I think we must watch way too many episodes of House Hunters because we decided to move. After church today we went to look at our new apartment.

We thought we would be able to pull off a 1 bedroom apartment for a lot longer than just 7 months but as of April 7th we will be living in a 2 bedroom apartment. With Brooke sleeping in our bedroom I wake up every time she moves a muscle and so we decided it is time to give her her own room (added bonus is that we are pack rats and now will have extra storage room). We are going to live in the same complex and the apartment is pretty much identical to what we live in now.

Don’t worry, my treadmill will still be on the deck so that all of the neighbors can continue to think I am crazy. You can see a tour of our apartmentHERE!

We spent the day just hanging out.

We even let Brooke watch a few minutes of Cupcake Wars (watching this show is pure torture when you don’t have a cupcake to eat while you watch and your husband won’t go drive and find one for you).

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The show inspired me to makeTHESEgarlic and cheese dinner rolls.

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I also made myRITZ chicken.

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Bangs Friendis out of town (I know, I am very upset about it) so we invited her husband over to eat with us.

I completely forgot to post my Mom’s Lasagna Recipe a few weeks ago!!! Better late than never right:)

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From the best mom in the world:

“This recipe is from more than 30 years ago so I will try to tell you measurements but I haven’t measured anything in it for years.

Lasagna (This is for two big casseroles)
2.5 lbs of ground beef. Brown in a pan that is big enough to add all of the sauce ingredients to. Add one chopped onion and a two chopped garlic cloves to the meat as you brown it. Drain when browned. Add: Three cans of Italian style (which means they have also added some spices) sliced or whole tomatoes, two or three cans of tomato sauce (soup size cans), powdered oregano (I don’t know how much cause I taste it, maybe 5 heaping teaspoons full), salt and pepper to taste too. Let simmer for at least half of an hour, stirring occasionally.
Boil water and cook two big boxes of lasagna noodles. Try to time everything to be done at same time. Also slice two pounds of mozarella cheese. Also need parmesan cheese.
Layer in casseroles, first layer is noodles then mozarella cheese then meat mixture then parmesan cheese. Do this twice and then bake with lids on at 350 for about 45 minutes. ( Make sure that sauce is bubbling around the sides.) Enjoy!”


How long have you lived where you currently live now?

Anyone else moving soon?

Ever seen cupcake wars? Best cupcake flavor you have ever had?

What did you have for your Sunday night dinner?

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恭喜在重大决定!房子猎人总是makes me tempted to move too. Brooke drooling over cupcake wars made me crack a smile. She always knows which facial expression to have. Sunday night dinner: cheesy tortellini followed by a Georgetown cupcake. Heaven in my mouth.


Congrats on the move! One bedrooms are rough especially is there isn’t enough storage! Everything looks yummy! Sunday night I went out for tapas with a gf and it was amazing!


Yay for 2 bedrooms! I can understand waking up every time your kid moves though… We ended up moving Noah to right outside our door in the beginning for that very reason just so we could hear him if he was really crying you know. We have almost lived in this house a year now! And for dinner last night we had pizza :-)


We watch house hunters all the time- it’s addicting!! We’ve moved a lot but I kind of like it because it forced me to clean out all my stuff and get rid of stuff I don’t need!


Can’t wait to try the lasagna….it makes my mouth water everytime you post pics of it! ;) Love Cupcake Wars and Brooke’s face while watching it is priceless!


Yeah for moms! Thanks for the recipe HRG-mom. I want to make it this week.
2bedrooms=awesome, packing=procrastinating on the TM with a long run!


Cupcake Wars is the best! :)

We’ve lived in our house for 6 years but want to move soooo bad! 3 kids, 2 dogs, my hubby and me make too much commotion in this little 3 bedroom house!

Jambalaya for Sunday dinner…yum!

The best cupcake I’ve ever had was when I was pregnant and came across a pumpkin cheesecake cupcake. To die for!


Nice move on the two bedroom! We’ve got twins on the way and are in a two bedroom – thinking of upgrading too!

Also, we LOVE Ritz chicken!! It’s a weekly go-to meal in my house :)


That lasagne looks to die for!!! YUM!


Glad you guys are going to get your two bedroom. It will be MUCH more comfortable for both of you and of course, Brooke!


Congrats on the upcoming move! I cannot imagine a one-bedroom with a small kid. I would totally be waking up just like you. I am such a light sleeper. Way to keep the treadmill on the porch!


i just clicked back to that house tour post and Brooke is TEENY!!!! oh my word – isn’t motherhood the best!?!


Yay that Brooke will have her own room! We’ve lived in our house for ten years and it was the creek in the back yard that sold us on it, so I don’t want to ever move! :-)

Thanks for the lasagna recipe!


My boyfriend and I moved our first home together in October. Prior to that we moved around a lot. I’d be happy if I never had to move again. I can’t watch cupcake wars because it makes me want to eat every dessert in the house!


We have lived in our apartments 8 months. It is two bedrooms and I am so happy about that. We considered staying in our one bedroom when I got pregnant but then a two bedroom opened up for $60 more a month and it was such a great deal we decided to move. I am so happy we have the two bedrooms now – it is great having Evan in his own room. Good luck moving – I pretty much hate everything about it.

I have not seen Cupcake Wars or any of those cooking shows, but I love cupcakes!

I always do a ton of cooking on Sundays because I don’t have much time during the week. So yesterday I made Crock Pot Chicken Enchilada Soup, Corned Beef and Cabbage Soup, and Shrimp Newburg.


I love house hunters but hate to move! I have been in this house for almost 7 years but it feels like I just moved in. I am hoping to move to a different area in the next year or so. We have out grown the area :/


Congratulations on the new place! My husband and I have lived in the same apartment since we got married 5.5 years ago, but actually it was my husband’s place first and he’s lived here for ten years! We love our landlords and I couldn’t move.


我和我的丈夫lived in our house for 15 years. Amazing how two people can accumulate so much stuff!! I would love to find a bigger home (with more storage room,our house was built in the 1800’s) but my salon is attached to the house so probably not going to happen.
Glad there is still room for your treadmill outside. ;)


我不知道你如何做这之前——bedro之一om. I am CONSTANTLY checking over Gabriella on the monitor & have to run right in if I see her move, so I can only imagine being right next to you! :) I know when she did sleep in our room for the first two months of her life I didn’t get much sleep. And I felt like when we moved her to her room, we ALL slept better, only because she would hear us move around in bed too…not just us hearing her.
So happy you guys were able to stay in the same complex- that’s great & hopefully will make moving a lot easier :)


Those garlic rolls look amazing as does your lasagne. We have lived in our house for 9 years now, definitely a record for the longest I have lived in one place. While I would love to move (to California!), unfortunately I am stuck in New Mexico for now. Good luck with the move.


We have lived in our home for 3 years – we finished it in 2010!
Not moving anytime soon hopefully :)
I love cupcake wars! I love key lime torte cupcakes!!
Sunday night dinner was a big salad and I stole some bites of my little guys rotini and velveeta. yummm


My Sunday dindin was slow cooker chicken curry! I made a triple batch so will be eating it for Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday dinners as well as the rest of my life.


My husband and I bought our first home (a townhome) last summer, so we’ve only lived here for about 9 months. We LOVE it! Before that though we lived in a one-bedroom/studio-style apartment for 2 years. That apartment was terrible for tons of reasons and we definitely fit the whole “we’re broke and saving for a house” stereotype :)


Congrats and Best of Luck on the move!

I hear you on feeling every move the sweet girl makes. Susanna still sleeps with us sometimes, and it’s a wonderfully blessed unique experience at times!

We’ve been in our place for about 8 months, but will probably move in 5 or 6. We’re averaging a move a year of our marriage, so I guess it’s a good thing we both did this as kids- a lot!

The next move will be closer to SLC and more opportunities for both of us. We love Ogden, and will always be grateful for the time we are spending-spent here.


Good luck with the move! Even though it’s in the same complex – moves can be pretty hectic sometimes! I love cupcake wars!! I think the best flavor I’ve ever had is a chocolate peanut butter combo — that or funfetti :)


Omg cupcake wars IS torture when you can’t have a cupcake while you watch! I moved probably 7 times in college but here in Chicago I’ve lived in the same apartment all three years of law school! Moving at the end of July though! Day after the Bar exam….


We’ve lived in our rented house for almost 2 years now. I love it there, but we watch too much House Hunters too & we’re starting to look for our own house. Let me tell you, it is STRESSFUL! Mainly because I hate talking about money… I prefer to remain in denial about the fact that we don’t have any!


Congrats on the new place!! It’s kind of amazing that you guys have made it so long with three of you in a one bedroom apartment. I think my boy and I would have driven each other bananas by now! It will be so nice to be able to set up a little nursery for Brooke too. Honestly, I think that decorating a nursery looks like half the fun!


I’ve only lived here since August, but I am living here indefinitely (aka until at least next summer when I finish grad school and then depends on finding a job). I LOVE cupcake wars, except I hate the announcer. He drives me nuts…


I have lived in my current apartment for about 9 months and will be moving at the end of the summer! To a new city! Kinda nervous but it’s gonna be great :)
I had ravioli and about 100 desserts, cause it was my aunt’s birthday. You can’t say no to treats at a birthday party. I think it’s law.


Congrats on the move, that is super exciting! Do you know what colour you plan to paint Brooke’s room?

I am moving in the next couple of months too, my boyfriend and I are starting to look at houses to move in together…eek! So exciting! :)

Cupcakes wars is amazing, in my pre-vegetarian days I was dying to try a cupcake with bacon on it but I never ended up trying it. Have you tried that kind?


I hope it is an easy run for you, since you will be in the same complex! Your dinner looks delicious! I love Italian food on Sunday nights:)


We have lived at our house for almost 3 years, it will be 3 in June. We don’t plan on moving anytime soon. After moving almost every year for the past 10 yr, I think we have settled in for now. I used to watch Cupcake Wars all the time, I will have to start back up! My favorite place to get cupcakes is Sprinkles in Newport Beach. Haven’t been there in a looonnnng time! For our Sunday Night dinner I made butternut squash lagasna, even my 15 month old son ate it that is when I knew it was a success.


Two bedrooms will be so much better! I bet your estatic :) We are moving soon! My husband and I have decided to build a house within the next year. I’m very excited!


congrats!! I wonder how Brooke will adjust sleeping in her own bedroom, or if it will be harder for you and Billy!


Very exciting! I’m sure the extra bedroom for Brooke will make a huge difference! No moving for us in the near future… We’re staying put in our house for at least another year or two!


Right now, 2 months, moving in a few months though! So exciting for you that your moving! Dinner was tilapia, peas and baked sweet potatoes!


We’ve lived in our rented house for 7 months and are impatiently awaiting the 5 months we have to go until we move out! We are moving to our first home in Augusts. It’s so hard for me to live in a place you can’t paint, or put up pictures.

I made coconut amino chicken breast last night. My 4 year old LOVES it. I just cut up the cicken and saute it in coconut aminos (whole foods) It’s pretty delish.


嗯我是痴迷于蛋糕大战!我是珀耳斯on that watches Food Network on TV at the gym, just daydreaming about food while I run many miles. :) Cupcake Wars, Chopped, and Top Chef are good motivators to run longer, because I like to find out who wins so I just keep running!


We have been in our current house for three years now. We would like to move, but because my income fluctuates, we don’t feel comfortable with a bigger mortgage at this time. Once I finally get a steady job, then a move will definitely happen!


We’ve lived in our apartment for about 6 months. My boyfriend just got accepted to a Physical Therapy program just down the road, so I think we will probably be in our apartment for another 3 years unless we find somewhere else we really like. We might move actual apartments within our complex, though. We are on the 3rd floor and I would love to have something on the ground floor to make it easier with our dog (and groceries, ha).


That’s so exciting! Ever since I moved to the city, I’ve loved the idea of moving around from apartment to apartment. It makes life pretty exciting having a new home every year or two. I’m sure it will get old, but for now, I love the variety.


At least you still have room for your treadmill! I love Cupcake Wars but it does make you want a cupcake really bad… For me, any cupcake with some combination of chocolate, peanut butter, and banana would be perfect! I’m glad you found an apartment so easily and within the same complex so things aren’t too difficult for you to move everything! :-)


Congrats on moving! Sounds like that’s what’s best for your family right now. :) We moved into our house this past June, and we love it. It’s hard to believe that we’ll be bringing a little one home to this house very soon!!


Congrats on the new place. Probably a good plan. Mommy needs her sleep! We’ve lived in our apartment for a year and a halfish. That’s the longest I’ve lived in one place in about 6 years. I like new places. :)


Oh man those garlic cheese buns look awesome! Alot of work though! They must be worth it. Our best bites is an awesome cookbook.

So happy u are getting more space for your little one!


We moved a ton when we first moved to Seattle but finally decided to buy a house (cheaper then renting, crazy right?) so we’ve been here for about a year and I love that we won’t be moving any time soon


My favorite cupcake flavor would probably be straight-up chocolate. I haven’t ever had anything too crazy, but chocolate’s always a win.


I told my kids we’d play after I found what I nedeed. Damnit.


MMM All of it looks delicous. So glad you guys are getting a 2 bedroom, it will change your life forever. My little guy J slept in our bed with us till he was almost 8 months. I just loved to snuggle but once he moved to his own bedroom I will never go back haha


Mmmmm I love lasagna!! I want this right now :)


We have lived here since the end of July and hope to buy a house soon. We may have just lost the house we were trying to buy.
We had pulled pork bbq from the crockpot. YUM!

The Kidless Kronicles


We have lived in our house for three years! Heck. Hopefully we will be buying our first house in the next year… With two little kids it’s about time :)
I’ve never watched Cupcake Wars but everybody I know seems to rave about it!
For Sunday dinner we had a buffet spread made by all the members of my family who AREN’T mothers… (It was Mother’s Day here in the UK). It was brilliant because it was mostly husbands, Dads and kids who made it!
And just to sneakily add something I’m DESPERATE to know from you… How on earth do you know you’re not eating too much / little when you don’t count calories? This is one skill I need help with because if I don’t count I get it all wrong and go way over :( Marathon training does not help! Lol


祝贺这一举动!我和我的丈夫been travelling for a while now, and we rarely stay anywhere longer than a month! The longest we’ve lived anywhere is one year. I love the excitement of moving though!

I can’t wait to try the famous lasagna :)


Mighty useful. Make no mistake, I aptirceape it.


I get every time my baby girl moves in her sleep too and she’s only 3.5 months!! I’m trying to figure out when putting her in her own room will happen, but I’m very partial to her sleeping in our room until at least 6 months I think. Congrats on the move! You’ll totally appreciate the extra bedroom!!


We shifted our baby out into his own room at 6 weeks….he was SUCH a noisy sleeper. You totally made the right call, how exciting about the new place. Although so much hassle, packing and unpacking etc!!!!


Oh man. When I saw you tweet on Twitter that you were moving, I thought you were going to come move to Maryland so we can be running/froyo buddies. ;) It’s great that you guys are getting a bigger space. To be honest, I was wondering how long it was possible it was to keep a baby in your bedroom without driving yourself insane.

Sunday night dinner was nothing special this week – a very exciting turkey sandwich. What can I say? You can’t have a full course meal when you are studying in the library, though I’d be one chubby scholar if you could… ;)


Congrats on the new place! So fun :)


wow. you made it pretty far sharing a room with brooke. i lasted all of 4 days sharing a room when my daughter was first born. i got NO sleep. we moved last july from washington to minnesota. no plans to move for at least 3 1/2 more years (while the hubs is in law school). sunday night dinner was the best in a while. you can read about it on my blog. homemade orange chicken. YUM – O!


Yay!!! 2 bedrooms will make a huge difference. Happy, well-rested mama = happy life!

I am moving this summer from Seattle to Jacksonville, Florida and am SO excited!

Trophy cupcakes, carrot cake cupcake was the best thing I ever tasted

I had breakfast for dinner! Scrambled eggs, turkey bacon and a whole wheat english muffin :)


My friends from HS Alisha and Angie won Cupcake wars last night!! Love, love, love it!

Yay for a bigger apartment Janae. I am so happy for you guys. Have a great Monday my friend. :)


Thanks for posting the recipe! Can’t wait to try it.


Cupcake wars is the greatest show ever.

I’ve lived in my townhouse for a little over a year and I am NEVER leaving. You’d have to drag me out kicking and screaming because I’m in love with my little home


I just really want to know if you walked through the new apartment making comments as if a camera crew were recording the whole thing for tv. That is the obnoxious (to my hubby) impact House Hunters has had on me!


我们是moving to a new apartment at the end of the month. Same complex as well. We have lived in this building for over four years and I can’t imagine living in another.
Ran my long run for the week this morning and will be in recovery the rest of the day.


Congrats on the move!!! The extra space must be amazing. I recently moved in November… it’s probably my least favorite thing to do, but in the end it’s worth it! Good luck!!!


Hi Janae! I hope you’re having a good day. this is my last week of school/ work before SPRING BREAK so I’m busy! and it’s hard fitting in a workout too… 6 miles today, 4 speedy miles tomorrow, rest, and 8 miles on thursday for my personal distance record!!! Ahhh!! don’t worry i’ll stretch it out on the plane in my comfiest outfit. I’m also stockpiling at-home workouts to do while i’m with my parents.

I also wanted to say how awesome it is that you guys went backpacking! I love backpacking but it is TOUGH, let alone with a lil baby! Congrats, and I hope you go again! I also have some good food tips, etc if you need a tip.

I have lived in Baltimore for 3 years and my apartment for 6 monthsish- it’s GREAT! we just had an open house with cheese, crackers, and chocolate cake oooh yeah.

Sunday night dinner was a vegan frozen meal starter with mandarin orange sauce, broccoli slaw, and 2 red peppers with brown rice on the side- filling but either i ate too much or it didn’t agree with me b/c i went to sleep with a tummy ache.


YAY for moving! I don’t blame you…. it’s only my husband and I in a one bedroom condo and we are SO ready to get out. We’re house hunting right now.


希望此举将smoothly! We moved to Houston for two years but have a move coming up this summer, most likely across the country. I started sleeping so much better when we gave L her own room, too!


Congrats on the move! I’ve lived in the same 10×10 windowless room for a year, but will in the coming months be moving to my first apartment off-campus of the college I attend!

I love cupcake wars, and actually got to go to a store of a two-time winner on the show this weekend! I also found my new favorite flavor there- Key Lime Pie. So good.

I was bad last night, and my dinner was girl scout cookies. Samoas, to be exact. ;)


I may need to make those garlic rolls! They look incredible! Yum!

Brooke is getting her own room! Wahoo! This is exciting stuff. Does that mean you’ll finally get your spin bike and/or road bikes from Utah?

I wish we were moving. To a house with a lake. I don’t even care what the house looks like as long as a lake is in the backyard. But since that’s not happening I guess we’ll stay off here. Only a decade longer until our mortgage is paid off…


I’m moving in two weeks and ill be getting a second bedroom too!! I don’t even have a baby and I’m so excited to have another room. Two bedrooms, what a dream!!


I’ve lived in Charlotte for 3 years now, and while I love it so much because it’s close to family (his parents live here and my parents live an hour away) and friends, I am honestly ready for a change. I really want to move out West, but it’s kind of hard to find a job when you’re all the way on the East coast…unless you or your friends know of anything ;)

I haven’t watched Cupcake Wars because I truly think that would be torture! I had a cupcake from the grocery store last night and it wasn’t very good :( Right now my favorite cupcakes are either from Fresh Market or Whole Foods!


Oh that pic of your lil one watching the cupcake son TV is ADORABLE!


I had Sloppy Joes for dinner last night! SO good. lol.

My daughter and I are moving in with my boyfriend this summer. I’m super excited:-)


We went from 1 bedroom to 2 last Sep (even though it’s just the 2 of us), and man, that was a GREAT decision. Hah :) It’s SO worth it. And you having a baby, I can only imagine how excited you are!

mmmmm cupcakes with lots of frosting!! :)


I’m going to have to check out the cupcake wars! Sounds fun :)



How exciting! It’s so much fun to decorate and organize a new space. So many possibilities.

我们买了我们的房子近3年前。很难lieve it’s been that long!


We have lived in our first house for just about a year now. It was so exciting purchasing our first home! Last night we went out to dinner and I had cream of crab soup and a salad…your dinner looked way better though! I need to make those rolls!


The fact that you survived 7 months is amazing- I feel like our two bedroom apt is WAY too small for us and we just have cats (no baby).

I’ve moved pretty much every year for the past 10 years and I think we are 99% sure we’ll be staying put this time around and I am so excited to not have to move- it’s just too exhausting.

Sunday night dinner was Mushroom + Rainbow Chard Risotto that my sister and I made and it was amazing.


I once lived in a building that only had two apartments and they were both almost the exact same size and layout, but one had a washer and dryer. I lived in the one that didn’t. When the people moved out, I dragged all of my stuff across the hall and moved in. Worth it and easiest move ever.

We’ve lived in our current house for 3 years.


I bet Brooke is going to love having her own room- and it will most certainly be nice to get a little more solid sleep! We had homemade chicken soup for Sunday dinner but your dinner looks awesome!


I haven’t watched it yet, but Lindsay from last nights episode and I went to high school together.

I love cupcakes. All of them.

We’ve lived in our house for about 5 and half years now… but two kids later it is starting to get a little cramped. I love my neighbors and I don’t want to move but we are thinking about it.


Love House Hunters…and cupcakes! I guess I’m pretty boring, my favorites are carrot cake and strawberry cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.


Congrats on moving!! My husband and I are also moving. We bought a house. We have been living in this apartment for 17 years and I cannot wait to have our own place. And have my treadmill inside. It’s cold here in the winter.


Woohooo! New places are always fun to explore. :) Lasagna recipes are always the best so a double win post!


How long have you lived where you currently live now?
Almost 3 months! Just bought my first house with my boyfriend.

What did you have for your Sunday night dinner?
We normally do leftovers. Or grilled Turkey Sandwiches.

Thanks for the Ritz Chicken recipe. Adding that to my “food to try” list. Ritz crackers are also amazing on Mac & Cheese. Try it. You’ll never go back :)


Woohoo, congratulations on the new digs! And good luck with the move!


I can’t wait to make this lasagna!

Congrats on your bigger place! you’ll love it!


somehow I missed this post, but congrats on the move to a bigger apartment! you’re going to love the extra space :)

must make lasagna asap. drooool.

we have lived at our house for almost a full year now.


This comment is years after you posted but I have a question about your mom’s lasagne recipe – is it really 3 cups of tomato sauce that she uses (ie. ketchup)? I’m thinking of making it this weekend!

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