Silentish Saturday!


I did it… even though I wanted to quit 25 times along the way up, I’m so glad I didn’t!

We started at 5:30 am and saw the gorgeous sunrise.


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We were then stopped by a moose with her baby on the trail and hung out there waiting for a while… She wasn’t going to leave the trail, so we cut up through the bushes instead.

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Gummy sharks are my new favorite running fuel.

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For about 2 miles it was raining pretty hard on us with so much wind but everything cleared up when we got to the saddle.

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But it was cool to see the rain in the distance from so high up.

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I made it to the summit and then the downhill was a blast. A bit over 14 miles and we averaged a moving pace of 15:14 per mile.

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Now to figure out how to get these legs recovered ha.

Andrew had the most beautiful acai bowl waiting for me when I got home. During the rainy miles all I could think about was hot chocolate but for the downhill miles all I could think about was something cold and delicious.. this hit the spot. Now to find the next summit!

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The rest of the day involved a block party and the girls had the time of their lives:).

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Tell me three things you are doing today!

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Good job! You all are so strong to make it up that mountain! And the sunrise views are gorgeous.

This morning when I woke up it was 66 degrees so I rushed out the door to run (was so excited for the cool weather). Need to do some homework today. Then thinking fun takeout for dinner tonight!


66 degrees is the best running weather, so glad you got that! Good luck on the homework and I love the idea of fun takeout for dinner tonight. ENJOY and thanks Mariah!


I think you’re ready to come do a 14’er in Colorado with me now!


Ooo… I agree!
I’ve done Longs Peak, and it was fun. Need to get back and do that again.


FOURTEEN….. okay, I need more details now!


Awesome job!! I would love to do that climb. The views are absolutely incredible! Yikes about the moose! I’ve heard they can be really mean.
Block parties are so fun. One of the things I miss about the boys being “grown ups”… We still attend, but it’s just different.
Today will be my usual shorter run, followed by yoga ?. 6 weeks straight of Saturday morning yoga and I am really loving it.
Then it will be some house cleaning and making Shalane’s quinoa salad for tomorrow.
Have a really great 4th of July weekend!!


Wendy, thank you and I hope to never be that close to a moose again. Way to go on your yoga streak, that is awesome. It just feels so good! ENJOY that salad and now I need to make some too. Thanks Wendy!


Hi Janae! Those pics are gorgeous!!! Utah sure has great variety of gorgeous views! I love watching the sunrise whole on an outdoor adventure.
Beat part of today is going to be long run with my club and then my husband is coming home early from his boys camping trip! Yay for too many bugs haha.
Happy weekend!


AMY! Thank you so much and you are so right, seeing the sunrise is the best! I hope your long run was amazing and enjoy your time with your husband when he gets back!


Three things: long run (8:44 average pace!!!!), farmers market for sourdough bread and fresh veggies, and lots of weeding and gardening.
That run looks so hard but the views look like it’s worth it. I really need to come to Utah so I can eat at all of the fabulous places and run all the fabulous places you talk about. I love the farm fields but I think I would love some mountain views
Have a great 4th of July! I hope there’s lots of sparklers, fireworks, and good food involved!


GO LEE GO! That is an awesome long-run pace. And now I need to copy you and go to the farmers market! I really think you need to come and I’ll take you on some trails and of course for food:). Thanks Lee, you too!


今天早上我做了一个小道跑!只有1英里of actual running, the rest was hiking, but it was so fun. I’m easing into it, but I gotta admit I may like it more than road running?!


TESS! Way to go, that is awesome! Seriously, there is just something so special about the trails. Keep me updated on how it is all going for you. Happy weekend!


It was 100 degrees by 11am here. I may or may not get my “long run” in after dark tonight. ?
Hubby broke his wrist and just had surgery so mostly we are hanging out watching dumb movies on Amazon.
And I went to the temple this morning. So glad it is fit open here. ❤️


OH NO to your husband’s wrist! That is so lame! Good luck with the long run if you do it today and I am so happy you were able to go to the temple! Have a beautiful rest of your weekend!


Just found your blog and fell in love with your sweet attitude and the gorgeously scenic running pictures (I live in Louisiana, so your surroundings are my running dream!) Congrats completing such a hard (but beautiful run)! Can’t wait to read more!


Stunning pictures!!!

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