You Can’t Have Both + up in the Clouds + Anyone Else?

12 miles completed.

We are able to get to the trails about one time a week… Ultra trail runners out there, do you think that is enough for our 50 mile training? I sure hope so! Throughout the week we get a lot of hills on the streets (you can’t avoid them) so I am hoping that is helping with our endurance for the trails too.

I have him hooked on some of theNanohydr8too.

We put Skye down for a nap at my mom’s house in the crib and then we headed out for our long run.

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We were running up in the clouds yesterday. The first two miles are purely up and then you have more gradual ups and downs from there. I feel like with all of this hill training my hamstrings arealways累了。我想这意味着我的臀大肌是懒惰and need to be doing more work. I’m going to start doing squats and lunges again before I leave for my runs. I need my glutes to be activated and doing some of the work so my quads and hamstrings aren’t doing everything.

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Name the candy!

They were a little frozen which made them even more delicious. 12 miles @ 8:34 average with one of the downhill miles at the end at 6:34. I was going straight down the hill and breathing super heavy and feeling very labored… two months ago I was running the last 10k of my marathon at around this pace. That’s how the running game goes. I took time after the marathon off to recover and switched focus to hills/endurance/trails and definitely lost a lot of my speed but that’s okay. I can’t have both right now and my running heart is wanting more of the endurance side of things.

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I am LOVING using ahydration vest. Mine just feels like I am wearing an extra jacket, it fits like a glove and I can store so much in there. I love being able to drink so easily the entire time too. The thing I need to work on is keeping good form when I am tired while wearing this. Having more weight than I’m used to in the front (from the water) is forcing me to roll my shoulders forward. I need to get used to having the weight there and wearing this while focusing on keeping good form too.

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PSthis podcastthat just came out with Des Linden is awesome. I loved hearing about how she wants to switch to the trails soon. Maybe I’ll just sign up for all of the races she is doing so I can run with her for the first 30 seconds of the race.

I remembered to bring clothes to change into right after the run and it felt so good. It started snowing towards the end and it felt heavenly to take off my wet clothes.

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My favorite thing to cheers with—> Hot chocolate. I always finish mine before Andrew can even start drinking his because it is too hot. Years of drinking hot chocolate straight from the machine has built up my pain tolerance.

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Another highlight from the day was going to look at Christmas lights. Brooke just gets better and better at posing for pictures.

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Leftovers… the gift that just keeps on giving. I have had lasagna for the majority of my meals since Sunday and that is living my best life.

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Just a few random things to talk about….

Has anyone else had this song in their head for the last two weeks? I cannot get it out. Speaking of hippos, has Andrew ever told you about the time where he was camping in Africa and he woke up to a HIPPO 5 feet away from his tent? He is very lucky nothing bad happened.

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A quick rewind to Monday night—> Brooke and I went on a date to go see The Nutcracker. I’ve waited for this day my entire life;)

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我们一起开车去晚餐布鲁克说,“Remember when you didn’t have a husband and we would go on dates every night? But back then we would just go for froyo for all of our dates.” <— her memory is incredible. If you were a reader a few years ago then you probably remember us going to froyo every night together too.

We went to Guru’s for dinner. Brooke loves the kid’s tacos there and I love their salads and we are both obsessed with their sweet potato fries. Brooke was talking a million words per minute and I just sat there thinking about how cool it is to be in this stage with her where we can have real conversations about things. I love getting a peak into her life at school too.

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A new yearly tradition. Brooke said that Skye can join us for this when she is 5.5.

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Until then she will get to party at home with Andrew.

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I’ll leave you with this video that Andrew just sent to me to go along with our ‘Listen Andrew vs Solve Andrew’ conversation yesterday.

Oh and PS don’t try to wrap presents with a one year old. It took approximately 8 times longer than it should have.

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Candy experts out there… what candy did we have on our run? Bonus points for the flavor.

Are you working on speed, recovery, endurance, just enjoying the holidays or other right now?

-Endurance with a little bit of speed thrown in to get in some intensity.

Favorite tradition that you have this month?

What song gets stuck in your head often?

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I’m off my candy game, so I have no clue. Running wise I’m taking a little break until the first of the year.

Favorite yearly tradition. Making gingerbread house. I always make them from scratch. Last year I made 18 house so by the time all the kids were done we had a gingerbread village. Huge mess and takes a lot of time but so worth it.


Samantha, that is AWESOME!! I might have to get the recipe that you use for your gingerbread houses, I’ve always wanted to try that. Enjoy the running break and I hope your 2019 running is great! PS they are hi-chews… just in case you wanted to know my useless trivia haha.


Brooke’s dress ?. Her age seems like such a fun stage!
I have also had the hippo song in my head for days!


Hahaha I’m not alone… I cannot get it out!! Thank you Johnna, have a wonderful day!


I am laughing SO hard over the nail video. #truth.
I’m working on speed right now and it’s scary! I want to get a lot faster and someday run a sub 3 (I told myself 5 years, that’s not so crazy to drop 20 min in 5 years if I’ve only run 3 marathons, right?)….so it has to happen. :(
We just started Elf on the Shelf and I’m having more fun with it than the kids are.


It really seems ridiculous watching the video but deep down I know I am the same way. Mollie, DO NOT DOUBT YOURSELF. YOU WILL absolutely get that sub 3. I started at a 3:20 and dropped under!. I know you can. Enjoy the speed and be stubborn about this goal. Haha I’m glad you are loving that… I need to join in on that too.


I LOVEloveLOVE that you and Brooke go on dates together! I can’t wait until my nieces are old enough for me to take them on dates, too!! They will absolutely get their fair share of froyo with me! :)

One of my good friends got into trail running years ago, and I think she only runs trails on the weekends and runs on the roads the rest of the days during the week, so y’all should be good! Plus, if y’all are crazy enough to train for this and attempt it, I’m pretty sure that y’all are crazy enough to finish it and do well regardless ;)


YES… the froyo dates are the best ha:) That is so good to hear about your friend! Have a wonderful day Natalie.


Hi-Chew strawberry!
I have no clue how you can eat candy for long runs. haha. I used too when I ran road races but now that I am in the trail world, I can sometimes have a mini Pay Day but other than that only eat real foods. I had to start slow though with fruits and such. Now, I take pb sandwiches cut up, pretzels or salty potatoes…its like a running buffet at group runs some days! haha.


You know your candy Staci! I need to try out a Pay Day but really… I need to take real food and I need to join your group runs. Have a wonderful day.


I’ve run several 50 milers and a bunch of 50ks on the trails and I only get to the trail once a week – it’s about 30 minutes from my house and I’m slower on the trails so I only did one run a week on them. And I was fine! You’ll do great!!! So excited for this new adventure for you. Next year, you’ll be talking about a 100! :)


This was very reassuring… thank you so much Angie! Hahah that is what Andrew is saying I’m going to do too but as of right now, 50 is scaring me big time. Have a great day!


Hi I’m NOT a candy expert at all. At this point I’m just trying to get back on the road. This morning when I was running I was wondering how long will it take to get back to where I was 2 – 3 months ago. Have a great day


I hope your ankle is feeling 100%!! Enjoy the beautiful journey back… this is a new chapter of life!! Thanks, you too Almarie!


不知道糖果——你最好让我们知道灰岩洞rrow! I am working on getting some more miles in – 25 a week – but I’m definitely throwing some speedwork in there. I want to run my 2-mile under 13 minutes on my next Army PT test. And then qualify for Boston :) OHMYGOSH I am so jealous of your date night with Brooke. The food sounded incredible, and I’m sure The Nutcracker was amazing. I am also so jealous of your date runs with Andrew! I want so much to have a partner again and to have a family, so it’s been fun to be with you along your journey. You’ve had some ups and downs, and I love how happy and settled you seem right now. New house, new running goals, not-so-new baby :) (one year, seriously?!), new traditions, shifting relationships with Brooke now that she can hold real conversation – YAY for you guys!!


Hi-Chews… you need to have some asap (or I can ship some to you). 25 miles and speed… you are rocking it Miranda. Thank you so much Miranda! I am hoping that your near future includes so many things you are praying for. Keep me updated on everything!!


it looked like a strawberry bonker. i love those. i haven’t seen them in years. i hope they still exist!

one year olds aren’t the best helpers but then again neither are 14, 12 and 6 year olds. i either wait until after they go to bed to wrap or get up at 5:00 and wrap. neither are good choices. both leave me tired the next day.


I had to loop up what a bonker is… those look delicious. They were actually hi-chews! Hahah very true… never a good time to wrap presents ha. Have a great day Lee.


Hi chews! I just hadn’t some yesterday ?. LOVE the nutcracker! My husband and I go every year!


YES… you are good. They are the best candy. Enjoy the nutracker this year with your husband (or if you already went this yeaer I hope it was great:).


I’m working on building back up my base, or at least I was until a pull in my hip flexor relegated me to the spin bike. I’m hoping by Christmas day to be back out on the roads!

Eating my mom’s peanut butter balls is still my favorite tradition!

“If you have to go potty STOP and go right away. Flush and wash and be on your way!” Bonus points if you know what kids’ show that’s from?!


Crossing all of my fingers that you are back running pain free on Christmas. I might need her recipe some day.
Daniel Tiger right? I’ve learned most of life’s most important lessons from him. Hahahaha!


What mittens are you wearing in that pic where you’re holding the candy? They look warm!


Hey Mary!! Here is the link to them, they are incredibly warm. I take them on every really cold/trail run now. Have an awesome day.


I definitely think once a week on the trails is going to be plenty. If your hamstrings are getting tired, my advice would be to slow down (a lot) and practice walking up the hills. Some people maintain an 8-9 min pace in 50 milers, but for your first one, I’m guessing you want to give yourself the best chance of making it from the start line to the finish line, and have fun doing it.
I found that the two most difficult things to master when I moved up to ultra distance were incorporating walk breaks and eating real food (like PB sandwiches, salt potatoes, pretzels) while running. It sounds silly, but it takes some mental effort (especially at mile 40!!) to slow to a walk, power walk up a steep hill, and then start running again at the top. I practiced this even on my long-ish runs of 10 miles or so.
Your date night with Brooke sounds so fun. I remember going on little dates with my mom to the mall, and just cherishing that alone time I got with her. Brooke is going to remember this forever.


That is just the advice I needed. We are aiming for more 10-12 minutes per mile during the race so I should probably practice more of that on the hills. I also need to take real food while running… I love all of these tips. Keep them coming. I have those same memories, they really do mean the world to us as kids. Have a wonderful day Stacey.


Recovery! Doing lots of strength training and PT and telling myself I’m giving my body the rest it needs to get back to running . . . and hopefully I’ll be stronger then, too! I’m actually starting to enjoy strengthening a lot more and I feel like it’s kind of filling that exercise spot for now. Yay!

I used to love my family’s tradition of getting all bundled up and going out on a walk after dinner on Christmas Eve to look at everyone’s lights. My parents were probably just trying to burn off some of our energy but it felt so magical!


Yes yes yes… you are doing the absolute right thing for your body and you’ll come back stronger than ever. Oh I love that tradition… I’m going to steal that one. Thanks Kristin, have a beautiful day.


LOL! THat video is hillarious!!!! Perfection! It is NOT about the nail!


Hahaha yes!! It seems ridiculous when I watch it but I do the same thing:) Have a great day Ann.


Once a week on trails is enough. Keep hitting the hills on weekly runs. I also would run stadium stairs or hike on the treadmill (incline all the way up) with a weighted vest on. That probably has helped me the most. Keep up the good work! As mentioned… RECOVERY is so import, and strength training. Band work has been amazing for my hip strength (those hip flexors get tired on the trails).


THANK YOU Rebecca… I have access to stadium stairs very easily and can hike on the treadmill (didn’t think about the weighted vest). Thanks so much for the help on this and I need to get back on the Band Wagon (I had to;) Have a wonderful day.


Hi-chews??? They are addicting! Your trail run views always look so amazing, would love to visit Utah some day.


Come visit and I’ll take you on a run in the mountains!! You are right… they really are so addicting. Have a wonderful day Juli!


Strawberry? Hi-chew. I thought about using that for half marathon fuel but kept forgetting to bring it so I never did.

I found one of the trees and I’m going to let my girls decorate it. Hopefully it will keep them entertained during Christmas break coming up.

I love that university mall has things like that now. Free kind entertainment is the best


You are good!! Are you going to train for a half this summer? I want to know your race plans. That mall and riverwoods has really upped their game! SO glad you found the tree… sorry my explanation wasn’t the best haha!


I am hoping to train for a half but I haven’t signed up for anything yet! I just keep thinking about how much I loved it!!

Your instructions were perfect. They were supposed to be right where I was looking but they weren’t there. When I asked someone they said they had a whole bunch in stock but they were all returned items so they were in the front. Someone must have bought a ton and the returned a bunch to the store.


Oh I am glad that they had some there for you!!!


I was hysterically laughing yesterday about Andrews comment and today about the video because when my husband and I were dating he used to ask me “do you want me to be a girlfriend right now or be your boyfriend?” Meaning just listen or fix it. He now knows to always just be the girlfriend and I always process things by crying first Janae so I get You!


BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND OR YOUR BOYFRIEND… oh that is good! He gets it too:) Have a wonderful day Brenda and thanks for sharing this, it made me laugh!


I don’t know if I’m amused or annoyed by that video…lol. It’s so true! Sometimes we just have to live with the nail for a little while and figure it out on our own :)
我爱你和布鲁克分享甜蜜的爱potato fries! My mom and I used to go out on my b-day (Dec 26th!) to a place that had the best curly fries. One year we went and they didn’t have them anymore!! That made me switch to sweet potato fries and I don’t really miss curly fries anymore.
I’m trying to stick to my HM training as much as possible during the holidays – 5-6 days a week. I have a 15k in Jan and HM is in Feb. All I want for Christmas is a new PR in 2019!!
The song that gets stuck in my head often is Mockingbird by James Taylor and Carly Simon. We run on Mockingbird St at the end of our long runs and I always hear it in my head when we turn the corner.


Happy birthday month and I hope you celebrate this whole month:) What a sweet memory with your mom! Sweet potato fries really are the best type of fries. I have a strong feeling you are just 2 months away from a new half marathon PR. I can’t wait to hear all about it. Hahah I wonder if that happens to anybody else that lives near that street. Have a great day Elizabeth.


It’s Gushers!! Right?


Nope… Hi-Chews but brilliant with the Gushers… I’ll take those next time:) Have a fabulous day Betty!


我刚开始马拉松训练计划所以我猜a little of both (speed and endurance) because it’s got longer runs on the weekend and one day a week of speed work. I just did my first speed session last night and I was SO excited! I am using a Runner’s World sub-3:15 plan to train for Boston. Current PR is 3:18 and I just had a baby in August so 3:15 seems reasonable. But the paces felt way too easy! My heart rate hardly went over 160 and I ran my cool down feeling all springy like I still had way more in the tank and wanted to go for it. Now I am super torn because on the one hand I think I should stick to the plan, because the intervals at that pace eventually do get longer (I was only doing 400s), and I want to make sure I respect my body since getting back into running postpartum is definitely worth taking seriously as you know. :) But on the other hand…I am just not used to doing speed work and feeling like I barely worked out. That doesn’t seem quite right. So I don’t know what to do, haha.
Could you share again the name of the book you used to help you figure out your marathon nutrition plan? This is not my first marathon of course but I still feel like I have never figured out a plan that was 100% what I needed.


Kelly, I am thrilled for you! You are going to get that sub 3:15 and I can’t wait to hear about it. You are being so smart about your training and coming back after your baby (CONGRATS). Be patient! I remember my coach had me doing workouts in the beginning of this marathon training cycle where I felt the same way… I was worried I would never get back BUT I got to the race fit and injury free. It will build up and the workouts will get harder but wait for the right time to do that, you are amazing.

Here is the book link, I hope it helps you too. Finding the right nutrition plan will help you so much. You are going to have an amazing race.


Thanks, Janae!! This was just what I needed to hear. I sent my husband the book link for a Christmas present suggestion. ;) Have an awesome day!


I’m mostly working on endurance right now, with a little bit of speed thrown in.

My favorite tradition is making candy and cookies then giving it to friends and neighbors. Stop by next week and I’ll have a plate for you ;)

We had a RECORD with “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” on it when I was a kid. It also had “All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth” on it. I always have music going in my head, some songs just won’t go away.


I’ll see you next week! Lucky friends/neighbors! A RECORD… I love it:) That is definitely another song that is in my head often!


You should try airheads for your run! They are nice and thin and a great energy source. I think they make mini ones now too.

Pregnant running so not training for anything, just enjoying the high :)


Congrats on your pregnancy!!! Keep enjoying that high. Also, brilliant about the airheads, I cannot wait to try that.


Where did you get your mittens? I live in Alaska and have to wear gloves all of the time with hand warmers and I love that there’s a spot for your hand warmers in our mittens. I also LOVE trail running!


Hey Tracy! They are here:

I love them so much… let me know if you get them and what you think. Have a wonderful day and enjoy those trails!


Janae I think I really am going to do the marathon Saturday. Things don’t feel PERFECT, but they feel pretty good (my lower legs are just fine, it’s my hip that’s being a little off lately) and my physical therapist still thinks I can do it. I’m just so scared of something hurting and having to stop… but I know there’s just as good a chance that I’ll feel great! (It might also be cold and raining but like I care about the weather at this point, I’ll be elated to run in the rain if nothing hurts!)


YESSSS!! This is fabulous news! Please let me know how it goes on Saturday. You’ve got our family cheering for you!



Right now, I’m focusing on just having fun and some cross training.

I love getting hot chocolate and taking the kids to look at lights :) We have a local zoo that is decked out in lights and I love that too. We usually take my niece and nephew to that as well. We also have Chinese food on Christmas Eve and that is one of our favorites!


I LOVE Gurus! Whenever we take a trip up north I always make us stop in Provo so we can go eat there. I am pretty sure those are strawberry hi-chews. Mango are my favorite flavor! Our Christmas tradition is going to the live nativity. I went when I was little every year and now my husband and I take our little boy! I love it. Definitely helps me feel the spirit of Christmas. Me and my coach have been focusing on speed lately which has been hard but fun! The song that I get stuck in my head a lot is Glorious by David Archuleta. I sing that allllll the time.


Please take this comment with a grain of salt, right off the bat. I have only done one ultra (50K) and I gave myself approximately 2 weeks to prep for it (my friend won a spot in a lottery and gave it to me bc he so nice/so mean). Anyhoo, I had just come off a marathon and had only ran on trails once or twice during that whole lead up. I ended up stressing my IT band post-race and missing Boston because of it. Anyhoo, I think my takeaways were more that I needed to practice running on uneven surfaces OR do exercises that stressed the muscles that road racing doesn’t quite train–abs, outer shins/calves, and perhaps quads. For me, these items were the MOST sore the days after the ultra.

So maybe you cant get out to the trails for every run, but maybe there is a way to incorporate more strength training that mimics the impact of trail running…if that makes sense. Just food for thought! Good luck and stoked to follow the progression. You’ve got me thinking about more ultras down the road…and maybe that is mostly because of the AWESOME aid station snacks (cough PB&Js, cough gummi bears, cough pretzels!). =) Cheers, girl!


If you could bring those fries to the Favorite Things party tonight, that would be swell. Mmmmmm.

I haven’t been to the Nutcracker in a long time. That is a fun tradition.

You guys are so hardcore with your running and training. For reals. I think you are insane, but in the best way possible.


I’ve been meaning to tell you! I was browsing the Sharper Image catalog abc they have rechargeable hand warmers. I thought of you bc you go through so many in the winter. They supposedly last two hours!


I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas….only a Hippopotamus will do….no crocodiles or rhinorauerous…I only want Hippopotamuses!!! haha. LOVE this song!!!

And yes….fit in a marathon into your plan if you can. I did for my both my 50K and 50 miler! Why run that far and not get a medal is my theory! :)


I’ve never heard of these hi chews! I was going to guess sour gummy watermelons bc those are my favorite! I didn’t have the hippo song in my head until now so thanks for that one!?!?
Love going on dates with my daughters! I think each stage is the best, it just keeps getting more fun!

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