Running Workout of the Week + My Expert Opinon on Something Important + Tangents.

Hello from Skye and me today! Brooke picked out this little unicorn outfit for Skye at Target the other day and it makes us all pretty happy.

I went on my walk yesterday morning pretty early to get back in time for some things and it was COLD (luckily it really warms up by the afternoon). When I got home my face hurt which is why it looks like I have a large amount of blush on my cheeks.

外面很漂亮,但是感觉the sun on my skin was just what I needed! Two more days until my doctor’s appointment. Maybe I should do an Instagram Live for when the doctor tells me I can work on my fitness again. PS I am going to get a blood panel done while I’m there too because with breastfeeding and training again… I want to make sure my levels for everything are great (and if they aren’t, figure out how to get them to a better place)!

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Let’s spend some time today talking about tangents that I’ve been thinking about since the last time I shared randomness.

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*Sunday afternoon we tried a new recipe from theRun Fast. Eat Slow.cookbook! We tried the Superhero Muffins! The kids joined in making them with me (although they weren’t super excited about adding the grated zucchini and carrots into their muffins ha).

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We also added walnuts and chocolate chips to them and they are really good. The kids also loved them (although, I’m sure they would have chosen a cookie/twinkie over these if they had the option)!

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*For Sunday dinner we made thisslow cooker chicken tortilla soupand it was delicious. It tasted even better the next day as leftovers (mainly because all I had to do was heat it up and eat it and convenience tastes extra good;)

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*The back of cereal boxes. This was always a big deal for my siblings and I growing up. I loved seeing the kids study them the other morning. I love when seeing something that they are doing brings back memories with my siblings.

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*Just practicing her Katniss bow and arrow skills in the morning with Knox.

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*On Sunday afternoon we all went out for a walk and it was so nice outside. Andrew went mountain biking yesterday afternoon too… I don’t know what is happening to our winter but it is making me love Utah even more than I already did.

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*我们的孩子已经成为专业人士的时候to asking dog owners if they can pet their dogs. This little puppy had blue/silver eyes and was so sweet!

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*The kids played at the park for a little while and we hung out on the bench talking for a few minutes just the two of us (Skye asleep in the stroller) which felt nice (and doesn’t happen as much as it used to:).

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*I found out that there is a company here that DELIVERS acaí bowls to your house. Brilliant.

*Sunday morning breakfast. + another cinnamon roll. I feel like I’m eating for two much more with breastfeeding than with pregnancy ha.

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*Did you see this!? Molly Huddle broke an American record (Deena Kastor held it for 16 years previously). Can you imagine running 13.1 miles in 67 minutes??

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*Thanks again toMeganfor writing an awesome strength workout for runners (onyesterday’s post). I am so excited to get back to her bootcamp (I’ll probably do one day a week of bootcamp and the other strength training at home… we don’t have gym passes anymore)!

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*Skye is ready for the day by 8… and then I get ready for the day 9 hours later;)

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*Now this is something I am really excited about. The other day on my solo trip to Target (well, the rest of the family was in the car so it was kind of solo ha) I found these. I don’t consider myself an expert about anything but one thing I might be the closest to an expert on is sour candy. These are officially the best sour candy variation ever. Ever.

If you like candy, please treat yourself to these and tell me about it after.

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我认为很多时候我陷入思考that tempo runs NEED TO BE ‘X’ miles long and done consecutively but sometimes a good tempo interval workout is just what I need. I’ve done all sorts of different variations of tempo intervals and I love them especially at the beginning of training when I’m not ready to do a consecutive 8 mile tempo workout yet. You can switch it up to different intervals too—> i.e. 10 minutes, 3 miles, 20 minutes, 1.5 miles, 30 minutes, 5 minutes… wherever you are at—> you’ve got this!

1 Tempo Intervals 01

Don’t know what your tempo pace is?THIS ARTICLEdoes a great job explaining the tempo run and includes ways to know what your tempo pace is… “Add 20 to 30 seconds per mile to a recent 5-K pace; 15 to 20 seconds to your 10-K pace. Faster runners should add the higher value (resulting in a slower tempo pace) because they often race at an anaerobic level; slower runners should use the lower number to ensure they’re running fast enough.”

OR you can use the calculatorIN THIS POSTand go off of the threshold pace that it gives you for your tempo pace!


What would you say you are an expert about (or close to an expert about)… I really would love to know (you can be funny about these or serious or both;)

I have a question from Jess (and I need the answer too;): “What do you use to cover your face when running in freezing wind? Everything else was mostly ok but I have to do something for my face!! I’ve been running for many years but usually avoid this kind of temperature by using the treadmill at the gym.”

What was the last ’new to you’ recipe that you have tried?

Have a gym pass? Do you usually always have one?

-We are trying to figure out whether or not we want to get one again… we probably won’t for a while but I’ll miss meeting Josse there for treadmill dates! PS it is kind of weird though because I’ve had a gym pass for the last 12 years of my life.

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LOVE that unicorn onesie!! :) I’m definitely an expert about froyo (flavor, texture, taste, the best time of day to get it, etc.), and people always ask me about grammar questions first. I also recently became an expert in kidneys and kidney stones, thanks to all of 2017.

I don’t have a gym membership, but I frequently think about getting one. I’ve just been using the little gym at my apartment complex, though it’s not the greatest thing in the world. It has most of what I need, though, so I haven’t quite justified a gym membership. I’m still trying to decide on that one!


I’m very happy that you are an expert on froyo but I’m not very happy that you are an expert on kidney stones! I miss my apartment gym… they aren’t big but they sure are convenient and free;) I hope your day is a great one today Natalie!


I got rid of my gym pass last year because I bought a program that gives me access to tons of workouts I can do at home, saving me tons of time in the morning. I can also use this tiny gym they have in my office building if I want. Sometimes I do miss it or wish I could go use the treadmill when it’s too cold or go to a workout class. But for the most part this works for me. I also do a yoga class my work has for us twice a week (though I usually make it once a week because of meetings and stuff).
I consider myself an expert on where to get the best sweet potato fries. Cubbys are amazing. Smash burger has great sweet potato smash fries (rosemary). Goodwood has good ones that come with this sweet sauce to dip it in. I prefer my fry sauce but it’s still good. Blue Lemon’s are yummy. I’m sure there’s a bunch more I can’t think of right now :)
I think I’m going to go do that strength workout from yesterday’s post right now! Thanks!!


Hey girl! What program did you buy? That is so cool your work has a yoga class that they offer! Thank you for sharing your expertise.. now I need to get to all of those places ASAP!!! Let me know how the workout goes. Have a great day.


I have Beachbody on Demand – so it gives me full access to all their programs, which I love. So depending on how I feel on any given day I can find a workout that fits that. It’s great. Next week (once my bands and slider disks arrive) I’m going to start one of their new programs that is a lot of strength stuff, so I’m excited for that! I always need more help with strength workouts than cardio haha That part’s easy. ;)
PS that workout was tough!!! I only did 3 rounds of each one. My legs are toast. I don’t know if I’ll be able to go to yoga today (it’s more of a power yoga, so I don’t know if my legs will hold up!). Tell Megan thanks!!


Actually I was just speaking to my husband about a Malcom Gladwell book where he said experts have 10,000 hours experience/practice. My husband is an expert on the guitar and I am one in diet. In this vein we are also experts in chocolate. ;)

I use a lightweight buff to block the wind when I run. Dermalogica’s barrier protection keeps my skin from chaping.

I do have a gym membership because I want the cross training options. Crunch and Planet Fitness both had inexpensive options., $10 a month for basic and $20 included classes..


Haha I am an expert on chocolate too:) I love it! Wow… that is crazy cheep for a gym pass! A few of my friends in NYC told me what they pay for their gym passes and I couldn’t believe how much they charge! $20 is amazing! I love Dermalogica and I’ll habr to get the barrier protection! Have a beautiful day Nina!


In Manhattan some of the chains and boutique fitness classes are crazy expensive but there are some less expensive chains, such as Planet Fitness, moving in. They are no frills but I have no issue bringing my own towel and toiletries. In the outer boroughs you tend to find more reasonably prices classes.


I don’t have a gym pass because it doesn’t fit into my current budget. When I have the opportunity to have one come April, I don’t think I’ll join one. Right now, I can get all of my workouts done without it. I don’t cover my face when I run which may not be the best but oh well. If it’s too cold to run outside then I just don’t run because it’s not healthy to be out when it’s that cold in my opinion at least!
The last “new to me” recipe was the black bean soup off of Goya’s website! I highly recommend it if you like black bean soup.


I love black bean soup… I’m going to have to try that out! I hope you are having a great morning Maureen!


We recently got rid of our gym memberships and my husband and I super happy to save the $600 or so a year. We have a treadmill and stationary bike at home so between that equipment and online videos I feel like we can get a good workout at home. If I feel inclined I will do a drop in class at a yoga studio but otherwise it is home workouts for us.

I like to think I am an expert on weddings (I am a wedding planner) especially in my local area because I have connections with all the best vendors and have worked in the industry for about 12 years. I wish I was an expert on organization because I have been staring at a pile of christmas decorations for a week without putting them away … ha!


You are a wedding planner?!? That is so awesome Krista! I should have had you plan ours:) hahaha I’ll come over and help you put them away… I love that kind of stuff! Glad you guys are able to save on the gym pass and get in a great workout from home! Have an awesome Tuesday Krista!


Skye is looking so much like Brooke to me lately, and she always looks so alert. She’s beautiful Janae!

I can’t handle cold/freezing wind in my face. I vote treadmill. :)

I was at Houston this past Sunday cheering for my husband in the half. He set his PR there ten years ago and wanted to run the course again. It’s a good one. So, I got to see Molly Huddle at the 13 mile mark and then watched her cross the finish line. It was so exciting!! Chris finished a few minutes behind her in 1:11:49. I was so proud. It was a good day for running.


1:11:49!!!!!!!! My jaw just dropped! That is incredible! Huge congrats to your husband and I bet that was so fun being there and cheering him on Heather! Tell him to come do a race in utah so I can come cheer with you and our kids can play:) Have a beautiful day Heather!


New recipe: slow cooker pork roast.

Expert: How to eat anywhere, with anyone, on vacation, etc. and have it be a healthy, all food groups experience.


I love what you are an expert about!!! Can we come over for the slow cooker pork roast next time?! I hope your day is great Erica and that the rest of your family is feeling all better now!


I saw a post from Kara Goucher recently and she said she uses Vaseline on her fact when she runs in the cold. I use a full face cover thing from Saucony.


The Vaseline is such a good idea! Thanks so much Amanda and I hope your Tuesday is a great one!


将凡士林。有点恶心但definitely does the job. Said from experience in the frigid Midwest.


Hmmm my expertise alternates between spelling/grammar (I graduated with a degree in English) and sarcasm. They didn’t offer a degree in sarcasm but I think I would have earned one… :)
I wish I had good advice for covering your face, but I don’t. The one thing I do is to make sure I put on a fresh layer of moisturizer (maybe a thicker one than I usually would). That seems to help keep my face from getting completely brutalized.
I have a membership to our local YMCA that my work pays for most of, but to be honest, I don’t go there that much. It’s under construction though, so maybe once it’s done, I’ll go more often. I also go to a local fitness training center in town that doesn’t have memberships but you can pay for classes (individually or with prepaid packages) and that is much more enjoyable. I like that I can choose how much I go and what I want to pay for. This is the one area I am not afraid to spend money on though – you only get one life, keeping yourself fit is something that is good for your mind, body, and soul.


Good call on the moisturizer! Thanks Rhiannon! Can you share your grammar expertise with me please;) I love the idea of paying for classes… those are my favorite part of the gym! I agree, our health (and preventing health problems) is worth the $$$! Have a great day!


I have a Coumbia fleece neck gaitor. Kind of like this one does a great job keeping my face warm and when its easy to pull down if I start to get too warm or I need to blow my nose. We have been in negative wind chills here in IL for the last few weeks and its been a life saver!

We do have a gym pass. We got rid of it for awhile but I really started missing swimming and with the family pass I can take my daughter to swim too. And having access to the treadmills lately with all of our snow has been great. The last new recipe I tried was a Mexican corn chowder soup. I didn’t have everything the recipe called for but I had some good substitutions and it turned out great. However, I have no idea what website I found it on now. Fail!

I am an expert at drinking coffee. Hot, cold, frozen….I am not picky just give me all of the coffee!


That looks awesome and only $20! Thanks so much Corrinne! That chowder sounds so good! I think when we do renew for a gym pass it will be for the same reason as you… the family pass! I hope you get to use your expertise this morning on some delicious coffee! Enjoy the rest of your day!


只是想谢谢你教育你的孩子sk dog owners first if they can pet their dogs… So many kids these days aren’t taught that small bit of etiquette! I have a very sweet Aussie who sadly was abused by kids in his previous family, so he doesn’t do well around them. There have been so many times when we’re walking our dog and we have to quickly tug him away because a kid (within eyesight of his/her parents) comes running over, arms waving, to hug or pet our dog. We have to very quickly say that our dog isn’t good with kids in an effort to avoid disaster. So thank you for teaching your kids — not only is it polite, it’s safe!


Okay, I want to cry after reading what your dog went through with his previous family! That is awful! Thanks so much for sharing Beth! It is so important to ask!


We have a gym membership but we don’t use it often. I used to go 6 days a week but now I haven’t gone be in a couple months. I’m always wondering if we should just cancel it and save the money. What made you quit your gym — do you think you’ll go back?


Hey Dawn! Our pass expired and we just haven’t had the desire to renew it! I’m like you, I used to go 6 days a week and now I forget about it! We will probably get one once skye is older:) I hope you have a beautiful day!


If it’s not too cold I just use a Buff to cover my face while running but if it’s really cold I’ll use my Airhole face mask. It keeps you warm and lets you still breathe normally!


Since I work at a running store, I would say I am an “expert” in fitting people for proper footwear. I’m also somewhat of an expert in diners LOL.

I know a lot of people love the super hero muffins but I haven’t had a chance to make them yet. I’ll definetely need to get on that soon.


I have a Smartwool neck gaiter that has gotten me through 3+ winters of outdoor running! It’s amazing, especially since it’s 100% wool, which will keep you warm even when it gets wet from condensation from your breath. For ultra cold days I have a Seirus hood/face warmer combo that’s made of super thick fleece, though since joining a gym for the first time ever at the end of last year, I’ve been taking my runs to the treadmill rather than deal with running in subzero cold temps (so that hasn’t gotten much use ;)).


I get all the animal questions from friends and family since I work at an aquarium. I also feel like I am an expert in where to get the best candy in our area…ha! And I am pretty sure all the cold weather left Utah for Tennessee! Since January 1st we have more days that dont get above freezing than days that do….so not normal!


I always have a gym membership, especially now that I work from home. I’m such an introvert and homebody that I feel like if I didn’t go to the actual gym to work out I might just turn into a hermit. ;-)


I’m an expert in YA Fantasy. Truly.

Face covering- I haven’t found a great balaklava, but my new discovery is slathering Aquaphor on my face before leaving the house. I have had a drastic reduction in red, angry skin and shockingly, no new acne.

I’m using Cook Smarts, so my latest new recipe was last night’s dinner- sheet pan roasted chicken over sweet potatoes and peppers with paprika butter.


I would like to think I’m an expert at the slow cooker :) I think it’s part of the reason I can’t embrace the Instant Pot!
I have a membership to the Y. There are several convenient to me where I live, which makes me more likely to go. Sometimes I will meet my fiance there when he gets off of work and other times I’ll go in the middle of the day!


I grew up in Canada and grew to love winter running, but it took a long time to optimize my cold-weather running gear. What worked best for me for face-covering was pulling a neckwarmer (looks like a big knit tube) over my mouth right up to my nose and pulling a merino wool running hat down low across my forehead. I’d also smear thick balm (Vaseline or other) across my cheeks to avoid frostbite. But these were for -20C temps.

A few nights ago my husband and I tried black bean and sweet potato tostadas from a recipe off the Goop website — we added a few more veggies to the recipe, and it was SO GOOD.

I do have a pass to my local university gym and pool. I’m currently pregnant with twins and dying to swim but am feeling self-conscious about running into my students at the pool when I’m this huge! lol, I guess I’ll just have to get over it.


So Skye’s hair in that first pic is amazing! Reminds me so much of Brooke!
I use a turtle fur neck warmer to cover my face…here’s the link:
And I used to have a gym membership but I found that I only used it in the summer when I have more free time! So no more gym for me…I’m working on adding to my equipment for my home gym!


67 minutes!!! Insane!! I have a lot of people ask me about fitness/nutrition, and while I am definitely not an expert in either of those fields, I can at least be helpful :) If I were to ever get another degree, it would definitely have something to do with those fields.

I try and make at least 1 new recipe every week or every other week. The last one I did was a tuna casserole and it was not good. Ha.

I don’t have a gym pass and I haven’t had one in years. We bought a nice weight set from Costco about 5 years ago and when I’m not training for a race, I’ll use that or pay for boot camp, which is great because I only sign up for 8 weeks at a time.


Look into zanheadhear neoprene face mask on amazon. Supposed to be good for face and still breathe. I’m looking into for me too.
I have a gym pass but don’t use it enough. Wish we lived closer to gym, that would help. But this is only one that pool access and childcare, so I’m keeping membership.
Did Megan’s workout today! I didnt run today, so I did this for a workout today.
I have that cookbook too and like those muffins with chocolate chips too! The recipe for sweet potato breakfast cookies is really good too, check it out!


There are some good face masks out there but also I love using Warming Skin lotion on my face.


It has been SO cold in NC recently, so I have used my Turtle Fur neck warmers more than usual this season. You can pull them up over your nose and cheeks or just wear it on your neck. I have 2 and they are a different weight fleece, so one is thicker than the other and they are very breathable. The heat from my breath just warms me right up – ha ha!


I’d definitely like to think I’m a pretty good expert when it comes to all things chocolate. I’m pretty sure I could live

The last new-to-me recipe I tried was apple nachos! Super delicious and so easy!

I do have a gym pass and hadn’t used it for months until just a few weeks ago! I’m like you and choose the treadmill over running is freezing temperatures! I’d rather sweat it out inside 10x more than freeze my face off outside! HA!

Have a great Tuesday Janae!!


Hi everyone. I am the Jess with the original OMG-MY-FACE-FROZE question. Thanks for the all of the advice, and thanks for posting my question Janae!!

The Turtle Fur option is pretty darn cute and I love the colors. Hadn’t heard of that until right now!

Also, thanks to everyone who mentioned skin care. I hadn’t even gotten that far, but it’s a fantastic idea to remember to take care of my skin too. I originally was still just focused on the wind hurting less. :-)

Have a great day everyone!


Hey janae, sorry this is totally unrelated to your post today. :) I need shoe help! I was wearing Asics for years but want to switch to Brooks because Asics have just been hurting the tops of my feet – when I tried on my ravennas (thanks brooks shoe finder!) they also seem to be rubbing hard on the top bones of my feet and hurting. I feel like I’ve seen posts of yours with lacing tips. Do you think re-lacing could help? Or do you have another type of brooks shoe that is maybe more more spacious on the tops? I’m even getting a bump on the bone of my foot from the shoes rubbing too tightly. Thanks!!


I picked up those sour hearts at Target the other day, too – AMAZING! I want to stock up because they’re so tasty! ❤️❤️❤️


You would love the Marathon Lasagna from Eat Fast Run Slow. It has sweet potatoes! So good!


**Run Fast Eat Slow. Oops


松饼的跑得快,吃慢……you use Almond Flour or regular? There are several recipes where they use that or Teff flour. I am not emotionally ok with purchasing such expensive and rare (for my area) ingredients.


This is the first time I haven’t had a gym pass in as long as I can remember! I have a treadmill and weights/equipment in my basement so it has just been more convenient to workout at home lately. Everytime we move (which is about every 2 years with my husband’s job) I have to find a new gym and this time I just didn’t feel the desire so I haven’t done it. I do miss group fitness class though. :(

BTW, I did Megan’s strength training workout for runners and it was tough!!!! I loved it but ouch!! I am so sore! :) Tell her thank you for me!!


I am loving these workouts! Somehow after all these years, I’ve never actually visited the workouts tab! So I did today and ended up doing a different one, but I’ve decided your workouts are going to be what bring me back from the no-running blahness I’ve been in the past few year!! Plus lately I’ve switched things up from an early morning workout to a mid-day (I work from home) and I think I like it!!!! Thanks so much for sharing all your knowledge!


AHHHHHH!!! I clicked on your link for chicken tortilla soup and it brought me to a pinterest page with a million recipes!! Can you post the recipe??


Oh I am so sorry! Here it is:

Let me know if this works!


Thank you for the info on tempo runs! I’m training for my first half in April and wasn’t sure how to go about my tempo runs. =) Can’t wait to try it out!

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