick and delicious ;-)


Happy 4th Janae! Ever since I had kids (I have 11 month old twins!) I go crazy for holidays and holiday themed outfits. I hope you and your beautiful family have an awesome day!


布鲁克必须试图得到一些额外的拥抱before the baby comes which is so cute. Also, I love how Knox really admires policemen and army men. Happy 4th of July!



Happy 4th of July to your family! So strange you don’t want sweet things like you used to, I guess it’s all part of pregnancy!



Happy 4th! I’ve lived in Georgia my whole life and have done the Peachtree Road Race (affectionately referred to as, “the Peachtree”) twice now and it is SO FUN! There are people out cheering along the entire course, handing out candy, donuts, water…even some silly frat boys handing out beers (who can drink alcohol while running?!)! The city really comes alive for this race. The costumes are great, everyone is cheering for one another. It’s a really special event here. I feel like it should be on everyone’s running bucket list!


OMG, the ice in the milk! I don’t like milk. Don’t usually drink it. When I was pg with my oldest daughter it was one of my biggest cravings! I had to have milk and I had to have ice in it. Could not get enough of it.


I am so sad for you that you couldn’t eat one of those cookies! Send one to me and I’ll take care of it for you because my sweet cravings have kicked in this week ;) Happy 4th of July!


Happy 4th of July to you and your family!
I have been celebrating all weekend with family and it has been so nice! I love having everyone together :)
We have a bunch of old family recipes – meatloaf is my favorite – I’ll have to share it sometime soon.
I love smoothies in the summertime! I do a twist on pb&j with frozen strawberries and banana with a spoonful of almond butter, almond milk, coconut milk, and chia seeds.


I woke up this morning with an uncontrollable appetite for cake. So that was my breakfast, along with a cup of coffee. Perfect pre-run fuel;)

Today we have friends coming over to my boyfriend’s house. We’re grilling deliciousness and eating lots of desser while watching the fireworks!

When I used to drink chocolate milk I used to put ice on it too! I don’t know, I think it tasted better if it was extremely cold.

My smoothie recipe comes from my Dad, who is also a runner. He would blend bananas, oats, honey, cinnamon and milk/water. I still do it and it’s so delicious!!


No race today, but probably a bike ride and paddle boarding!

We hosted a party on Saturday, so taking today off of festivities. Our party happened to include my husband taking 12 other people on a 111 mile gravel road bike ride and my kiddo and I prepping food for them (and some of their families) when they got back. It was incredible!

希望你们有美好的一天!我渴望和一个ll fruit when I was pregnant :)


I’m gearing up for my ironman in 3 weeks so every morning, my smoothie gets some beet powder. (In among spinach, greens powder and frozen fruit.) Fingers crossed that it works!


We are visiting our friends in TX so we get to celebrate with them!

We have a few favorite family recipes: cherry chocolate dump cake, carrot cake, sopapilla :)

I usually use vanilla Vega, spinach, and frozen bananas or I use chocolate Vega with spinach, pb, and frozen bananas. I am a huge smoothie fan during the warm weather months!


I’ll definitely be making your brother in law’s cherry dessert. Every Christmas Eve my dad makes lasagna. It takes him hours to make, but it’s always so delicious, and we have leftovers for days.


My moms chocolate chip cookies are a big deal in our family. And her pie.

Have a good 4th! It’s my favorite holiday!


I love those Brooks Launch! I wore them on my run today to be festive as well. I’m staying low key this summer, so it was strange not racing.

We are just relaxing today which is nice because it actually turned out to be a good day weather wise!


My tangent is about junk food — why can I always eat so much more junk food than healthy food? I can barely finish a huge salad, but McDonald’s? I can eat a whole breakfast and then some!! GROSS!

We are celebrating today by relaxing in the AC! It’s SOO HOT!

So many special family recipes — I can’t even begin to share! My mother in law was so sweet to share her recipes with me for hubby’s top fav’s: Cheesy potato casserole, banana bread, and chocolate PB pie!

I’ve been alternating between a fruit smoothie (blueberries, strawberries, bananas, and mangos with plain oikos greek yogurt, protein powder, and unsweetened vanilla almond milk) and a Chocolate PB Banana shake (frozen bananas, vanilla protein powder, PB2, Cocoa Powder, and almond milk). SO GOOD!


I love putting ice in my milk! I learned it from my older sister. I ran a family 5k this morning in beautiful northern Minnesota.


7月4日快乐!我们不celebrate it over here which is a real shame –> it looks super fun! Your smoothie looks amazing, I will definitely have to give that a go! I love green smoothies – spinach, banana, apple, celery and protein powder is my absolute go to in the mornings :)


Church ohana (family) picnic in a few hours, then we’re watching Hawaii’s fireworks at Ala Moana Park from our condo!

Our standard smoothie = almond milk, protein powder, peanut butter, spinach and frozen bananas.


I’ve been loving a tropical smoothie this summer – 8 oz coconut water, 4 oz cashew milk, spinach, frozen banana, pineapple & mango and a date. Happy 4th!


we celebrated by going for a hike with our dogs, then a family picnik and fireworks later!

Love the cherry recipe, will definitely have to try that! We always made a no bake Oreo dessert that is delish!

I usually just do a good old frozen banana, pb, spinach and milk!

Love your hair color! If your sister doesn’t mind I’d love to know what the color she uses on you?!

Happy Independence Day!!


Happy 4th Janae! Spending the day with lots of friends and food and ready to get back to the grind tomorrow :-) enjoy your holiday!


Yummm that cherry dessert looks awesome. Ew, my bf puts ice in his milk, and I think it’s gross because it waters it down as the ice melts.


I’ve done the Peachtree Road Race three times but I took a break this year. It’s a great race and still the largest 10k in the world! It’s a brutally rough race though, primarily because of the weather. It’s so hot and so humid and the 10k distance is a real tough one to run that fast for that long. I’d much prefer a 5k or even a half marathon for this time of year. Still, it’s definitely a great bucket list race to do sometime. It’s very patriotic and such a big thing in the city of Atlanta. This year we had Shalane Flanagan, Neely Spence Gracey and Bernard Lagat as part of the elites!


I have a 14 month old smoothie stealer! =) Happy 4th of July!


HAPPY 4th!!!!! During my first pregnancy I had terrible morning sickness and all I COULD eat were the Pillsbury ‘slice an bake’ sugar cookies!!!

Have you ever tried a watermelon smoothie? Just purée the watermelon, a little lime juice, and fresh grated ginger (if you like it). so good!!!


I ran a super hot and humid 5 miles in my red , white , and blue best! I wanted the white brooks like yours, but they were sold out of my size so I got the navy ones with red stars………love them still!

My family has a few recipes I still use, mainly the one for mashed potatoes and the one for stuffed bell peppers.


I did the peachtree today! It’s the worlds largest 10k. Definitely an iconic race!!! So fun!


I decided not to run a race on the 4th myself. I’ve ran a few different ones..a firecracker 5K in Excelsior, a 12 mile road race around the lake in Spicer Minnesota and the Red White and Boom in mpls too….VERY HILLY! All super fun. Best part was jumping in the lake with my brother after running 12 miles in almost 80 degrees but felt like 90!
I love my morning smoothies and lately I have been on a wild blueberry kick. Personally I use the Shaklee Life Energizing Shake mix. I love that I am getting over a billion pre and probiotics first thing in the morning. Have you heard of Shaklee?

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