Running shoes giveaway and I’m doing the Provo Halloween Half again!

Brooke is a fan of the touchscreen on the treadmill and she started picking out the course that she wants me to run next.

I wish every person could see Brooke’s crazy morning hair everyday because it really just starts your day off on the right foot.

An easy 7 miles on the treadmill first thing this morning and tomorrow I will take the day off because there is going to be a lot of running going on this weekend at theRunner’s World Festival!

Have I told you yet that I really like having my own treadmill? I love running out in the cold for speed workouts and when I have friends to go with but the treadmill is saving me on those days that I have to run in the dark by myself.

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FMW, peaches and milk for two. Brooke’s latest thing is taking her toothbrush everywhere. Perfect oral hygiene at the age of 14 months.

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I think from now on I will put bacon in every salad I eat because it made today’s salad amazing. So did the side of Kazoozles that Paige had for me.

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Halloween will be here before you know it and that is pretty exciting.

Don’t worry, I already have both of Brooke’s Halloween costumes (because one is just not enough). Here is a little sneak peak. Can anyone guess what she will be?

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Added another race to the calendar. October 26th.

I am beyond excited to run thePROVO HALLOWEEN HALFagain this year. Remember when my sis and I were piñatas? It is embarrassing to admit how long those costumes took to make but we did have a good time sitting at the kitchen counter with our hot glue guns and crepe paper making them. Surprisingly it wasn’t that uncomfortable to run 13.1 miles with those horns and we did look pretty cool.


This is one of my favorite races and I really think if you live in Utah you should come do it with us. Nothing like running in the canyon (when the leaves are amazing) with thousands of others dressed up in awesome costumes.

TheProvo Halloween HalfandRUNGR8 Running Centerare giving away afree pair of running shoes (of your choice)!!!

To enter:

– Like theProvo Halloween Half Facebook pageand leave a comment with a caption ontheir picture of the coolest costumeever:

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Use the codeHUNGRYRUNNER13for a 15% off discount on your race registration!


Favorite Halloween costume you have ever had or seen?

If you have kids: What are your kids going to be for Halloween?

What has your breakfast been lately?

Any Diet Coke fans out there?

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Looks like an (adorable!) Ice cream cone to me!


Oh man I love seeing all the different Halloween costumes people come up with!


My mother dressed me up as a bag of jelly beans once. A clear plastic bag like outfit with colorful balloons with the word jellybeans across my chest. The next year she dressed me up as a Hershey kiss. She was on a roll there for awhile. Take that pinterest!



I can’t wait for the RW Half and Festival this weekend! My little girl is going to be a baby unicorn :-).


Brooke’s costume looks like a cupcake to me!!

Breakfast has been oatmeal with a variety of things in it lately (perfect for fall)…blueberries, almonds, etc

去年最佳服装两个家伙在我的工作- - - they were Tetris!! like the game! how awesome is that??? My work goes all out for Halloween and has a costume contest every year…does anyone have a suggestion for me this year? I want to win!!


Is she going to be a cupcake? I have seen SO many cute cupcake costumes on Pinterest! And yes, I am a huge diet coke fan although recently I’ve switched to buying chick fil a lemonade by the gallon and drinking that all day…


I liked the provo halloweeen half and commented on their awesome diet coke costume photo! I would say I don’t like diet coke, I LOVE diet coke! :)


布鲁克的莫rning hair makes me happy :)

Bacon, does in fact, make everything taste better. So do pico and guacamole.

I have been wanting to do this race for years and it seems every year I am injured, gone or still recovering from a marathon. I WILL do it eventually! It seems like so much fun.

I think our family’s ‘Incredible’ costumes have been my favorite thus far in my life. I still can’t decide on this years theme. And I need to decide, like 2 weeks ago, so I can get them made, ordered and what not. I just haven’t seen anything that both the kids and I like. And I also like to make things harder than they need to be. I am guessing that Brooke’s costume is either a cupcake or ice cream. Either way it is cute and very fitting ;)


My favorite Halloween costume was when I was a parrot! I loved that costume so much, I was a parrot for multiple years around ages 4-8.

I’ve been big on peanut butter on toast and smart start for breakfast lately.


I think Brooke’s costume looks like an ice cream cone! And if it is, I can’t even imagine how cute she will look in it (TOO cute!)!

I have the same thing for breakfast every single day except for Saturdays: scrambled egg on a bagel with a slice of cheese. On Saturdays I usually just have a nutritional shake since I don’t like to eat anything before my long runs.


Good luck on your half! I’ love to do a Halloween run and dress up!


I love the creative couple costumes… I look forward to seeing them every year.
I actually don’t drink any soda but when I did I was more of a Sprite or 7up girl.


No kids, but my dog is going to be a mermaid this year for Halloween. My boyfriend says it is dog abuse, but I think she looks adorable in her little costume. Last year she was a Patriots Cheerleader, and I still sometimes make her parade around in that outfit when the Pats are playing.


Love the costume- it looks like she’ll be a cupcake!! Too cute!


布鲁克的莫rning hair is the cutest thing.

I’ll be at the Runner’s World Festival this weekend too! Just 5K/10K for me since I’m still recovering from the B.A.A. half this weekend!

This weekend at the half, there was one runner dressed as a banana and another as a monkey, and they chased each other all over the course. It wasn’t Halloween, but I thought it was pretty clever/it gave me a good laugh!


Our 4-year-old son is going to be Iron Man (thank you $8 costume from target!) and I’m still debating on whether our 14-month-old daughter is going to be a hamburger or a panda bear :)




I think the costume is an ice cream and cone :)

I would love to do a costume run. I need to find one around here.

I’ve been sick, so no breakfast for me the past two days :( I managed to eat a banana today though.

Not a Coke fan.


我将蛋卷冰淇淋或蛋糕——德licious and adorable options ^^ And speaking of delicious, breakfast lately has been a warm bowl of oats with almond butter and honey — need something comforting since it tends to be cold and pitch black when I’m eating these days.


You need to post a picture of Brooke’s hair every morning so we can all start our mornings off with a smile! I think her costume is an ice cream cone. Can’t wait to see it on her!
Diet coke is by far my favorite thing in the world. It is the very first thing I do and drink when I first get up. :)


Yay!!! I’m running it too!!! I can’t tell you how happy I was to see this as your update while I was at work!! Haha


I can’t wait to see her costume!! Whatever it is, she’ll be adorable! Addie is dressing up as Minnie Mouse. ;)


At first, I thought ice cream cone for Brooke’s costume, but now I think maybe strawberry shortcake? Adorable, either way!

As for Diet Coke, I wish I could share the love, but I am a Diet Pepsi gal all the way :)


Ditto on the Pepsi!!


the first guess that popped into my head is an ice cream cone? i have no idea! i can’t wait to see both of brooke’s halloween costumes :)

i’m on the biggest oatmeal kick. it’s still warm here, but a big bowl of hot oatmeal is just so comforting in the morning. i usually mix in blueberries and cashews, also!

the provo halloween half looks so fun! i ran the los angeles rock ‘n roll half last year (halloween weekend) and wore fairy wings and a tutu skirt. it was fun, but the tulle from the skirt was kinda itchy and bugged me while i was running. lol such a fun race, though! :)


I’m really hoping Miss Brooke is an ice cream cone. How appropriate, considering her mommy loves ice cream so much :)

And I love Diet Coke. Coke Zero is the jam, as well.


im so bad at costumes! if someone just told me what to be, I’d probably like Halloween but until then. no thanks. lol I love pictures of Brooke’s morning hair :) Diet coke all the way. nothing else. Caffeine free is my preference but I can deal with caffeine


Are you going to dress up like Diet Coke for the half this year? Haha so funny.

I love diet coke but I only let myself drink it when I go to the movies. :)


Cupcake and ladybug.


My favorite costume was a Snow White one that my mom made for me when I was 5 or 6. A close runner up was my best friend and I went as a two headed monster. Her grandma made the costume for us.


Brooke’s costume is going to be adorable! How freaking cute!! :)


Is Brooke going to be strawberry shortcake? That, or an ice cream cone are my guesses!


Is she going to be an ice cream cone!? I think that is the PERFECT outfit if she is!


I was going to say ice cream cone.


Most days for breakfast I have Fage cherry yogurt with some Kind granola. On days I run I may splurge and have a bagel with pb.
I think Brooke’s costume is a cupcake.


My guess is a cupcake. My daughter was a cupcake from old navy last year and it looks familiar!


One year my sister and I made two of our friends walk around with us everywhere and we called ourselves a “s’more.” I was the chocolate (obviously), my sister was the marshmallow and our two friends stood on the outside as graham crackers. It was awesome… until we got out of order haha.


My guess is an icecream cone.

I had very depressing news today. My orthopedist thought i had s torn meniscus. That would be an easy fix. I have avascular necrosis that is on the impressive scale but not the worst he has seen and some other things that he is not sure about. He suspects I may have a piece of cartilege that is getting cut on my knee joint. For now, anti inflammatories, 6 weeks no exercise, and PT. I am to see him if continued pain, then he will do exploratory surgery. If the AVN progesses then knee replacement. Running may not be an option for me again. Yes, I do plan to seek a second opinion.


Looks like an ice cream cone to me!


I’m just saying that I am in the Lancaster area … if you want to say hi, let me know! :D Btw, Brooke’s morning hair is adorable!


Is she an ice cream cone?! That would fit you very well ;) Haha!


Is Brooke going to be an ice cream cone? My girls (6 and 8) are going to be Alice in Wonderland and a Monster High Doll. They are super excited!


Is Brooke going to be an ice cream cone!?!?


I think she’ll be either an ice cream cone or cupcake!

I loved your pinata costume! are you going to dress up again? :)


I absolutely love her morning hair, but I think I love the little jeans shirt she is wearing – too cute!

No diet coke for me

How does oatmeal w/ blueberries sound, pretty good yes

I met a father yesterday at a training event, his whole family is going as Shaggy and Scooby Doo, he even has a retro VW van – I told him he needs peace signs and BIG flowers on it

My guess is an Ice Cream Cone


A cupcake!! How cute!!! Can’t wait to see it :D I can’t guess what the other one is :)


My guess would be an ice cream cone! That would be really cute. I love when mother’s dress their kids up as animals, so cute. My favorite costume was an angel. My mom hand sewed the costume which made it that much more special.


Is Brooke going to be an ice cream cone??

My 6 year old is going to be Dorothy from the wizard of oz. I was going to have my 2 yr old be the tin man, but he loves Mickey Mouse so much, I changed his to that!

Diet coke? Um yeah, only every single day!!


– Aww what sweet and tricky finerds they have. Sometimes, as a friend, it’s easier to see the way your friend looks at someone else, than it is for the friend to admit the way they feel. Looks like everything worked out for the best here. Can’t wait to see the wedding pictures that follow!!April 15, 2011 3:19 pm


Is Brooke going as a cupcake?! Whatever she is she’s going to be adorable. My favorite Halloween costume was the year me and my friends dressed like the village people. I was the cop :)


I’m running the Provo Halloween Half too!! I still don’t have a costume…. HELP! What are you going to be?


Ice cream cone definitely! And the second one will be either a dog or candy ;)

Hot chocolate and fruit toast – but today I’ve started a one week challange of a different breakfast daily. I’ve been inspired by Meg (@adashofmeg) who has been doing this for almost 6 weeks straight now!


Is brooke gonna be an ice cream cone?!? How cute! I do not understand how you love the treadmill, or as I call it the dreadmill, so much! I hate having to retreat inside every weekend I’m trying to make it my mission to do that less than once a week this winter! We shall see if I can brave the cold enough to make that happen!


I must admit I never in my entire life liked soda. I must have tasted it as a child and decided I didn’t like it and never gave it another chance…My son wants to be a baseball player this year for Halloween. Every year it is so sort of sports player which is easy enough to create costume -wise! Halloween was pretty much nonexistent last year due to Hurricane Sandy so this year will be extra fun.


Do you have plans for a meetup this weekend? You’re going to love the RW Festival. I had a blast last year! :)


I’m guessing an ice cream cone since that’s what everyones saying ;) One time I was a bag of M&M’s! I got a lot of compliments. I’ve been eating toast with pb&banana for like 2 months straight? It’s just so good! I’ve always wanted to do a theme race, they look so fun!


I think the costume is a cupcake!!
Also I have been hesitant to sign up for the Provo Half because it’s pricier since we’re so close to the race but now that there’s a discount…so tempted! I might be there anyway to cheer on a friend so hopefully I’ll get to see you!


I recognize her costume and OF COURSE she needs two! I’ve a history of awesome Halloween costumes but one of my faves was when I dressed as a pregnant dominatrix. My slightly inebriated husband informed that I really just looked like a fat dominatrix. My kids have had amazing costumes over the years. My oldest has an amazing imagination. He was The Blob a few years back…it was so cool. My older daughter was a peacock a couple of times…an outfit of indescribable radness. This year she will be a yellow highlighter. The others haven’t decided conclusively. I LOVE your piñatas!!!! I’m more a fan of diet Dr. Pepper than DC. But we can still be buds :)


Brooke’s costume looks like an ice cream cone!

My kids are going to be princess leia, obi wan kenobi, r2d2 (my 5 yr old can even make the sounds.hes a hoot!) And my little 3 yr old will be some sort of candy corn princess. (It was all on clearance last year at target.) Love clearance. Im trying to talk my 7yo to be clark kent/superman. We will see. I wish I could make their costumes but sadly I am not the creative.

Breakfast is almost always 2 eggs with whole grain bread. It makes my tummy happy and full.

I dont like soda so I guess that means I dont like diet coke.


Is she going to be an ice cream cone?!


I don’t have any kids, but I’d love to wear a costume that incorporates my mini dachshund somehow… not sure if that would work, but I’d love it! :)


Loooove Brooke’s morning hair!! And you’ve made me want to buy some FMW asap. Yuuummm. With peaches, too. As for Brooke’s costume, it looks like an ice cream cone to me?!?! :)



I love how you have two costumes for Brooke! I can’t wait to see what they are!


I cream cone!


Looks like an ice cream cone or cupcake! Either is great! ;) tehe!!


I can’t believe you ran the whole time in that costume..impressive!


Stop it with that hair and cute little denim shirt!! I love her!!! Janae, how would you rate the treadmill on 1-10? I am in the market :)


Looks like a cupcake to me :) my daughter is going to be a cupcake this year too! Lately my breakfast has been a shakeology shake or a piece or two of fruit or both :) I’m a Coke Zero junkie personally – will do diet coke if Coke Zero isn’t offered but I prefer the zero.


Love your black pants. So cute! And I’m thinking little Miss Brooke is going to be an ice cream cone. Awesome choice ;D


My little one (18 m/o) is going to be a strawberry. My oldest daughter (4 y/o) wants to be a cheerleader. I’m not a Diet Coke fan, but regular Coke, especially fountain, is a whole other story! My favorite!


I never had any cool Halloween costumes because I was deprived as a child and not allowed to celebrate it :(


我是间谍蛋糕服装! !


Hi Janae!
You inspired my roommate and I to sign up for the Runner’s World Festival this weekend! We are doing our first Five & Dime :) We heard there is a great froyo place close by and would love to meet you in person. We second the earlier comments, please have a meet up! We are long time fans from Baltimore, MD. Hope to see you this weekend! We can’t wait for the festival :)


Fave costume I have ever seen…. Once I saw a dude dressed up as a giant mattress. It’s not so much the originality, but the fact that he had actually cut holes for his arms, legs, and head and was actually wearing a real mattress! It looked very uncomfortable!!

My kids this year will be a zombie ninja (son, age 7. This is his first year as something “scary”!), and my daughter will be rapunzel (age 3)

Breakfast lately has been cereal of all kinds, because I am pregnant and craving it! And speaking of being pregnant, I can no longer indulge in my favorite diet coke the way I would like to!! It is the BEST drink ever!! So much better from a fountain soda machine, than just from the can/bottle. Oh diet coke, how I miss you!!

Also, was the costume peek for Brooke an ice cream cone??? She will be adorable!!


Superman costume for a child… Super cute! It’s a Clark Kent style!
No young kids… My step son 17… No dressing up for him!
No soda for me, I’m a water kinda chick! I uses to drink it years ago. It was delicious.


Tonight on PBS Nova had a special on speed – of all kinds. They talked about running techniques to run faster. It was fascinating. I thought of you and your amazing goals. You should check it out!


It looks like Brooke might be an ice cream cone… how cute!

I’ll be dressing up my little guy (11 1/2 months) as the Cat in the Hat for Halloween… and my husband and I will be Thing 1 and Thing 2 – complete with blue-fro wigs. Not sure how I managed to talk him into that one!


My guess is a cupcake!

Last year I was pregnant on Halloween so me and my husband were Juno and Paulie Bleaker.

My little boy (resulting from said pregnancy) is being Charlie Brown because his name is Charlie :)

My breakfast pretty much every day is two over easy eggs with melted cheddar cheese on top and salsa on top of that with blueberry greek yogurt. Yummy!

Nobody believes me when I tell them this, but I’ve never had diet coke. I’ve never had any soda at all actually. Like literally never.


What are you guys dressing up as this year?


I think Brooke’s costume looks like it is going to be ice cream!!


ummm….1. you and your sister are the cutest – dressing in matching costumes? LOVE
2. Is brookers a cupcake?? or ice cream/froyo?? you adore brooke AND froyo so it would be love at first costume sight!
3. my breakfast has been oatmeal and apples..yummy yummy!
4. Good luck in the halloween half, it sounds sooo fun!
5. I love bullet points can ya tell??
6. my favorite costume i ever was was Wonder Woman!


I went to Costco today over lunch for all the cool stuff you posted last weekend, and my store has nada! So disappointed! Go buy since you can!


Oh GOSH, I SOOOOOOOOOOOOO want to come and run in that marathon!!! My bday is OCT 28th so basically Halloween so I have always been obsessed with Halloween and I wanna run with you and your sister!!! Fun, fun, fun.

I LOVE Diet Coke (and All-caps apparently…). Yuuuum. Try not to drink too much but I am doing it for a good cause right now (till your divorce papers are final) :).

Your spirit is so beautiful and shines through every photo. XXO


I think I recognize that costume, is it an ice cream cone from Old Navy?!


Daughter = Monster High something or other
Son = Bears football player (Devin Hester, I think)
Son = Sox baseball Player (Paul Konerko)


My favorite costume was a 50’s pin up girl a few years back. It was fun to wear and I was still covered which is a plus on cold halloween nights!

My breakfast is an english muffin with almond butter… every day!


I love Halloween for both the dressing up and the candy. Win win. Once my husband and I ran a race dressed up as Charlie Brown and Lucy. It was so much fun, however my favorite costume we’ve been was Norman Bates and his mother from Psycho. That was a blast that year.


Sweet giveaway! Is Brooke going to be an ice cream cone?


I’ve been Cruella DeVille twice and it’s such a fun costume! I tease my hair up huge and spray the different sides black and white. High heels, black dress, pearls, fur wrap…good times!

我的女孩会Foofa和Brobee你多嘴ba Gabba! Hubs & I will be Muno & DJ Lance Rock :)


Great costume! I don’t know how you pulled 13.1 off in that. I’ll be happy to manage my 5K wearing a pumpkin costume. ;-)

I’m going to guess an ice cream cone. She will be ridiculously adorable in whatever costume(s) you choose.


Oh – ice cream cone – I think you’re right! I guess mermaid…
She will be adorable in whatever – right again. ;-)


Liked the page and submitted a caption. Would love to win a new pair of shoes, I need some. I have a blister to prove it! Wish me luck.

Oh, I think Brooke’s costume is a mermaid.
Am I right?




As cheesy as it was, one of my favorite Halloween costumes was being a “babysitter.” My mom made a flat cardboard baby with x’s for eyes and it was strapped to my butt… get it??

My little man is 3 months old this coming Saturday and he’s got two little outfits, a grey jumber with a skeleton on it, and a Ninja Turtles footie set with a cape!

Is Brooke going as an ice cream cone??


A dress up run would be so much fun!
& who wouldn’t want a free pair of running shoes?!


-i was a box of french fries once and that costume was aweeeeesome!
-lots of eggs and fruit, but today it was yogurt with oatmeal mixed in (how deutsch of me!)
-love diet coke, but have recently come to the revelation that i should just drink regular coke and save myself the chemicals in favor of a few calories. i was in south america recently with REAL SUGAR soda- yummm!


My favorite halloween costume was the year I was like 4 and my mom made me a ladybug costume complete with a backpack like shell.

I’ve been having oatmeal with chia seeds and honey lately for breakfast.

我以前爱健怡可乐, but I gave up caffeine 7 years ago!

Looking for some warm running gear? Check out


haha, my breakfast has been the same allllll week just because i can’t get enough of half a bagel, scrambled eggs with spinach & mushrooms and if it’s needed a slice of bacon and a BIG coffee.

seriously, my day is not right without eggs/coffee.


I love DC but I try to curb my addiction to aspertame.

Breakfast lately is bagel with almond butter. OMG amazeee!


I love any costume that is homemade and original.
I have been on a banana and peabut butter kick for breakfast.
I love love love diet coke. I try not to drink it but every now and then I cave.


That is one awesome costume! fun giveaway!


Looks like a fun race? Is Brooke going to be a cupcake? Can’t wait to see her costumes :)


I am signed up for the Provo Halloween Half as well! It will be my first time running it (and 2nd half ever!) and I am so so excited! I will keep my fingers crossed that I run into you while I’m there!

Also .. I have to agree with all of the ice cream cone guessers out there on the costume !


I had a friend come to a Halloween party as Ina Garten, the barefoot contessa. The best part was he stayed in character the entire night — he had it down!


所以你运行万圣节一半快乐!我也是! Can you do a blog post on running down hill? As you know the first 5 or 6 mi are pretty steep on the Halloween half….any tips?


They changed the course so it isn’t steep!


Brooke’s costume is definitely a cupcake!


I’ll be at the Runner’s World Half too! My first Half Marathon EVER, pretty nervous. I did the 10K last year and the course was beautiful with the Fall leaves. Hope you enjoy the Lehigh Valley :)


Liked and commented. And an ice cream cone is a pretty appropriate costume for Brooke. I’m wondering when she’ll start joining the night bowl tradition.


I liked the page and also left a comment.

Love that Brooke carries around her toothbrush. My son did that too for a few months, it went everywhere, almost like a security blanket for him!


I went old school, and the youngest is a ladybug, the middle a devil. The oldest will be staying home to pass out candy, because high schoolers out on Halloween make me stabby. :)


“A diet coke without the rum is just crazy!” “Oh you said RUM with diet coke, not run!” Seriously cute costume! But I like Diet Pepsi!


Is Brooke going to be an ice cream cone??

I think Bungee is really going to suffer this winter because I’ve already started opting for the treadmill instead of running outside. That means she doesn’t get to run…


I liked their FB page.

My caption would be “AHHHH I just ran into an invisible wall”


I posted on Provo Halloween Half Diet Coke Costume! Super Cute! I have Kids one is going to be a POP STAR her creation and the other two we still can’t decide!


I captioned DIET COKE DIVA!


I already like their page because they’re awesome!


“Fuel of champions!” Captioned.


I like them on FB and my caption would be AHHhhh here comes a giant straw!


I liked the provo halloweeen half and commented on their awesome diet coke costume photo!


Too many coiptmmenls too little space, thanks!


The brand new idea is here).

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