2022 Running Goals + My Mileage This Year!


It took me a few hours to convince myself to do it but I eventually got on my bike and was very happy that I did once my legs were moving. Starting a run/workout is 100% the hardest part of any work out for me.

I hit a new 45-minute class PR yesterday! Of course. it was because I took one of Kendall’s classes, they are so hard for me. I finished up with a 15 minute legs class.

PS Andrew did a 45-minute class later on in the day and his output was almost 200 higher than mine, he is quite the biker.

We have watched more movies in the last few days than the entire year combined ha.

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贝克是幸福当我爬在地上with him.

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Meganand my mom have hooked us up with treats this week.

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Just a closer look on the twix cookie.

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I’ve been living off of turkey sandwiches the last few days… throw on some cucumbers and spinach = a meal in 12 seconds.

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Skye wouldn’t eat all day long so when she said that Panda sounded good… I was out in the snowstorm two seconds later getting her that orange chicken.

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Time to move the cereal up…

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Let’s chat about 2022 running goals! I feel a little strange with my running goals this year… Other than the years I have been pregnant, I feel like I have always had huge goals that I set for the upcoming new year. This year, I feel like I am just in survival mode with kids and running is just keeping me sane ha.

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But I do have a few that I have set until some bigger ones seem doable again!

*2 races that I have never done before. I tend to just stick to doing the exact same races each year. This year I want to branch out a bit more and try a few brand new (to me) races!

*A trail race in March! It is the Buffalo 25kthat Andrew did a few years agoand it is calling my name.

*For January I have set the goal to run 140 miles in the month. I also have the goal for January to complete one interval run a week as I try to get back into speed again.

As far as mileage goes for 2021—> I have two more runs left in the year so it looks like I’ll hit 2,242 miles for the year!

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Did you keep track of your 2021 running? What were your highest mileage months from the yeaer?

Tell me your 2022 running goals?

-Wouldn’t it be fun to all plan for a fall race and meet up together?!

Do you usually stick to the same races each year or do you like trying new ones?

What is your workout today?

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There are a few races that I want to do every year. I repeat a lot of races d/t location though.
Come to the Midwest for either Grandma’s or Chicago!


So glad to see that Skye is feeling better – hope the whole fam stays healthy for a bit so you can get a break! :)
According to my watch, I ran 630 miles this year… that’s just straight running, though. I tend to do a lot of cross training style workouts where I will run on the treadmill for a bit, hop off, do bodyweight or weight training moves, then hop back on. No clue what that mileage may be, but I know I do an awful lot of those workouts! This is probably the lowest straight running mileage I’ve had in years, but I was more focused on toning and tightening muscles leading up to the wedding than I was doing anything else! July and September were my highest mileage months, and I know I ran at least 2 races each of those months, so that definitely helped!
We’re really hoping to get pregnant in 2022, so my running goals are just to keep moving and stay healthy – no crazy race goals since I’m focused more on family goals! I’d love to do some of my regular local(ish) area races but that will obviously depend on what happens with the baby situation!
I am going to a hot yoga class today – I can’t wait! It’s about 15 degrees outside right now, so the class will be much appreciated!


My husband and I are also hoping to conceive in 2022; wishing you baby dust!


Oh, good luck to you!


AHHH GOOD LUCK EMILY!! Please keep me updated!!


Rhiannon, I cannot tell you how happy this makes me! Please please please keep me updated!
Way to go on a great year of running and your workouts on the treadmill sound awesome! I hope your hot yoga class was awesome. Thanks friend!


In terms of running goals, my “reach for the stars” goal is to complete a Vacation Races Half Marathon. The longest race I’ve done since starting running at the beginning of 2021 is a 10k, so I’m still a newbie and this would be a fun goal to accomplish. Overall, I hope to run more in 2022 than I did in 2021, now that I know myself a bit better as a runner. I also want to track my miles and runs this year. I didn’t do that until just a couple of months ago because I was just focusing on moving my body. In 2022 I hope to have a better idea of how much I’ve run and how much I have grown as a runner.

Now, all that being said, my husband and I are trying to get pregnant this year, so if that happens, I will happily shelve any running goals that I do have. :)


A Crmbl just opened by in my area and I love love love their cookies. I also love just walking in the door because it smells amazing. I ran my most mileage ever in 2021, which will probably end somewhere around 1145 miles, with March being by far my highest mileage month at 210. I ran a marathon in April and got pregnant in July, so it has been a steady decrease in mileage all year, but for good reason. It also means I have basically no running goals in 2022. I’m due in April and plan to take 12 weeks off from running and build back slowly, so I’ll save the goals for another year. I am getting a swim spa next year, so I’m hoping to cross train a lot more .
I do have a (very) long term goal to run every marathon in the state of WI (3 down, about 48 or so to go). It’s a fun way to try new races and still feel like I’m working toward a goal even if the race doesn’t go that well or the course stinks. I’ll update you in 20 years when I hopefully run my last one!


Glad Skye is on the mend! It’s so sad when your kids are sick. And with multiple kids, it feels like a constant cycle of sickness, especially in the winter!
Four kids (esp with my last two being twins) have kept me right with you in survival mode, with running/Pelotoning for sanity. I’m hoping I can build back up to the point where I can train for a race this year because I do love it, but we’ll see! I’m surprisingly really enjoying doing more strength classes, and I started the Power Zone program on Peloton, which has been really fun and different – it’s basically endurance/base building, and you do a test at the beginning in and end to see if you’ve improved. Recommend giving it a try!


My running goal is actually a non-running goal lol… as I am slowly returning to running following ACL reconstruction, my biggest “run goal” for 2022 is to STICK with the cross training. I picked up swimming laps during recovery, and I’m looooving the Peloton app workouts, so I would love to see myself stay consistent with these types of workouts next year. Right now I’m running 3 days a week, and would like to ease into 4-5 days next year, but I know it’s important for me to keep other workouts in the mix to stay overall strong.
I like your goals, and it’s more than okay for them to look different year to year! Oh, and I vote YES to all meeting up for a race somewhere:)


I love Beck’s curiosity with the cereal boxes! And wow, I am so impressed with your 2242 miles tracked!! That’s impressive both for the miles AND that you consistently had a charged up GPS watch for every single run. My highest month of tracked miles was 130 in August.
2022 running .. Grandma’s marathon + work a bit on speed, then another 50k in the fall (also Duluth). Plus 2 just-for-fun races. not focusing on time will be a challenge: one with my husband, and a 5k with other family. At some point in 2022 I will need to go back to a work office, so another goal will be keeping my lunchtime runs.. I don’t do morning runs because I start work at 7, & need to squeeze my short strength session in early. It is TOO easy to find reasons why I cannot get out for a run at the office.
My workout today is a treadmill run because it is -12 F currently. Brr! I will probably go for a short walk down the block later with my 5 year old.


Can you please do a review on the Kentucky Butter Cake cookie from Crumbl?! I’ve been wanting to try it!!

2022 Running Goals: Heal my hamstring and run two strong marathons – Boston in April (I just want to finish and run Boston pain free) … Chicago in October that I want to be able to train hard for and run very fast :)


Congrats on your yearly mileage. You did about 100 more than my best year ever so I know you put in a ton of work. This is especially impressive given how much cycling you have added lately. Good luck on your 2022 goals.

It looks like I have done 1628 miles this year. The last two months have been mostly biking so I’m happy with this result. My best month was September with 231 which was the big month before the Boston Marathon.

2022 goals:
-I’ve told myself that even if I have to cut a run short, I will always foam roll and stretch before and after every run.
-I live in a really flat area so I plan on doing a hill workout at least once a week even if it’s a treadmill run.
-We just got a MaxiClimber which is a vertical climber so I plan on doing at least 10 minutes on this after every run (if time allows).
-Hopefully qualify for either Berlin (3:20) or Tokyo (3:30) for my fall marathon. I ran a 3:26 PR in October so I’ve got a little work to do.

Have a Happy New Year! Thanks for all the inspiration you provide.


Your 2021 mileage is amazing!
In 2022 I’d like to run my 7th half marathon and run my very first marathon! I’m a super slow runner, like 12:30 minute miles for long distance, so I’m going to run/walk the marathon. I just want to say I’ve done one and then maybe go back to shorter distances (I say that now though :)).


I primarily have my Garmin because I tend to run too fast and too long. I literally just discovered I could go in and see my miles for the year! Of course it doesn’t include all my treadmill miles.
My running goals are to keep an exercise journal. I also am doing a spring marathon, either Nashville RNR or Derby festival. I am going to fly there with my Mom and meet up with my sister. I will be the only one running it. Please everyone do your part so Covid isn’t still exploding in the spring!! I also want to do an ultra but not sure if that is 22 or 23.


Oh my word, Andrew must teach us his ways! That is crazy the difference in output!

I only track my mileage because Garmin does it for me;-). 2020 was my year of running and I hit a PR for miles by probably 800+ miles. This year, I am about 600 miles less than last year and I am totally ok with that. Over 2020, I did not take care of other aspects of my health (mental, physical or emotional) and I feel that running that many miles was not sustainable. However, I did fall in love with triathlons in 2021. I have spent the past year shifting my focus from only running, running, running to being more balanced in all areas of my life. I am slloooowly coming to the realization that exercise/running is only a small part of who I am and I can’t have it zap all my energy/focus/attention, etc. I have come to love biking, walking, swimming, lifting weights, taking rest days, laying on the couch/watching movies, snuggling with the kids, spending more time in prayer, staying up later just because, reading…all things that truly fill up my cup.

However, I do have some races/fitness goals: complete my first duathlon, 3 triathlons and have at least one be a new to me race, stick to one half marathon (only because I have done it every year since it has started). Another realization I came to in 2021 was that I LOVE running, but not racing. I might try out some 5k’s and see if I like racing shorter distances.

Workout today: 45 minute full body strength workout, 30 minute fusion ride (it killed my legs in the best way).

Happy Wednesday, Janae!


贝克与麦片…哈哈哈。也没有斯凯do that when she was his age? Cereal is truly a big deal in your house.
Hoping Skye continues to feel better!
I haven’t added up my mileage for the year yet. I should do that. Last year I was over 1,200 and I am pretty sure I’ve run more this year…
I haven’t made any running goals for 2022 yet. I love the idea of trying new to me races! I may look into that. My running friend texted me last night saying we should run 2,022 miles for the year. I think I may try that! It works out to be about 38 miles a week, so I think that’s totally doable.
My other goal, is to stay consistent with strength, core, and stretching. If I do, I know it will help me stay injury free… We’ll see.
I loved reading about your readers who want to have babies and the ones who want to qualify for/ run some big marathons!! Very inspiring.
My workout today is 8×400’s… I haven’t done that many in a long time! Hard, but fun!
Have a good Wednesday!


Alright Janae…I won’t lie. I was thinking of skipping my workout after driving from Chicago to Philly yesterday and just unpacking my car. But you convinced me since I know I’ll feel better just like you after yesterday’s bike workout. So off I go! Going to do a leg workout I think


Glad to see Skye is eating! Hope this means she is on the tail end of the sickness.

I have two half marathons in 2022, would love to do under 10 minute miles for at least one! They are hilly half’s so need to focus on strength too. Would love a race to get everyone together, that would be so fun!!


On the race question – both! I like doing familiar races because I feel like it takes away a lot of the race day nerves when you already know what to expect from the course, the level of support, etc. On the other hand, new races are fun too, especially when you get to visit a new place and then do some of your sightseeing by doing the race.

I love reading recaps of races ahead of time too, to help prepare. I’ll be looking forward to reading about the new ones you do. If you want to travel to Colorado I can give you some race recommendations!


something of doing more of, something I’ve started, just do things, and stop thinking about doing…..I hate to say that I heard Chip Wilson say ‘idea to action’ and took that to heart……It’s kind of a guy thing I guess, what’s the worst that could happen? or think about that later…so if I think about going for a run, just go….if you think about saying something, just say it….Idea to action, my new year’s resolution, less planning, more doing


Oh, do I love Crumbl cookies. Not ashamed to admit I’ve ordered an entire box for myself.

I haven’t formally set goals yet, but I am running my first marathon next month and hope to do another National Park half marathon through Vacation Races sometime in the summer. I did Zion at night this year and loved it, so I am looking at running the Yellowstone or Glacier half in Montana for 2022.


我也倾向于重复我最喜欢的比赛!有一个reason they’re our fave!

Nov was my highest mileage month (training for a PR Dec 1/2 marathon). I was literally eating/sleeping/running it seemed.

爱爱爱Crumbl !他们饼干indulgent – my favorite, so far, has been anything with lemon!

And your midnight run to Panda is funny to me because my mini has a genuine love affair with their orange chicken. If she eats nothing else when she’s sick, she will always eat Panda!


WOW! That is a lot of milage…..I am not sure of my total yet but I’ll be happy with whatever it is.
Trail race sounds fun!


I would love to find a race and meet up! About to start tapering for the Houston Marathon, so that’s a fun/nervous feeling–but looking forward to a great weekend!
Love keeping up with your family and your runs–thanks for being honest and allowing us to sharing in your world!


Amazing mileage for the year! Well done Janae! Those goals are awesome and I can’t wait to hear more about them.
My 2021 goal was 1000 miles, but due to a few viral illness taking me out for a few weeks and a massive slump in motivation post autumn half marathons, I am over 100 miles short of my goal. I am by no means disappointed because I achieved some great things this year which were not all running related!

My goals for 2022
– I hope to get 1000 miles (third year lucky right!?)
– Get a PB at my favourite half marathon in September
– Keep running for fun! Sometimes having too many goals makes it less fun
I also think it will be a good idea to set more weekly/monthly goals, so they are more achievable based on what life is throwing at me at the time.

Wishing Skye all the best and hope she is feeling better soon!


glad to see that Skye is feeling better




According to my watch, I ran 630 miles this year


I came nowhere near hitting my mileage goal for 2021 of 1200 miles. Looks like I will hit 950……that’s my lowest in a long time. I had 2 months over 100 miles (May & October). I was feeling bummed about this until I realized:

1- 2021 was freaking rough….losing my dad & my father in law……my family uprooted and everyone moved and things were just weird…………and since my mother in law passed a few years ago, and my FIL was unexpected, there was a weird scramble of doing adult stuff like dealing with lawyers & who becomes in charge of house & cars (and even simple things like the phone plan)……………RUNNING HELPED WITH THIS!!!

and 2- I raced 4 races this year (I did have a 5th I dns, which i never did before, but the weather & timing with 2 other races made it a smart decision to not race)……..my 4 races were a 5k, 8k, 10k, and half marathon. I set a PR in all of them except the half, and it was less than 4 minutes from my PR.

So, mileage aside, I feel like my running did just fine this year. All that being said, I hope 2022 brings a less emotional year & a new half marathon PR. I have my favorite race in March, and I have run it every year since it started in 2016. I would love to hit 1500 miles for 2022. I am keeping it flexible though!


Stemmed from the ideas of symbolic interactionism, relationship based instruction capitalizes on the designs of interaction, analysis
and also correction in between canines and their
coaches. Building on a good partnership between them, the strategy
lays out to achieve end results that gain both the dog
as well as the personal trainer, while concurrently boosting and also boosting their relationship.

A relationship-based approach to canine training is
certainly not necessarily reliant on utilizing particular instruction help or even manages yet presumes that the connection in between dog
and coach is actually adequately strong to achieve the training goals.
Dunbar started Sirius Dog Training, the initial off-leash training program exclusively for new puppies,
which focuses on the usefulness of teaching punch restraint, sociality, as well as various other
general house manners, to pets under 6 months of age.

Canines carry out certainly not educate on their own, when delegated to select their behavior they are going to
imitate canines. It was found that the performance opportunities for completion of the
job were actually similar for canines qualified along with either operant conditioning or the design rival technique.
The mirror strategy theory is that dogs naturally know by taking after others in their social realm.

In the 1980s animal medical practitioner and animal behaviorist Ian Dunbar found out that even with proof on the peak discovering periods in animals, few canine
instructors teamed up with pups prior to they were actually 6 months old.
Dunbar has created many manuals, and is actually recognized
for his international workshop discussions and acclaimed
video recordings on new puppy as well as pet habits and training.
The additional you educate as well as supervise your pup, the a lot less chance it
will certainly need to take part in incorrect behaviors.

Utilize these instruction jobs as you incorporate the new puppy
into your life. For instance, inquire your pup to “sit” prior
获得她的食物,你允许他之前“休息”r in or
even out the door, and also “rest” prior to
you dog her.

Our grown-up degree dog instruction courses
可以帮助你的宠物构造驻留一个快乐,嗯l-balanced life.
Petco pet training professionals will improve favorable behaviors as well as
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Remote control instruction is actually a label offered to
a specific form of beneficial encouragement training device, based upon operant conditioning, that utilizes a clicker tool as a pen and link.
Core to the program is featuring the pet in all
facets of the owner’s life and also beneficial support of copying actions.

Secondary reinforcers are traits the animal being actually taught takes pleasure in but that are actually certainly not
needed for life, like toys, appreciation, etc. There are actually a selection of recognized methods of pets instruction, each along with its adherents as well as movie critics.
The typical features of productive approaches are knowing the
animal’s features and personality, correct timing of encouragement or penalty
as well as constant communication.

Based upon the principles of social understanding, model-rival instruction utilizes a version, or even a competitor for interest, to display the desired
actions. Puppy dogs begin learning from rise as well as excellent breeders begin handling as well as socializing right away.

These are actually opportunities when your pup really wants something as
well as is very likely to abide. This way, you are teaching your pet dog continuously,
throughout the time as well as additionally setting up foreseeable policies as well as routines for communications
and helping the pet to learn who regulates the sources.
The moment you spend educating your pup right now will
definitely pay when you have a grown-up pet dog., Remember Your First Dog Training Lesson? I’ve Bought Some News…,
Stemmed from the ideas of symbolic interactionism,
relationship based instruction capitalizes on the designs of
interaction, analysis and also correction in between canines
and their coaches.


I’m relieved to hear that Skye is starting to feel better.

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