Kind of a big deal.

Any Cupcake Wars fans? Did you see the episode with the All-American Rejects? We went to the cupcake shop that was on that episode and won! They are kind of a big deal.

我昨天整天和佩吉和她daughter had dance so we had 45 minutes of nothing to do with a cupcake shop across the street…. we really didn’t have any choice but to go for cupcakes.

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We tried the Almond Joy and Caramel Apple cupcakes (the picture does not do a good job at representing how good these cupcakes were).

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We went back to Paige’s house and had dinner #1:

Salad and rolls. The power wasn’t out, I just thought the picture would look cool with the lights off and a candle in the back.

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We were still hungry and Paige’s husband was craving a taco place so we headed on over for pork tacos and more salad. I think I must have eaten at least 3 heads of lettuce yesterday.

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Brooke is actually obsessed with her dog. Best $20 I have ever spent. Now to just teach her to constantly cuddle me like she cuddles her dog.

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My mom and I sat on the ground for a while talking and I think Brooke got tired of it and kept walking around the room covering her ears.

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Kids went down to bed = go for a night run with Paige. She is an incredible cross-fitter (definitely not a word) and is wanting to get into running too so we are going to do a few night runs a week together because running with people is the best especially when you are first starting out. We did 2 miles and looked pretty cool doing them.

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WithRAGNAR Vegas了这对我来说是伟大实践出去and run at night.


Have you ever tried cross-fit? What did you think of it?

What kind of cross-training have you been into lately?

Food Network fans? Favorite show on that channel?

Do you enjoy night running?

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I love cupcake wars! There’s a place in St. Louis that won.
I haven’t tried cross fit but I just don’t think it would be my thing. I hear a lot of people love it though.
I’ve been cross training with workout videos lately since I really want to become a trainer… scratch that… I WILL become a trainer soon. I like at home workouts since I have two kids.


I enjoy any run that gets me out there. I can’t seem to motivate myself so I am going anytime I can find someone to run with me. For cross training I have been doing spin and body pump. That is wayyyy better than the nothing I did for cross training in the past.


It’s way too early to be craving all these cupcake yet here I am. Thanks Janae :) ha. Brooke and her doggie are the cutest. I love her PJ’s :)


Trying cupcakes from places that are on TV is one of my favorite hobbies. Actually cupcakes in general are one of my favorite hobbies. I like to brag about the place I live near that own too. I feel special going there. Getting friends into running is the best! It’s like the excitement is contagious! Running at night freaks me out but it isn’t as bad when there’s someone else with you :)


I haven’t tried Cross Fit–it intimidates me! But I think I would try. And I’ve never been on a night run…seems like fun!


Brooke’s PJs are too much! I’ve been into boot camp style cross training lately. I’ve never really done it before and the quick strength moves are doing me a lot of good!
I’ve also started riding my bike on the trainer again. Although it can be tough, it’s a lot safe (and warmer!) than outside and I can watch movies!
Ragnar Vegas will be so much fun!


I enjoy night running if I drive somewhere to run. If I run by my house, there aren’t any street lights and I would probably either trip and fall or get run over and die. I tried a long run like that once and it was terrifying.

What’s cross training?


I have been doing this thing called Metafit recently: it’s 20 minutes long, and is a REALLY high intensity workout. By the end of it I’m dripping with sweat, and I literally can’t sit down for three days afterwards because my legs hurt too much. I was shocked at how much pain you can get from 20 mins exercise!! But it’ll help strengthen my legs into running tree-trunks ;)

I like night running. You have to be more careful, but I like the peacefulness.

Australian Masterchef is my favourite show at the moment. It’s like The Apprentice, but with food. Pretty good combo…


Never tried Crossfit before. I’m definitely curious, but so many people that try it end up not running as much anymore… I love running too much to risk that…!


I still haven’t tried Crossfit. Like the legit classes, I’ve done a few at home or at the gym with others but haven’t been to a box. I’d totally be willing to give it a chance though.
And I love the food network! I don’t know if I can choose a favorite. Although, I do love the food war shows. Right now they’re airing Halloween wars, and I LOVE seeing all the spooky things they do with food.


We have been doing a TON of yard work lately, so my cross training has involved using saws of all kinds. I was kind of bummed when we didn’t break out the chain saw yesterday. It’s okay the smaller saws are just as good of a work out.

That’s all ending with regular swims starting tomorrow.

Night time runs around here are pretty good, especially because we live in a low light pollution area, so you can really see the stars. We just have to be careful with all of the deer and raccoons.


The picture of Brooke with her Dog=the cutest thing I have ever seen.


Lately I’ve been loving barre. It’s low impact but gives me that burn I crave :) never done crossfit, mostly bc of the cost, I just can’t justify it!


Brooke and her doggy are adorable! Good call!

When I lived in Oregon last year, I worked for the fire department. We had our own version of CrossFit, called FireFit that was offered free twice a week to all of us. I miss it!

Lately I have been into yoga. Lately as in years. :-)

I don’t watch the Food Network very often. My favorite channel is probably Bravo or TLC.

I don’t know that I have ever ran at night….


I will always love Alton Brown.

I’ve been wanting to try Crossfit for about three years now, but it is super $$$ (even with the EMS discount they offer) and there’s no child care included! The local gym is 2/3 the cost per month for the whole family, with child watch. Maybe someday I’ll be able to go to a trial class.

I like to do barre DVDs and yoga for crosstraining :)

Those cupcakes look amazing. May I have one for breakfast? LOL


Love cupcake wars! Those cupcakes look to die for!


I love rockin the headlamp! the caramel apple cupcake looks out of this world!


There’s also a shop here in Lincoln Park, Molly’s Cupcakes, that won cupcake wars and they have the best cupcakes! Luckily I went there a few times before I had to cut out gluten…


Love my CrossFit :) I’ve been doing it for about a year now and I”m a huge fan. As for night running? Totally depends, but I tend not to do it because I hate working out at night!


I love that display! I am happy running whenever, I like night time as long as I am not alone!


I’ve done a few ultras that start in the evening, and it’s pretty sweet to run all night and then watch the sun come up in the morning! At first I thought I’d have trouble staying awake, but it wasn’t bad at all! In a couple of weeks I’ll be pacing one of my friends while she does a 100-miler, so I’m looking forward to some good, quality night-running with her! :)


I started crossfit six months ago and LOVE it, I’ve competed once so far and can’t wait till my next competition!!! I have been running less (5 days a week down to 2 or 3 days a week) because crossfit has done amazing things to my body I don’t feel like I need to run as much, BUT… now my runs are so much easier and faster! Crossfit has helped my endurance like you wouldn’t believe. It is expensive and most boxes don’t have childcare though. The picture of Brooke covering her ears is too funny!!


BAREFOOT CONTESSA! i adore her, PLUS all her recipes turn out perfectly! xx


I dunno… those cupcakes still look pretty darn delicious to me. But then again, it’s hard to go wrong with cupcakes. And I’ve never tried CrossFit, mostly because I think I’d go into cardiac arrest lol. As for night running, I think I’d have to get used to daytime running before I attempted to do it in the dark, especially seeing as a lack of running partner would make things a little scary.


I have never tried cross fit but then the idea of sitting in something called a “box” which is just kind of a glorified warehouse never really appealed to me. At all. Go figure.
我去过洒,由法官在杯子cake wars, and then the place in Princeton, NJ that won cupcake wars but after tasting their cupcakes I lost all faith in the show because their cupcakes were terrible. Absolutely terrible. It was like learning there’s no Santa all over again.


I am a crossfitter and go 4-5 times a week. I actually started because running wasn’t working for me anymore because of issues with my IT band. However, by going and learning so much about my body I am finding running easier. I even have run some of my fastest times without training and just crossfit because I am in such good shape. And my body has so much more definition. I am also a lot more confident and strong. I love it.

My favourite food network shows are Chopped and Cuththroat Kitchen.


Same here!!


Hi Janae, haven’t commented in a while just wanted to jump in and tell you that I am still so very impressed with how you are handling yourself right now. Your get up and go is truly inspiring. Rooting for you from California!


Night running…yes…especially when I just need to clear my head and heart. Cross fit…nope. Really need to be doing more strength type cross training for my hips and glutes. Janae, you look so beautiful and glowing…your hair in that picture of you and Brooke…can I get some of that shine? :) Been thinking of you lately…hope you are finding peace and healing and happiness. Looks like it.


I just did Ragnar DC…running at night in the middleof nowhere is pretty scary! I had a great van support though :-). I want a cupcake right now.


First, Almond Joy and Mounds= no go in my belly… yuck.
Second, I haven’t done crossfit before but I have the itch to give it a go. I feel like flipping tires and lifting huge weights would make me feel like Super Woman.


I just started CrossFit a little over a month ago and have really loved it as a complement to my running. The workouts are tough, dynamic, fairly quick, and work well because there is so much inspiration from the people around you. I typically go early in the morning and our entire group is women! Though my overall weekly running distance has decreased, I have noticeably increased my power and speed. I credit all those crazy squats we do!


LOVE Cupcake Wars! :)


I like running at night as long as it’s in a pretty well lot area and I have some company. otherwise I get a little nervous!


One of my friends is really into cross fit. When we head to Texas to run with our other BFF, she wants to work out at their box, so I will be trying it with her. I love dynamic workouts, but I’m not so sure about the weights. I’ve been biking and swimming lately for cross training. P.S. I love Brooke’s little mini buns! So cute.


The picture of Brooke cuddling her dog is priceless! And yes I tried Crossfit and LOVED it! But then the next month my husbands work got all the families a gym membership so it didn’t make sense to pay for something extra. I guess it wasn’t meant to be.


Never tried cross for but I’d like to!


Mmmm those cupcakes sound delicious!
And Brooke with her puppy is too cute :)


I’ve never done crossfit, but I’m obsessed with it haha I really want to try it out one day. Love Cupcake wars!! Those cupcakes look delicious to me!!I need to make a trip to one of the winner’s bakeries one day haha. One day everything will happen. I did a 24 hour walk/run 6 years ago, I loved it!!! I had blisters on my feet and couldn’t walk the next day hahaha but it was the best thing I had ever done!


I do CrossFit 3-4 times a week and I really like it. I got into it because of a guy ::rolls eyes:: BUT it is a good workout, and with good coaching it is safe and effective. I am also a fan of group fitness weight classes such as BodyPump and Group Power, etc. I write about CrossFit workouts on my blog so please feel free to check it out :) (shameless plug). As a few above me have mentioned, I have cut back on running mileage but haven’t had any adverse affects from that. I try to mix it up and also take rest days. Most of my running is at night and I absolutely love a nighttime trail run :)


I’ve never tried CrossFit. It’s so expensive and running is free!


I love crossfit! It made me a much faster runner too! Oh and that Brooke with dog picture is adorable.


我希望我住在靠近咖啡馆里约热内卢!我会吃的re all the time too. I love how much Brooke loves her dog. She is so adorable!


Oh, how I wish I lived close to you so you could become my running mentor and help me get back into it. I took a “break” at the beginning of the year, trying out different things like Pure Barre and Crossfit. Now I really want to get back into running, but it is SO tough!

Come to Memphis and be my running coach? K, thanks, see you soon! :)


i much prefer morning runs to night runs, but sometime an easy evening jog is a great way to wrap up a day! :)


I really want to try cross-fit but I love running so much I never want to give up a day of running for it. Serious runner problems, I know.

I watch Food Network while on the treadmill at the gym and definitely get weird looks as I watch a TV show all about food while I’m running. I can’t help that I love to eat and run equally!


oh my gosh those cupcakes look amazing! I love cupcake wars, except I hate it too because it always leaves me craving cupcakes!! YUM!


6:00 a.m. Crossfit Freedom class. He challenged me to tweak a diliceous paleo crunch recipe from I have been making non-paleo granola for many years as holiday and teacher gifts. My kids call it


Brooke’s hair is getting so long! The photo of her and her new doggy is the best! I have never tried Crossfit but used to do this amazing boot camp type class until we moved :( The instructor made the class what is was…he was training to go to the Olympics in decathlon! I miss that class. I like watching Chopped on the Food Network, but my current favorite food show (not on Food Network) is Masterchef Junior. Have you seen those children cook??? They are amazing!!!


I’ve been trying hard to lift weights and use the stationary bike more so I don’t get injured. It’s hard though cuz I just wanna run!


加入我害怕!现在我真的很喜欢旋转ning and weights.

Almost all my runs are at night, but if I go too late (like 10pm) then I can’t sleep afterwards.


Love Food Network! Love Unwrapped and Diners Drive Ins and Dives…I have never tried Cross Fit and most likely never well – so not my thing. Neither is running at night. I am a total morning person.


I’ve been obsessed with Halloween Wars on Food Network this month! FUN Halloween stuff!


Definitely not a night runner, although it is usually dark as night when I run in the morning.
I do love the Food Network, and I really enjoy the new “Heartland Table” show. She lives close to the place I grew up, and when I watch it I get so homesick (but in a good way).
For crosstraining I like Jillian Michaels Shred DVDs, and Ballet Physique.


I tried cross fit (a free class) and wasn’t sold. Some of the reasons being
1. Its expensive! Instead of signing up, I bought a treadmill :-)
2. Some of the girls were wearing very skimpy clothing and I don’t want to see that when I’m working out
3. It is competitive, I don’t care what they say. I know that everyone is supposed to support each other but when we had to write on the ground how many reps we did…for everyone to see, I was not a fan.

I’m happy that so many people like it…but I’m a runner and I’m sticking to what works for me. I do enjoy night running…on my treadmill. I find I have more energy for my runs at night. And my fave show on the food network, PIONEER WOMAN! Love her!


I love Brookes little buns right on top of her head – adorable!!

My cross training at the moment is in the pool. I got into aqua jogging while I was on vacation, it’s so nice to be able to get my heart rate up again!!

I’ve never been night running but I would love to do one of those glow in the dark runs!


Cross Fit is next on my list of things to do!


I miss the Food Network so much! I don’t get cable anymore, and it’s one of the few things I really miss about it. I always really loved Chopped!
And that Almond Joy cupcakes looks amazing!


Lately I’ve been doing yoga. I didn’t realize how tight I was til I started going consistently again.


I’m pretty much obsessed with Cupcake Wars. I have a picture of me with the host, Justin Willman, because he was visiting my fiance’s college that was doing a cupcake competition. Pretty sure that’s the coolest picture I have – I should do a blog post about it. ALSO, every time I go to NYC I have to visit Sprinkles, which is judge Candice’s cupcake shop.


Mmmm those cupcakes sound amazing!

How neat that you have a friend like Paige in your life! That’s great you’re helping her get into running. I’ve only tried CrossFit inspired workouts, but never actually been part of a CrossFit box. Not sure I could shell out the money for it!


I did CrossFit when I was training for my Tough Mudder. I didn’t really like it. The workouts were short and intense but I don’t feel that the form they used for weight lifting was safe for the long term. I’ve only tried one gym so I’m not sure all of them are the same.
I love Food Network. Anytime we go on vacation we try to go to one of the restaurants that has been featured on the channel.
I never do night runs – if I don’t run before 6 it’s not going to happen.


You need to find a better CrossFit gym then! I love CrossFit but their first priority should (and at most gyms is) proper form and safety. Definitely just a bad gym you found!


I totally agree with you Laura. Form is so important and emphasized at my gym.


Rene, Give me the scoop on the Tough Mudder! My husband and I have been considering running it. Just how crazy intense is it? Do you feel it was as dangerous as they make it out to be? We are in crossfit and I run quite a bit so we’re pretty fit, but they’ve kind of intimidated me with the death talk!


Amber – Tough Mudder was a lot of fun but the hardest physical thing I’ve ever done. The obstacles were all doable but there were two water obstacles that freaked me out (going under the barrels in the dirty lake and going under obstacles in ice water). I was also not a fan of jumping off the high wall into water. The great thing is that all of the other Mudders help you out so you will get done and it feels great to finish. I would definitely do one again.


Rene, thanks for your feedback! Those are also the obstacles that stood out to me! The thought of willingly jumping into a pool of ice water then submerging my head to get out was not enticing! It doesn’t help when they have people on their site talk about how their muscles lock up and they can’t move for a few seconds! lol Anyway… I’m glad to hear your experience was well worth it and I’m already thinking now of what will help me prepare! Namely, spending more time in the water! I definately need more of a comfort level there. Heights aren’t my favorite either, but I can deal with it. Guess you could say I’m a bit of a control freak:)


did my 1st ever night run last week…and I actually really enjoyed it!


Mmmmmm those cupcakes!!! WANT.


I have never tried crossfit but have always wanted to! Maybe when we move again and have a place close that isn’t crazy expensive!!

My husband and I used to run together at night sometimes – It is very relaxing and peaceful but I have noticed it always feels like I am going a lot faster than I actually am! Thankfully I always use night running as slow and easy!


Haha I hate when I try to share a picture of delicious food and the picture serves no justice. I’m like… YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND. This cupcake is life. Still looks delish in my book :-)


I watched the Food Network non-stop when I was pregnant. Unfortunately, it didn’t rub off on me. Always hungry, but I don’t like to cook. I really need to get back into some kind of strength training after Richmond. I couldn’t do a pull-up to save my life right now!


Love CrossFit! Do a workout or two of theirs a week. Cupcake Wars if my favorite Food Network show. It’s my life goal to own my own cupcake shop. First I have to figure out how to bake from scratch.

Just bought my first pair of Brooks PureFlow 2s! They should be arriving this week or early next week. Excited to try them out!


Yum. Those cupcakes look awesome!
我喜欢晚上跑步,但主要是在夏天。There’s just something different about running at night!


When I cross train I usually do the elliptical and weights (machines and free weights)! That’s my favorite way to XT! I love the Food Network but I can’t really watch it because it makes me so hungry! I love love love Chopped though! Brooke looks so cute with her hair up like that!


I live in Utah County and I need to know where you got that apple cupcake. Please. Pretty, please.


Cravings! Main Street in American fork!


Those cupcakes look awesome, but I think those rolls look even better! I’m definitely a bread girl, haha.

I LOVE running at night! Last night I was actually thinking that all races in Florida should be at night. The air is a little bit cooler and there’s no sun baking your skin. Plus, I do many of my night runs on the beach and is there anything more peaceful than looking at the moon reflecting off the ocean? I love my night runs! :)


I’ve always wanted to go to a Cupcake Wars winner store. How cool! Those cupcakes look amazing too!

My favorite shows (I’m sorry I couldn’t pick just one) on Food Network are: The Pioneer Woman, Cupcake Wars, Diners, Drive-ins & Dives, anything Giada, The Great American Food Truck Race (to name a few) Ha.


OK. i LOVE your idea of dinner!! And those cupcakes…you’re killin me! they sound delish!! A cupcake shop is where I’d be if I had time to kill.

I’m actually not really into the cupcake show on food network…I’m not a fan of the host and judges. lol. I LOVE diners, drive ins, and dives and watching The Barefoot Contessa…her recipes are amazing and she’s so mesmerizing to watch.


I have never done Cross fit. Currently my cross training is a bike trainer. I do not like running at night. Not for the darkness, I’m usually tired at the end of the day.
Love the Food Network. Cupcakes Charlie’s my favorite cupcake place, was also on Cupcake Wars.


I held out for a long time thinking CrossFit was a weird fad but when my boxing gym changed the schedule and I couldn’t go, I gave it a try and now I am hooked! I find it’s the perfect cross-training to go with my running. I feel so much stronger from it after only 8 months!

And I am definitely down with the night running. Most of my running is done early before I go to work (about 4 am) anyway, so it’s what I prefer! Good luck with the Vegas Ragnar! I did it two years ago, I love doing the relays. They are an entirely different beast than a marathon and challenge you in a whole new way!


Isn’t it amazing how a simple stuffed toy can bring a kiddo SO much happiness?!?! love it!

Night runs are my favorite thing. Ever.



I don’t know if I’ve ever actually ran at night. I am a morning or mid-morning runner. In fact, I’m supposed to do a workout when I get home at 4:00 today and I’m already dreading it, yet kind of excited about it because it’s new.

I used to LOVE cupcake wars! It’s why I started baking so many cupcakes! One of the winners from DC, The Sweet Lobby, is right by my work…..luckily I have self control.


Those cupcakes look AMAZING!! Yum! Cupcake Wars is definitely one of my favorite Food Network shows!

I’m so jealous you are doing Ragnar! I want to do it so bad- but I might get scared running alone at night… in the middle of no where! haha! ;)


HUGE Food Network fan! :) It’s kind of my go-to when I’m on the treadmill. Gives me goals for what I am going to eat after the run :)


Evening/night runs are my favorite! Except I kind of get scared of bad guys at night…


Loving Brooke’s new pig tail ‘do :-) So stinkin’ cute


I LOVE CrossFit…I go 5-6x a week…there’s nothing like it!


I have done crossfit twice and I loved it but unfortunately it is just too expensive :( I almost always run at night and I like it but I still think running in the morning is better (one day maybe my schedule will allow it regularly again)


Aw BROOKE and her dog is flat out adorable. You have such a cute daughter!!! I love Cupcake Wars and honestly all and any Food Network show!


Hahaha I laughed out loud at Brooke walking out of the room covering her ears! She is such a cutie :)


晚上跑步是最好的!更容易失去交易ck of the miles in the dark for some reason :) Brooke is so adorable… and those cupcakes look absolutely delicious!


Never tried CrossFit but I want to! Hate night running, I’m a morning runner all the way!

During my girlfriend’s bachelorette party, someone from Cupcake Wars made us cupcakes! Pretty awesome!


tried cross-fit and hated it. easy to get injured. just a fad that i believe will fade. way way way too much money. not a fan at all.

speaking of fads- i have been into barre classes lately. i also teach spinning. i love body pump but dont belong to a gym anymore.

love food network— i really enjoy giada and rachael ray.

Do you enjoy night running?- i like running when the sun is setting- very pretty…otherwise, nah.

p.s. those cupcakes…look AWESOME


I have always wanted to try Cross Fit but am a little intimidated. I have a friend that is really into it and she has entered a competition coming up. I really want to at least try it once.
I am really bad about cross training but if I had to pick one other thing it would be riding the bike. I don’t really do a lot of it but it would be my pick.

Love Food Network and Cupcake Wars is good but I really love Next Food Network Star! I also love Guy Fieri and Giada – do you see a theme here. My husband is part Italian so I think I am a bit biased. I also really get into any of the sugar challenges and those types of shows.

Night Running is awesome! I wish I could do that instead of waking up at the crack of dawn but I have no one to run with at night. I have gone by myself before but I sometimes freak myself out.


My hubby actually prefers night running, but I definitely would rather run in the sunshine :) Those cupcakes look amaaaazing!! I want!



Where did you find Brooke’s puppy? My daughter would LOVE one!

Love following your blog!


Walmart! Brooke is obsessed with it! Get one!


Yum cupcakes!!!

quick fueling/running question for you: I am running my first marathon this coming Sunday (ahh!) and my stomach is already a bundle of nerves, so I am going to be try to be really careful about what I eat until the race. What are your favorite foods to eat in the few days before a marathon? I’d love to hear your recommendations!


Never tried cross-fit, and sometimes I feel like the only person in the world who hasn’t.

I <3 Pioneer Woman.

I prefer dark AM runs over dark PM runs. I cannot wait for you to run RAGNAR. Running in the dark hours during the Cascade Lake Relay are some of my favorite running memories :) :) :)


I can’t watch the Food Network very often, I end up in the kitchen stuffing my face with everything imaginable ;) My favorite show is probably Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives.

I have never tried CrossFit, I do enjoy watching the CrossFit games on ESPN, I’m completely in awe, I don’t have that kind of strength! My favorite cross training is spin class and the arc trainer.

I’ve never been a night runner. I run in the dark every morning and it doesn’t bother me, but night I would be freaked out!


Love food network!!
Not a night runner- too scary!!

Need new running gear for fall/winter? Check out


For about a year and a half I ran almost exclusively at night. I love night running. I love finding the PERFECT toy for one of my kids. Brooke and her pup are too much :)


My friend is the Race Director for Ragnar Vegas!!!


我希望我们有一个蛋糕的地方近了!我认为e closest one is an hour away!!
Sadly, no, I have never tried Crossfit and I don’t do anything to crosstrain. Working full-time with 2 kids and a hubby who’s gone a lot of nights, I barely have enough time to get a run in and it’s just much easier to throw my running shoes on and go.
LOVE LOVE LOVE Food Network! My favorite shows are Pioneer Woman, Chopped, Giada, and Barefoot Contessa (is that too many favorites?). :) My husband wants to get rid of cable and living without the Food Network is the only thing holding me back!
I do enjoy night running, as long as I have someone to do it with. It creeps me out, otherwise. To be honest, I hardly ever do it because I’m so tired by then!


Did you see the entry I posted not long ago about Vism about listening?

It went something like this…

“Momma you know sometimes when you are talking, the speakers go off in my ears.”



ughhh. I’m having major FOMO reading your blog. Come visit us soon pleaseee!


Mmm, I always love trying out new cupcake places!


I love pretty much everything on Food Network. Especially Chopped. I love watching cooking way more than I actually like cooking


My daughter does the same thing when I’m talking too much. Or when she doesn’t like the music I have on. Too cute!

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