She better be okay with this and the quote of the week.

Just the normal Sunday over here.

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And then I forced my daughter to dress/have hair like me. She better always be okay with us doing this kind of a thing.

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My sister and her husband went all out and made homemade pasta noodles and homemade marinara sauce. Ranch made its appearance on my salad.

My sister’s homemade meals > restaurant food 100% of the time.

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我contributed myfavorite breadto the dinner. I don’t think I will ever try any other bread recipes because I love this one too much to stray.

As you can tell, we really like garlic.

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And then I had a wedding to attend. Yep, I watched the Bachelor wedding with my friends and I brought myfavorite ice cream dessert.

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After the wedding we watched the episode of Family Feud that my friend Jess was on. It was hilarious.

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And on a random note–> have you tried this stuff? My sister got me hooked and it is heavenly. I got it at Target. I kind of want to eat it.

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我like to have a quote that I think about a lot each week… Here is this week’s quote:

”We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” – Carlos Castaneda

Make yourself STRONG this week with your running! Enjoy your runs and work hard!


What was the best part about your weekend?

Last tv show that you watched? Anyone watching the Bachelor this season?

Favorite lip gloss or chapstick?

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我like that Chapstick except I don’t use a purse so it’s bulky to carry around. I usually stick with soft lips brand. Homemade pasta and bread is my favorite dinner. My mom makes the best whole wheat spaghetti… Gahhhh now I want some!


我think the last show I watched was 16 and Pregnant. Don’t judge me!

The best part of my weekend was getting everything I needed to get done on Saturday so I could just lounge and be lazy on Sunday.

Favorite lip gloss: Fresh Sugar.


The last show I watched was a special on Beliebing while running on the treadmill. I have a bunch of DVRing I need to catch up on though today. That is probably what I’ll do. We’ve been pretty much snowed in over here all weekend, my 5k was cancelled again. (YAY 4 5ks cancelled in one month!). So I did my longest treadmill run yesterday of 15 miles….when I watched Beiber.

我t looks like you had a pretty relaxing weekend though. Have you heard of the MyTwinn dolls? They make cute girl clothes that match the doll clothes. I bet they make mommy and me clothes too. My mom and I had a couple matchy matchy sunflower dresses back in the day. That is a gem to bring back for an instagram throwback thursday.

Have a great Monday Janae!


喜欢这句话!Thank you, needed that.


我went hiking with the pup on Sunday and that was awesome. I watched the Bach wedding, I was a little meh about the whole thing. And I am a light blue chapstick gal all the way!!


That quote really hit home for me and my current situation. Thank you.


Chasing after our daughter as she ran on the beach was my highlight of the weekend.

Her return to 2 hour naps was pretty incredible, too! Far more yoga and core time wss done this weekend.


Brooke is so cute!!! She is adorable.
我am obsessed with homemade bread. I love making bread and my 14 month old loves it! So easy to make and so healthy.
My little cousin got married this weekend and her wedding was awesome. We ate and danced all weekend.


Getting back to school yesterday and organizing my dorm :) I’m watching Good Morning America now (does that count as an actual tv show??) Baby Lips is definitely my favorite chapstick!!


Best part of the weekend- Boston Prep 16 Miler. Hardest part of the weekend- Boston Prep 16 Miler. Other best part- brownie sundaes with my best friends on Friday night.

我sort of watched the Grammies last night…. I am saving the Wedding to watch with my other good friend tomorrow!


That’s a great quote and so true! I love that Chapstick too and my husband won’t steal it since it’s such a weird shape.


Now that you have an EOS, you MUST make a “lip balm nipple” with it! I can teach you how.
(wow this comments going straight to spam.)


great quote, and so true. Your hair looks great – did you do it just to watch the TV wedding?


喜欢这句话!我的周末很放松which was my favorite part :) rest does a body and mind good!


我n the winter I use aquaphor or neosporin just because my lips tend to crack and it’s hard to get them to heal! Otherwise I’m not too picky :-) Looks like we were at the same wedding last night! I’m hoping Joe makes it home on time tonight so we can watch Juan Pablo… I really like how sincere he seems! Have a good Monday!


Mmmm homemade pasta sounds amazing!! I can’t wait to watch the bachelor wedding online today! Love that quote… will definitely be remembering that one this week!


我have that chapstick in red and love it. At first I thought it was kind of weird, but I now love that it’s in a ball!

Best part of my weekend was either getting tacos two days in a row or running 12 miles without knee pain. Hard to say which one :)


My daughter is 11, and though she doesn’t always like to dress like me still. It still happens from time to time, and it’s still fun! I love eos lip balm.


Ooooh, Brooke is so adorable. I think the matching running outfits are better than what my mom did to me in the 80’s, hah.

我like the quote! I remember learning once that it takes a lot more muscles to frown then it does to smile. I always remember that, especially while racing.


The best part of my weekend was laying around all afternoon yesterday with my family watching movies and TV shows. It was soooooooo relaxing and fun!


Best part of my weekend? Going to get SUSHI!!!

我看了格莱美奖last night :)


我had some GREAT runs this weekend! Saturday was really really cold and windy here in Charlotte, but I stilled braved the cold and ran 4.5 miles with my dog Molly, and then Sunday was beautiful so I ran another 4 miles solo and it felt great to get out there twice in one weekend. I haven’t done that in a while either due to it being freezing, plans getting in the way, or being out of town, so it felt amazing! The husband and I also went on a 3 mile walk last night with the dogs so there was a lot of time spent outdoors this weekend!

我watched the Bachelor wedding last night too :) I just flipped back and forth between that and the Grammy’s, but I thought that it was very cute! I have been watching this season with Juan Pablo too!!


我went through a very hard time a few years ago and that quote really resonates with me. Its exactly how I felt at that point and I’m so glad I decided to take the higher road and not punish myself. And that’s how I got it into running.



我’m a huge Burts Bees fan :) Love that chapstick! Brooke matching you is too cute. My weekend was pretty boring. I started watching the Bachelor wedding but switched to the Grammys and taped the wedding. Now I’m ready to sit back and watch it!


Best part of weekend was watching my little boy fall in love with Toy Story and Buzz Lightyear.
我like mint Chapstick brand. My old favorite was pink lemonade.
Looking forward to some strong workouts!


i’m a burt’s bees fan all the way. i haven’t watched the bachelor wedding yet, but am waiting for it to come to hulu! :)


我wanted to watch the bachelor wedding, but I guess I will have to wait until it is online :) Looks like you had a great Sunday!




Best chapstick ever. It is the only kind I don’t lose within five minutes of purchasing it. :)


喜欢这句话!My husband and I watch The Bachelor together, but have been so swamped that we have only watched one episode this season. All the others are waiting on the DVR for a Bachelor marathon (that will hopefully happen sooner rather than later)


the best part of my weekend was the time I spent at TJ Maxx/Home Goods, which the new one in DC is ONE STORE and I was in heaven, which lead to the next best part of my weekend: The time I spent snuggled on my couch in the new cat pajamas I got there for $10!


Last show I watched was an episode of Downtown Abbey (I’m behind by a season still). The only reality show I watch is Top Chef.

Best part of my weekend: seeing a live production of King Lear followed by one of the most delicious dinners I’ve ever eaten. To quote Parks & Recreation, I had a “Treat yo’self” day and it was amazing.

Burts bees. Always.


Best part of the weekend: It was a tie between going Cru for wine tasting…I love finding new wines….and taking Loki to puppy playtime at PetSmart – so freaking cute.

My favorite chap stick is Fresh Sugar lip treatment..kind of expensive but it’s totally worth it – best chap stick ever. I’ve sworn off all other brands now.

Running was rough this weekend…my IT band was so sore that it hurt to walk, so I handed a slice of humble pie with my mileage. I’m hoping that resting up over the weekend will set me up for a strong week!

Have a great Monday Janae!


Omg我爱布鲁克是穿得就像你!我f I ever had a kid, oh yeah she would be dressed like me, always in workout clothes haha. Love EOS! I haven’t tried that flavor yet, but I’m going to next, I’m currently using the mint one and it is just amazing!! The best part of my weekend was being able to skype with boyfriend, oh and I got a lot of homework done for this week :)


我could not feel more guilty about skipping todays run after your end quote…


我guess I’ve been living under a rock, because I didn’t know the Bachelor wedding was even happening.
Favorite part of the weekend was spending time with my family.
Last TV show I watched was Grimm and Black Sails, it was the premier of black sails and I was disappointed again that these days I can’t watch a show without gratuitous sex scenes, I promise the show would be better without them.
My favorite lip gloss is from Le Metier De Beaute and it’s called Summerland.


Relaxing and out for pizza was the best part!

我have tried EOS and will die if they ever take it off the market. It is superior to any other Chapstick.

我don’t watch the bachelor. I kind of think it is ridiculous. But hubby and I caught up on the last 2 weeks of criminal minds. That show is so creepy!


我watched the Grammys last night. Wow. Pink! Amazing. She is strong and beautiful and soooo talented.

Best part of my weekend was finally finding the right combo of throw pillows to complete the new decor of my bedroom. That and running a half marathon in 17 degree windy temps. Made me feel pretty bada–.

我am a fan of Burt’s bees lip shimmer. Nutmeg is my favorite color.
My niece is obsessed with the honeydew melon eos balm like your strawberry sorbet one. :)


Does that skirt of Brooke’s come in my size? because i LOVE IT.

Best of my weekend was getting a friend to sign up for a half marathon with me…yay for running friends! It made my whole weekend! :)


我have the same lip balm & I love it. I also watched The Bachelor wedding and while it was beautiful… the show itself didn’t really wow me. Anyway, I think that quote is a great one to start the week! I could have used that before I started my commute to work this morning… which took 90 minutes and was mentally torturous haha.




我always love your quotes. I am going to focus on the one you shared this week too :) I love lip gloss but always seem to lose ones that I buy.

Have a great week, Janae!


Try the EOS Honeydew Melon, Janae! I swear you’ll want to eat your lips off… it’s so yummy!


The best part of my weekend was running in 75 degree weather and playing basketball with my boys. I’d have to say I prefer chapstick. Lip gloss is not my style. ;=)


Love EOS!!! And I love a baby/toddler in workout clothes! So cute! My kid will come out wearing some green puma’s for sure!


我am also in love with that chapstick! I got it in my stocking and my daughter got one too. we are both obsessed.


OF COURSE I’m watching the Bachelor! I love it, it’s so addicting! I’m actually in a Bachelor Fantasy League that my friend organized: we each pick three women and they get points for various things from crying, talking about another girl to Juan Pablo and needing medical attention to the big stuff like winning or being the next bachelorette!


我haven’t tried that lip balm yet but I have seen it and now I need to pick it up…I love Kardashian, it’s one of the only shows I keep up with – haha, made myself laugh, keep up – like Keeping Up With The Kardashians lol.


我是一个carmax kinda gal, but I also LOVE Victoria Secrets Mint gloss….so refreshing!

On a side note-last week (I think) you made a post about your eyelashes and I’ve been meaning to ask, do you wash your face and sleep with them on and everything? That’s crazy that they stay on until your lashes fall out!


我love the EOS chapstick too! I use it quite a bit, but otherwise I’m a Carmex girl.

我watched every darn second of the Bachelor wedding! I wasn’t a huge Sean and Catherine fan during the season, but I love them now, and their wedding was gorgeous of course. I am watching Juan Pablo’s season on and off.

Best part of my weekend was sleeping in on Sunday!


Thank you thank you for all of the amazing carb recipes you share haha! Between this bread, the lasagna, and the cinnamon rolls I’ll have more than enough incentive to keep running so I can eat it all.

Chapstick is definitely going to have to be rosebud minted rose lip balm and of course I watch Juan Pablo religiously.
Have a great week!


Best part of the weekend – catching up with a few girlfriends Sat night over salads and a glass of wine.

我love that quote!

Favorite Chapstick – BBLips – the nude/peach color, I wear over my favorite lipstick – Two Faced “Marshmallow Bunny”


我’m all about Burt’s Bees, especially the pomegranate one. They even have tinted ones, which are awesome! I like to order the Burt’s grab bag so I can try all the different kinds.

Also, I’ve never ever watched the bachelor. The last thing I watched was the news (I feel old lol).


You are both too cute! What a nice Sunday. Best part of the weekend was some great runs and a massage! Last show on TV = Justified. I am a plain old chapstick girl (mint or cherry).


totally watching the bachelor, guilty pleasure! and my favorite chapstick is the EOS in Lemon Frosting. It tastes like a lemon cookie :)


喜欢这句话!Thanks for sharing!
Last TV show = Sherlock. I HIGHLY recommend it!


The best part of my weekend was running the Hot Chocolate race! I ran the 15k, and my pace was 15sec ahead of what I had as my goal! So it was a great race, plus yummy chocolate!


hahaha I watched the wedding too and my friends and I just sat there laughing so hard. It was all ridiculous. But the actual ceremony was really sweet.
My mom and I got matching sweatshirts for our birthday on Saturday and I was excitedly said we should be twins and she didn’t think that was a good idea. Heart = shattered ;) jk She offered to be twins later.
Beautiful quote!


That is a great quote. I am also currently obsessing over eos chapstick!


Ahhhh that first picture of Brooke – the cutest!!


Best part of my weekend – spending time with the kids!!
Last tv show – sportscenter of course.
Lip gloss or chapstick – N/A, never need any.


Lip balm all the way! My fave is Mad Gabs because it’s made in Maine. :)


我love any lipgloss or chapstick. I have a huge stockpile of the blue chapstick- I was obsessed a few years ago and bought wayyyy too many spare tubes. So now I have enough to last for quite awhile :)


我am OBSESSED with that lip gloss! The strawberry is my favorite!


Between my teenage daughter and me, we have literally a dozen of these EOS floating around my house! They’re great, but be careful they melt really easily in the car when it gets a little warmer. I had a new one melt all the way down inside the egg!


My eldest daughters, (now 12 yo twins), used to WANT to have their hair just like mine. They called it “messy momma hair” bahahahahahaha. They rocked the messy bun look in kindergarten!!


For plain old chapstick I use Blistex or whatever it is called – for colour, Sephora! I did see that lip gloss at Target though and wondered if it was any good.

Best part of the weekend was running my first race of 2014 – yay yay!!


Love the quote!


Oh my goodness! I was so happy when reading this post. It included pictures of some of my favorite things. I LOVE garlic bread, Family Feud, ice cream, and chapstick. My husband and I watch Family Feud pretty much everyday. That is so cool that your friend was on the show.

我love Brooke’s outfits so much!


Nora, it’s been too long, girl! This post had me giggling! Oh my godnoess, you sound like me! You have no idea how much my Pinterest alter ego resembles yours! I haven’t been on Pinterest in a while. I’m getting a little tired of people culling an entire board and not having the decency to follow! I swear! hee hee! Loved this post!


我love that quote!!!


The best part of my weekend is that it was a surprise three-day weekend from work due to bad weather!

我’m watching the Bachelor this season because I can’t help myself, but it seems worse than usual! I feel bad for the girls!

我’m obsessed with Bare Minerals Moxie lip gloss, but when my lips are actually chapped, nothing but Carmex will do!


Um yes i am trying to collect all those chapsticks and getting my friends hooked on them too. I get them at walmart. Well played by walmart to have them by the check out. I also attended the wedding last night. I’m surprised we didn’t see one another ;)


Mmm, I love homemade pasta too! That photo of you and Brooke with the same hairdo is too cute!

我watched the Grammys last night, woo!


Oh my gosh Brooke is just the cutest little girl ever!!! And looks just like her mommy <3 I wish I had been able to see The Bachelor wedding! It's so frustrating not having a TV in my dorm :(


The best part of my weekend was when I was in DC, and I got to run Capitol Hill. It was such a wonderful feeling, even though I was a little nervous because the sidewalk was covered in ice! Yikes! The last show I watched was last night’s Grammys, and my favorite chapstick would have to be Burt’s Bees! It fixes anything!


我totally missed the wedding because the Grammys were on. Why would they force me to make that choice??


我’m obsessed with that EOS lip balm! The tangerine one is my favorite in the winter because it’s medicated and great for chapped lips.


That’s such a great quote and completely true. This weekend we went up to the rocky mountains for some much needed relaxation time. I got a little bit of running in too though!


That’s a great quote!

我’m a lover of Burt’s Bees chapstick. Both the tinted and original. All so good.

Last TV show I watched – White Collar. My husband and I like a lot of those USA shows.


Best part of my weekend was winning free tickets to a local health food show as well as a gift basket! I also found a fantastic new jacket & only had to pay $10 for it after it was on sale AND after my gift card. Boom! Thanks, Forever21!

Not so much into the Bachelor, but I did watch the Grammys last night. Basically, I want to be Beyonce.

我LOOOOOVE Queen of the Hive Manuka honey lip balm. It’s all natural, organic & smells like thin mints. Woohoo! I do love EOS lip balms too though!

Have a great day!!! PS Brooke is so stinkin’ adorable in her little ballerina flats. Pretty girl!


mommy daughter hair is the cutest, well…. right after wearing matching outfits. That has to happen :)


我watched the Bachelor wedding with my friends and ice cream too! I love that the wedding was live, so there was no editing! How adorable was it when Sean cried like a baby at the end? Ahh!! Love him!
The eos Mint lip balm is awesome, you should try that flavor next :)


我just got eos lip balm in my stocking at Christmas and I LOVE it!


The best part of my weekend was seeing my best friend AND wearing a tutu in public on Saturday because I’m an adult and I can do that. I have that same lip balm and got it at Target as well :)


That’s so cool that your friend was on Family Feud!! It’s definitely one of my life goals to be on a game show ;-)
For lip chap, I usually go for Burt’s Bees. I hear good things about Eos though!


Love that quote. I’m training for a marathon and my runs haven’t felt so great recently, and this morning it was such a mental challenge getting through my run. Last show I watched was the Today show- I watch it every day!!


Ok #1, Brooke’s outfit is adorable. #2, that is too funny your sister made that for dinner because we made homemade pasta too! So delicious and your bread looks great-big garlic fan here too ;) Watching the bachelor is definitely a guilty pleasure, my favorite. Love this week’s quote!


Love the quote at the end.


Quoting Castaneda! Girl, you are full of surprises ;-)

We don’t have tv. Remember…I’m from Berkeley ;-)


We hiked Ka’ena Point on Oahu on Saturday and saw whales! Then hit up Fumi’s Shrimp truck for the best coconut shrimp in the world! Waves on the North Shore were amazing, perfect day with lots of sunshine.

Love that first picture of Brooke. She always makes me smile.


Love EOS! Been using them for almost 2 years and I always make sure to put some on before my runs. I was so excited yesterday because I was able to run 6 miles in Manhattan. During my run I visited Little Italy, Chinatown and The Empire State Building. It was awesome and yes I had EOS melon flavored on my lips.


我attended that wedding solo yesterday and I gotta say I was hooked.


我love Eos! I have it in multiple flavors. I also really like Nivea Milk & Honey chapstick too.


Too funny, I just discovered EOS last week while killing time at Walgreens. The first one I purchased was the “sweet mint” and have since also bought the raspberry.


我’m a 100% Burt’s Bees girl!

Love Brooke’s outfit in the first photo!


Thank you so much for sharing the quote! It really helped put perspective on a rough couple of days. I love the pomegranate Burt’s Bees for when I’m on the go but at night, I always use vaseline. The edges of my lips have cracked more than ever this winter and vaseline is the only thing that has provided relief.


我think I have about 6 or 7 Eos lip balms… Officially addicted! :)


Aww Brooke’s outfit is SO cute!!! :) And there’s nothing better than a homemade meal, simple as that.



我think I just bought myself the exact same Champion jacket as Brooke from Costco :)


全食超市有出售这些Eos chapsticks over Christmas, except that when I got home, mine was broken in half. Must have been why they were on sale….

Also, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but everyone at school is addicted to the bachelor, except for me. I feel so left out of lunchtime conversations.

Read the book, Daring Greatly. Highly recommend!


Oh goodness, that outfit in the first pic is the cutest thing ever!! My current T.V. show love is Game of Thrones. Can’t wait for the new season! And for lip balm, haven’t tried the one you posted, but I want to. I currently use Burt’s Bees in the a.m. after I brush my teeth and then Mary Kay lip gloss obsessively the rest of the day.


我use that lip balm and it is almost all out! I follow the bachelor’s sisters blog! It is called Mix and Match Family and I felt like I KNEW people at the wedding! Yes, I lead a very exciting life!


That bread looks amazing! My favorite part of my weekend was the Half marathon I ran on Saturday and lunch after. The last television show that I watched was Modern Family.


Love those eos lip balm. My favorite is the orange/tangerine (can’t remember specifically — some citrus scent). Super emollient.


喜欢这句话!我穿过我的睡觉alarm this morning (never happens) and missed my run, which was a total bummer because the rest of this week it will be too cold to run outside and since I have a newborn my schedule isn’t very flexible…so, long story short when I woke up & realized I had overslept, I cried about it (I’m going to blame this on the fact that I think I’m still just a tad bit hormonal from having a baby…even though he is now 3 months old). But then before my husband left he said, “Don’t let this ruin your day. Do a circuit workout while the baby naps and make the most of it.” That’s exactly what I did and I felt a lot better after completing a great 30 minute workout. :) I chose to be strong – not miserable!


LOVE that quote!!! I need to steal it for this week!


The best part about my weekend was seeing my mom and dad :) They came out for my cousin’s farewell, and it was so good to see them! The last series that I watched was Downton Abbey! I love it :) I don’t watch the Bachelor, I am always curious about it though ha. Everyone seems to love it. I love Victoria’s Secret lip gloss, and I am happy with pretty much any chapstick that smells and feels good :)


haha! she’s too cute- you both are : )


Thanks for that quote for the week. That applies so much to what I’m dealing with in my life right now, unrelated to running.
Your daughter is precious.


我loved the wedding last night!! Catherine look gorgeous :)!


我have started watching Friday Night Lights on Netflix during my treadmill runs, so love this show! When it’s -24 out the treadmill will have to do. :)


The Bachelor wedding was shot down the street from me! I really wanted to go stalk them all and try to wedding crash, but I chickened out and watched it from home instead.


That picture of you 2 twinning is awesome – that needs to go in a frame <3


我’m all about Burt’s Beeswax…love that stuff


Eos is my favorite lip balm ever! The mint one is amazing, and I just love the shape! I’ve been watching The Bachelor this season but I’m not really into it so I don’t know if I’ll make it to the end of the season…


Kiehl’s lip balm is my favorite and always will be, I have one in every bag :)


Another tread mill run day! URGH! I’m in Michigan and its below zero and a foot and a half of snow covering thick ice….. I long for spring…..


我am all about Baby Lips by Maybelline! Nothing makes my lips feel softer. If I could manage to keep one for longer than a month, life would be great!


Brooke is just too cute in that first picture.. And I love your workout outfits… That is why I need a daugter, it’s not really cool to match with your son but I try and make him and my husband match :)


Great quote janae!
Best part of my weekend: spending time with my 7 week old baby boy!
Chapstick- name brand plain old Chapstick, but I’ve looked at eos, and it looks great! I need to branch out!
Last tv show- nick at night always runs a bunch if friends episodes, I love my friends!


Such a great quote, and I reaaally needed that this week! I have a 17 miler to do on Wednesday, and I’m not looking forward to it because I did one of those Hell and Back obstacle races this weekend, and have been slightly traumatized since from the cold and getting shot at and crawling through electric shock fences! (what? I thought it was just an obstacle course!)


我love EOS, but it’s bulky to carry around. My boys are always asking for “lip egg”.


This is a great quote! Lately I think I have being too negative, while I really should be focusing on the good stuff.


Sounds like a great weekend. That lip balm looks amazing.
Great quote!

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