Weekending highlights+ the CULPRIT of my pain!


Zero running but some lifting is happening over here… I’m not even sure who I am anymore;) The cortisone shot helped my foot to feel normal again, but my doctor told me not to run for two weeks, so I won’t run for at least two weeks and I’ll continue to do the things he gave me the okay to do!

The podiatrist spent 54 minutes with us… Fifty-four minutes of listening to every detail of my history, checking out my foot/calf/achilles, x-rays, giving me recommendations on what things I can do etc. He was so incredibly helpful and gave me an excellent plan of attack. He really thinks that the culprit to my plantar fasciitis problems are these shoes. I’ve worn these for marathons in the past and never had a problem, but I hadn’t worn them much after I had Beck and then (even though I had been loving the Hyperion Tempo for my workouts) randomly decided to wear the old Hyperions for my track workout (+ a track workout that was a little much for where I was at too)… and that is right when the pain started.

Goodbye to the type of racing shoes that I have used and loved over the years; we have a lot of great memories together. I’m not sure if it was pregnancy or aging, but my feet need more support now.

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A big highlight from the weekend was spending a bit of time in the mountains with Brooke. The kids and Andrew will be the only ones doing current running pictures here for a bit of time;).

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Being in nature with Brooke is the best because she points out the little things that I don’t usually notice. Noticing the small stuff makes everything better.

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Andrew left early for work, and Brooke snuck in my bed one morning.

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My sister’s husband was working all weekend too so we joined mom forces with our kids.

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Skye loved all of the cousin time.

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And my podiatrist recommends that I do the runner’s stretch as much as possible throughout the day.

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Andrew worked a bunch and the kids were thrilled to see him again.

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SO excited to watch Boston today. The last time I was there, I smiled for 26.2 miles non-stop, and my cheeks were sore for days.

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In 2015 I definitely didn’t smile very much though;)

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2019 Boston was in my top 3 favorite races, ever!

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Share any highlights from the weekend?!

Who is watching Boston today? Who is at Boston cheering?

Have you figured out anything that has caused you an injury in the past?

Hot chocolate or apple cider (or other delicious drink at this time of year)?

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What a great appointment! I love advice about shoes from professionals. I was handed a list of shoes that I can wear from my PT. So helpful.
Also, someone get Sky a bigger sweatshirt! Ha!!


Thank you and I totally agree, loved hearing every word that he said. SO awesome your PT gave you a great list. Hahaha I am sure she would want a bigger sweatshirt if I handed her one. Have a beautiful day, Molly!


我将会看/跟踪波士顿,我知道number of people running!

I hope switching shoes helps your foot issues!

It is still the weekend for us..Thanksgiving!
Highlights..making up my own half marathon to run as so many races were happening this weekend so I went out Saturday and ran a spur of the moment one.

And yesterday the weather was gorgeous we took puppy and walked from our home to Granville Island where we ate delicious food . and River got a puppy cake cake from the pet bakery. She ate that in a hurry lol! And on the way back we went to the dog beach.

And Thanksgiving dinner which was just us this year.. but we had baked stuffing..I added sausage mushrooms celery apples and eggs to stuffing mix. So good!

Happy Monday Janae!


Thank you Kristine, I am really hoping that it does! HAPPY THANKSGIVING and I am so happy you are still enjoying some time off from work. Way to get out and create your own half marathon, awesome. And your Sunday = sounds perfect! Baretta needs a puppy cake and a day at the dog beach. Send me some of that stuffing, I am drooling. Thanks Kristine, you too!


Aww. Sorry to hear about your feet. I had bad foot pain after starting to run again after my pregnancy. It was a triplet pregnancy and the stress my feet took from carrying them changed the way I ran. It was a frustrating time but once they figured it out, I changed my shoes and was good to go. Currently dealing with a unknown hip injury from biking though so all exercise is on hold. Take the time to enjoy the fall!!


Bethany! Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know about what happened after your TRIPLET (you are amazing) pregnancy. I am so happy you were able to figure out your feet but now I hope your hip gets better asap! It is nice to take a bit more time to just enjoy this season and slow down, I fully relate. Have a great one!


So glad you saw a podiatrist and here’s to you running again pain-free soon! :)
We serve frozen apple cider slushies at our high school football games and they are so delicious.


Frozen. Apple. Cider. Slushies. Okay, I must have one of those in my life soon… that sounds amazing! Thanks Amanda, have the best day!


I’m watching Boston! One of my favorite running days of the year. Cheering for Shalane too as she is doing her marathon challenge!

Hot chocolate! And I like chai tea lattes too for winter time.

This was a fun weekend for me! Had my half marathon Saturday, yesterday I went to a Jonas Brothers concert (what a throwback!), and today I have off of work and am spending the morning leisurely watching the Boston Marathon.


恭喜你的半程马拉松! !我希望你是如此aking in the accomplishment and recovering well. Okay, I bet that concert was a best. Enjoy your day off and wasn’t it the best to watch Boston again!? After so long since the last time… it just felt right. SHALANE is absolutely incredible.


So glad you were able to see a podiatrist and figure out what was the cause of your planter ! Now you can heal and get stronger again.
When I was suffering from Achilles tendonitis in 2020, it was because I was running too much on the sidewalks. So now I make sure to run on softer surfaces as much as possible.
Ok, Utah is showing off with all the beautiful colors! I just love this time of year.
I’m watching Boston now!! It just makes me so happy to see races. And yesterday, watching Chicago, have me all the feels! Seeing Emma Bates and Sarah Hall take 2nd and 3rd was amazing!! Emma didn even look tired at the end… Ha
Heading out for and fun little 6.2 mile run ?
Have a great Monday!


Hey Wendy! Yes yes yes… I am so excited to have a bit more answers now. Oh that is so interesting about sidewalks causing your achilles tendonitis, I didn’t know that could happen. YAY for softer surfaces. Wasn’t it the best to see both Boston and Chicago? I feel spoiled now. I hope your 6.2 miles are perfect. Thanks friend, you too!


Trader Joe’s wassail is the perfect beverage for holiday parties because you can keep it warm in the crockpot for hours. Hot chocolate is good, too, and I like to mix up a huge batch to give away as Christmas gifts. It’s even better when you stir it with a candy cane!


I MUST GRAB THE TJ’S WASSAIL. Thank you for sharing, I bet it smells amazing. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Cynthia!


I’m sorry you are having PF issues. I know it’s painful. But the podiatrist could be right about the shoes. I’m really glad he mentioned it too. I wish that anyone of the medical professionals I saw (including two different podiatrist) would have made that suggestion. It could have save me a lot of pain, time and money.

I spent 5 years with PF issues. I tried everything. I do mean everything. I even broke down and got cortisone injections in each foot to get some relief. One day I decided to wear a pair of New Balance I had in the closet. I never really cared for them because they didn’t have enough cushion for my liking. But I noticed that my feet didn’t hurt as bad. So I continued to wear them all week and the pain subsided. I decided to search for some other stability shoes and chose Brooks Adrenaline. I haven’t had a problem since and I don’t even use the custom orthotics. Turns out, Asics had changed the drop in the model I had been wearing and that is what was causing the problem all along. A simple change in shoes cured my pain. I hope it’s a simple fix for you also.


克里斯蒂娜,感谢你花时间to tell me your experience! I am SO SO happy to hear that you have had a problem since you switched to the Adrenaline. I will have to grab a pair, SO happy you were able to figure that out. I am very thankful that my doctor spent so much time with me. Happy running this week and you are so right about those cortisone injections… they give a lot of relief, I just need to be so careful now! Have a great day:)


Hi Janae! I’m excited to see how Shalane does today! I’m cheering for her goal of sub 3 marathons for 7 marathons!
Happy Monday!


Another one down… I cannot even imagine doing what she is doing. Absolutely amazing and it is so fun following her along this journey. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Amy!


I love it when a doctor takes time to listen! Hoping your foot feels better each day.

I’m still feeling the joy of running a half marathon on Saturday. Best long run in many years!

Shoes are definitely a culprit for injury. And the fact that I’m a klutz.

We drink coffee year round, but turn to hot chocolate in the winter. I was going to link the hot chocolate bombs I just ordered from Amazon, but they’re gone! They’re more expensive than standard hot chocolate, but so good! I’m sure your kids would love them. And hot chocolate must be made with milk, water doesn’t cut it in my opinion ;)


Right?! I couldn’t believe how long he spent with me and I feel so much more educated by what is actually going on. WAY TO GO on your 13.1 on Saturday. I am so so inspired by you. Hahaha I’ve had klutz injuries too. NOOOO if you see the hot chocolate bombs again, please send me the link. I fully agree, milk is a MUST for hot chocolate. Have the best day!


LOVED watching Boston. It was interesting to see the difference in broadcasting from Chicago to Boston. NBC really did a horrible job with Chicago – I think they showed Emma Bates for like 1 minute. But Boston was worth it.

I’m glad that you’re finding some relief with your foot/feet. Cortisone shots can be so helpful but (for me) really painful at first, so hopefully you didn’t get the flare!

Just out of curiosity – do you think you’ll be sticking with Brooks, or trying out a different brand? My love for Hoka runs deep, so I was just wondering. ;)


I had some hip pain recently and I was like what changed, not my training, shoes, nothing… then I realized it was back to school/back to sitting in my desk (actually have childcare now=back to work). So I stretched the front of my hip and took a 3 week down mileage and hip pain resolved. I think you’re doing great my addressing it right away.

I’m entering a weird time of more time and I always struggle with working that time away to get extra done vs actually taking rest. You will probably find all kind of family things to do with your extra hours while you’re not running but it’s ok to just enjoy the time off too.



My name is Mary. I’m just a random follower of your blog. :)

I’m sorry about your foot! I’m sure you have lots of recommendations, but I thought I’d give you one just in case you needed one more. ;)

Ariel Brooks is what helps me when my plantar starts acting up. I just wear them everywhere until the pain goes away. They are not the most fun to run in since they weigh a lot more and are really clunky, but they make it so that I CAN run–especially long runs. They were my saving grace after my pregnancy too! Without them, I wouldn’t have been able to run at all this last summer.

I hope you have a quick healing, Hungry Runner Girl!



Root. cause. analysis, my FAVORITE!!!!!! I’m so glad it’s not the strength training, and everything you’re doing with strength training and stretching looks like no changes needed there!!!!! This is really good news, so glad you got the right person to help you. It’s super great to learn more about yourself, and where to look for the root causes in YOUR body. For those who think along the lines of one-size-fits-all/ one shot does it for everyone, here is a prime example of doing what is best for YOU.

It also occurs to me you had a boy most recently, and you said it was (totally) different than with the girls. Someone above mentioned the change to their feet during/ following a pregnancy. It’s so holistic, and makes sense. Or maybe it’s just aging.


我在赫里福德和欢呼吧Boylston today – such an emotional corner to cheer at, watching everyone anticipate seeing the finish line the second they round the corner. Right on Hereford, left on boylston, straight to the finish!

2019 was my fave because I got to meet you! Woohoo!

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