Silentish Saturday!!!

8.5 miles for my Friday morning!

These Ghost 12s felt like a dream.

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Always crafting.

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Straight toMADDIE’Ssocial distancing graduation from BYU.

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We stayed in the car (Brooke peaked out the sunroof and Skye and I stood on the side of the car) to cheer for her as she walked across.

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Runner’s CornerKid’s Mileage Club… They give you a free shirt and for each mile your child runs they fill in a peak and when the shirt is full they get a medal and prize!

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Somebody decided that she was too excited for the weekend to take a nap.

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The chicks have a new form of transportation… Brooke was pushing them around the yard in this.

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We’ve ordered more pizza over the last 6ish weeks than our entire lives;)

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Visited my parents from the porch and Skye is still so confused why she can’t go in.

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My sis met us there too!

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SO excited to readthis.

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Tell me three things that you have going on today!

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哦,我s so hard for kids to understand why they can’t go in other people’s houses. My sister in law said that when my parents were finally coming home, my niece kept saying “and then we see gramma and grampa?” so much that she was about to just have her live with them for 2 weeks haha.


Oh that is SO so hard!!! Have they been able to do porch visits yet? I just wonder how this is affecting all of these little ones. I hope you have a great weekend Victoria and I’m just so happy your parents are home safe and sound!


Went for a 6.5 mile run. I took almost a week off ( did cross train) to figure out my hamstring issues that were affecting my knee. Did the googling of course and feared tendinitis or hamstring strain that would be around for 6 weeks, etc… Turns out maybe I just needed a break!! This week has been great.
We hope to spend some time outside since it is so pretty and going to rain for the next bijillion days after this and my daughter has a hedge hog course with outschool. Super excited. She has selective mutism but has made amazing progress and we are absolutely trying to figure out ways to keep this progress. Talking in a zoom class with strangers ( 1 friend) is perfect. She is having a very rough time seeing people wearing masks. Anyone else’s kids or heck adults?


I AM SO THRILLED that you took the time off and now you are good to go. You are a very smart runner! Way to go on the 6.5 today! So happy to hear about the progress your daughter has been making, that is so exciting! So my kids haven’t really seen anyone in masks here since they haven’t been to the stores or anywhere lately but I’m sure if they did they would really have a hard time with that. I hope your weekend is a beautiful one and so happy your knee/hamstring is happy! Thanks Carrie!


My girls have not been in a store since 3/16 however we live near Philadelphia and so we have been hit hard. We all have to wear masks and are supposed to even when going on walks. We aren’t if we are just outside or on walks but others are and I do carry masks in case we need them. She took a car ride with us to pick up a meal and was freaking out that she might see someone in a mask.


Oh that is so hard and totally makes sense! We ended up going somewhere today and Brooke was weirded out by all of the face masks she saw from the car! It happened right after we talked about it which was crazy… so your littles are definitely not alone feeling that way! I am SO sorry you have been hit so hard. Thinking about you and keep in touch.


It’s good to see your parents and sister :)
Today is my nephew’s wedding!! We were all supposed to go out to the Vegas area (they live in Henderson) for the actual wedding and of course that has changed… But we’ll all get to attend virtually!!
I was also supposed to be at a conference at Stanford yesterday and today, but of course that has changed as well, so today all the workshops on being done through zoom. It is sort of cool that I can do both the conference and the wedding!
I just ordered Run to the Finish too!! Can’t wait to get it. I did get How Bad Do You Want It, and a real life story called Three Tea Cups. I have definitely found the reading bug again.
Have a great Saturday and Sunday :)


Happy wedding to your nephew, that is so exciting! I’m glad you will still get to watch and go to your workshops on zoom. You don’t have to miss either:) Enjoy all of the reading and let’s have a book club together:). Happy Saturday Wendy!


Hello Janae! Started my day with Belgian strawberries topped with porridge for breakfast. Did a 5 km easy run on the treadmill: I’m following Hanson’s just finish half marathon program to get back in the game. But what I’m really looking forward to is dinner: steak with asparagus prepared by my husband. Keep safe.


Can I come over for that breakfast, that sounds amazing. Oh I LOVE that program, so happy you are doing that one. Keep me updated with your training and that dinner sounds amazing. I hope you are all healthy and well! Thanks Tineke!


Hi Janae! I’m loving all the creative ways you are doing social activities! And boy those chicks are growing fast. How soon will you get eggs?

I have a boring weekend ahead, I’m sick (not covid) so just rest and snacks planned. Happy weekend!


9 miles for the day. Got coffee to go after my run for the first time since quarantining and it was amazing!! Just what I needed. And then took a midterm for school, thank you sugary coffee for helping me through haha.


Okay Pretty sure Brooke and Allie would be best friends! She did that exact magnet kit a few weeks ago. Crafts are life for those two!!

Today we’re going on a walk, backyard visit with my parents and probably a movie and popcorn on the couch!


Well I ran the marathon today, my second ever! I ran it in 3:25:25, which is about 19 minutes ahead of my time from last December! I ran it in 3:44:58 last December. I am very excited, tired, and sore. Running a marathon solo you have to be much more careful and have to hold back a bit.


Huge huge huge congrats! 19 minute PR on your own? Hero status! So thrilled for you! Recover well Alex!


where’s the best place to order pizza from in Utah? :)


I vote for Two Jacks Pizza (I think they are just in Utah County) and you have to get their cheese bread too. Unreal. Have a great weekend!


I’m about halfway through run to the finish, so much good advice and a lot to learn!


I’m so glad you got to see your parents from a porch visit. My parents live in Canada (and I live in New Hampshire), so we won’t be able to see them until all this is over. I think my mom is starting to crack, and I don’t blame her.

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