Sentence Per Picture!

-6 miles (8:34 pace) and a gun show with my sister this morning while stretching out… ps stretching is infinitely better/more entertaining/comical when we do it together.

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- sis得分我们访问通过他甜蜜的健身房r in-laws and so I get to join her if I can work out at the same time as her… he is pretty stoked about seeing me in the mornings more now (emergency stop is off on the treadmill… he comes in while we stretch after he finishes at kid’s club).

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-Brooke was doing some sprints the other day on the sidewalk and she kept her hands completely straight while she was doing them… ya know, to help her to be aerodynamic.

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-I fit into Brooke’s big girl bed with her pretty well which means book reading before bed is a lot more comfortable than it used to be.

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-With life, with running, with goals, with everything:

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-I was readingtheserace day clothing tips… I tend to go overboard and dress about 30 degrees cooler than it really is (I once ran a marathon in shorts and a tank while it was snowing for the 1st ten miles of the race ((pre-blog days)).

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-Running so fast that she is a blur.

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-Cafe Rio (and a really dark picture) salads to celebrateKristi’sbirth… she is expecting and her biggest craving is Mexican food and we gladly help her out with that craving.

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-Good times:

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Meg’sshoes can be seen from at least a mile away (Brooke wanted in on the shoe picture)… thank goodness workout shoes are so much better looking than the old days of boring colors only.

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-I’m pretty happy about my little desk area now (complete with the 3 year old that loves to hang out by me while I work and I still need to hang some of the pictures)… I may be be a little obsessed with my chair.

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-Flashback to the last time I did the Provo 1/2 Marathon (the race I am training for right now) and can I tell you how much I thrive off of having a training plan and race to train for again… I get so much more excited about running with a plan vs running just randomly.


Also, these win.

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Do you usually overdress or underdress for the temperatures? Or are you pretty good at figuring out the right clothes to wear for race day?

Do you prefer a training plan or no training plan? Which makes you more excited to run?

What is your sentence for the day?

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I feel like I definitely overdress for cold temperatures because I am such a cold person. However, I ran a 5K on Thanksgiving and really wish I would’ve worn more lays. I couldn’t feel my face when I was done ha! I love having a training plan too because I am just SO much more motivated and I have more of a direction. :)


Oh the “can’t feel my face” after a run/race is the worst! Way to go on getting out to race when it was that cold! I totally agree… having a direction makes the biggest difference!


layers* ha


I always dress like it’s at least 20 degrees hotter than it is. I am naturally a hot person (I blame it on my Norwegian blood) so I have to in order to survive!


I always over dress. I hate being cold. Then I regret it when I am soaked with sweat. Lol. I prefer a simple plan. 2 weekday runs and one long run. I don’t worry about tempo, speed etc because I am not worrying about setting any PRs this year. Easy breezy.


I’m with you Sally!


I can’t wait until Sunday when I get to run again!


啊这样激动人心的消息! !哦,那是最好的。在joy every step Lee!


I overdress. Then wonder why I have so many layers on! My race this Sunday is going to be cold and windy apparently, good thing it is a loop course so I can take off/put on layers as needed!

I love a training plan. I like the structure to it! I’m taking a break from training after this race (I need it!) and I’ve found myself looking for non-training training plans. Are those a thing? Because they should be!

Sentence for the day – I’m trying acupuncture today! I’m so excited!


I overdress a lot for regular runs, especially in the spring, but I always dress on the cooler side for races! I feel like i’m relearning what to wear for running because the weather each season in Seattle is so different than it was in the Midwest!
I definitely prefer a training plan! I make a loose training schedule each week when I’m not training for a race because it adds variety and takes out the guesswork so I can just run and go!


I always overdress for very cold weather. One day I might be a real runner and will show up at these sub-freezing races in nothing but a singlet and short shorts like the elites, but for now I’m good with the gloves, toboggan, several layers of shirt and jacket, and trainers.

我喜欢a training plan, and enjoy having a coach even more.

Sentence of the day “You see my aura’s positive, I don’t promote no junk” — Phife (RIP)

Great sprinting form already! She runs like the terminator, perfectly efficient!


My desk looks similar to yours – especially since we both have the exact same notebooks beside our iMacs :-)

I hear you about fitting in beds for story time – best part about the big kid bed!


My absolute favorite notebooks:)


You’re chair is gorgeous!! I usually over dress – I hate being cold! Following a training plan gives me more motivation to run, but I’m enjoying just doing whatever I feel like at the moment!


I love your desk area! Such a cute chair and set up. I am happy and motivated as long as I have a race to train for. I usually then make up my own training routine but if I don’t have a lot of motivation otherwise.


I’ve become quite adept at figuring out layering for the weather…but I’m the runner you see in long sleeves pants and gloves when everyone else is in shorts! I tend to be cold always. I think arm warmers were the best ever running invention….

我喜欢to have a goal race to train for…but usually train by how I feel and what I’ve come to learn as successful for me over the years.

Sentence for the day: yay for a new garage door and opener!!!!! I think the one we replaced was was older than me!!!!


I feel like I tend to overdress! Weather in the 50s is the most confusing to me.. Haha like do I dress like it’s cold or warm.. No idea haha. I generally love having a training plan. When I go too long with training though I always crave a break from the structure though.



Love your blog and I’m a new reader!

Love your desk! Where did you find it?


Hey Tiffany!! Than you so much:) I just got this one… so far so good:)

Hope you are having a really great day!


I always get hot during races so being under dressed is always a much better scenario than being overdressed.


WHERE IS THAT CHAIR FROM?!?! It is amazing!!! And it matches my house!!!! If I had already scored the post grad school job I am hoping is going to come in any second now (please dear lord!) I would but that sucker right now!!! So jealous! Target maybe? Where?!

Cafe rio! ? something I desperately miss out of Utah. But if it were in Northern California or Oregon I would get so fat so fast!!!

Sentence for the day…. Bad dates make the best stories.

I’m almost caught up on blogging and I just wrote about one of my post break up dates and it was literally the worst. (The guy sobbed at the table.) but it was probably one of the funnest blog posts I’ve ever written!!!

Brooke is literally just a streak!


I’m lucky that Melbourne weather is pretty mild so it’s hard to go wrong…staying away from cotton and wearing good socks are my main rules.

I love your office set up and that chair is beautiful. So pretty.

My sentence for the day is….I have a wedding to go to this afternoon and need a new dress so off to the shops – I don’t know how I always do this to myself…have I not had the invite for a year????? Have a good day everyone!


I’m pretty good about figuring out what to wear for races, except if it’s right around a season change. My brain is always in denial about how hot or cold it suddenly is!

我喜欢to have a training plan. I like having something to check off, and I like knowing what I should be doing. Without one my runs are all over the place!

My sentence for the day: I’m living in compression gear and rolling my legs like crazy (calf/shin pain) so hopefully I can enjoy my half this Saturday!


OH good luck on Saturday and I hope that your calf/shin pain disapears ASAP!!!!!


Oh my goodness – THAT CHAIR!!! Where is it from??? Heart eyes for dayyyys!


I usually underdress. I hate being overdressed and fear being too hot and not having anywher to toss the extra clothing.

Training plans for sure because I like lists and being able to cross runs off a training plan makes me really happy.

What is your sentence for the day?
Wisconsin weather, get it together.


Cute desk! I’m needing to set up a desk in some little corner of my place, and I think I’ll draw some inspiration from yours. As for training, I’m always excited to just run (with no plan) after a race. But that wears off pretty quickly. In general I’m always on a training plan of some sort and I much prefer it that way.


Awww your nephew is sooo cute and I’m obsessed with that chair too! You are quite the interior designer if I do say so myself. The place is looking super cute so far! I’m glad you and Brooke are loving it!!
I’m pretty good about picking the right clothes. It is also fairly warm in Texas ;)
我喜欢a training plan because I am excited to work towards something but mixing up workouts without a training plan is fun too!
My sentence is sometimes you just need to rest, and that was me tonight….


I’ve always been a chronic overdresser for runs and races and the overheating would kill me! Until I found this handy tool – I’ve doubted it before but have gone with it and it’s perfect every time!


I am better at training if I have a training plan made my someone else. If I make my own training plan, I don’t stick to it well.


I wore a cotton tee shirt and a pair of blue soccer shorts for my first marathon in 1996 when I was 19!


My sentence for today is that a good night’s sleep last night will make today a very good day.


I don’t sweat much so I tend to overdress, but it doesn’t bother me.


Usually overdress…. but i am getting better at gauging it nowdays. I love your desk areA!!!!


i think i finally got the race day clothing down to a science. If it’s 45 degrees or lower I do capris + long sleeve or short sleeve, anything over 45 gets shorts and a tank!


I used to over dress, but I’ve found that after running in 20* temps what I thought was cold is now “warm” to me. I think I’ve finally found the balance.

I just wrapped up 16 weeks of training last weekend. I feel absolutely lost. I love a training plan. I love having someone prescribe what I need to accomplish during the week and seeing the end result.

Sentence for the day – Where’s my coffee? ?


I’m pretty good about dressing right but sometimes overdress. It’s tricky because it will be like 20 degrees but the CO sun is shining and it warms up fast.
我喜欢the idea of a training plan but I’m so bad at following one.
Sentence for the day: I really don’t want to go to work after a snow day yesterday!


我倾向于过度装饰/寒酸——当它40. For some reason I can’t always judge that. I usually wear too much but at least you can take layers off.

If I am training for a race I like a plan. I have enough on my brain, I just want to see what I need to do next and go run.


WHERE did you get that desk chair?? It is precious! I would LOVE a chair like that for my desk!


Hey Shelly!! It is from this store:


For me my first few runs of each season are the worst when it comes to dressing. It’s like oh crap it’s winter I’ve never ran in this before…what do I do. Or hey it’s summer…probably should put the leggings away. After a week or 2 I’m usually pretty good about it though, occasionally have those days where I’m way off. Like you I tend to under dress for races though, I hate racing in leggings if I can help it so I’ll opt for shorts/tall socks if need be.


I always overdress, it’s a problem. I just hate feeling cold! I love having a race to motivate myself but I feel too much pressure with training plans, although I see the value! P.S. I watched that documentary on Netflix you mentioned the other day, the Barkley Marathons, holy crazy! Someday I want to transition to ultras (my husband runs ultras) but not that one! Mostly because I can’t read maps! haha I would be lost in the first mile.


This crazy spring weather has had me overdressing and undressing for my outdoor runs. Tuesday morning it was so warm we were in tank tops at 5 am and this morning I wore an extra layer and still froze. It’s been such a busy work, run, life week my mantra has been: the best way out is through. Stay positive, motivated, and do the work. Happy running!


I majorly obsess with what to wear for races and I’ve been pretty lucky with figuring it out. I was once saved by my friend volunteering to work a 5K; it was so cold and she gave me her jacket until the start!! I was fine once the race started.
I’ve used RW’s What to Wear and it’s super helpful.

I’m so much more consistent when I have a training plan. Totally type A.

Today’s sentence:
Happy Birthday to me! I’m so thankful that at 42 I can still run and enjoy fitness.


You makeup always looks so pretty! Can you share what brands you use?


YES!! I will do a post about it asap! Thanks Marion!


Two great links:

And for the ladies, in particular:


I’ll be the old curmudgeon and say your area looks lovely, but the ergonomics are not good for you. Don’t get an injury just from your desk job, lol.


LOVE the new desk chair!!!


Love your new desk/chair!!


I remember when your sister had back surgery, so glad to see she is back to normal.
I’ve had a herniated disc pressing on my nerve for about 8wks now and haven’t been able to run at all. The sciatica has been really painful at times. I was used to running at least 8 miles a day and wasn’t having any pain running at all when all of the sudden I got hip pain one day. I spent 3 days totally in bed with painkiller and muscle relaxer, but I’ve been able to get up and around most other days. I’ve gotten better, but my left foot is still numb and I can’t do a lot of things I could do before.
Did you sister have a herniated disc? How many weeks did she suffer with pain? How did she decide on surgery? My doc said most people recover from what I have within 6-12 weeks, but I’m worried I won’t get back to normal. I’ve taken a course of steroids and the next thing to try would be a steroid injection and then surgery, but they advise against surgery if at all possible. It seems your sister has had a very good result from her surgery.


I undress for sure. I hate having any kind of extra fabric clinging to me.

我喜欢just having a goal mileage with two workouts and a long run. That gives me way more freedom. So say my goal mileage is 55 for the week, I can sort of choose as the week goes on how that will look. But I always make sure to have 2 workouts, and a long run at the end of the week.

Also, your kids are absolutely adorable.


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