How Does It Compare & I Need Your Suggestions!

Good morning! I hope you feel the same way after your run today that Skye does after she stands up all by herself = ridiculously proud.

It felt so good to get outside and enjoy the fresh air… it’s my favorite way to wake up. PS anyone else agree with the statistic that I came up with that it is actually 54 times easier to get out of bed in the summer when it is light early vs the winter when it is still dark?

I need to stick to my longer tights in the winter.

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The streets are now clear where I live so I got in my 8.5 mile run @ 8:19 pace outside with a lot of hills and my new favorite running accessory—>This headlamp. It is crazy bright and I forget that I’m even wearing it, it does not bounce around at all!

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I also just boughtthese little clipsto put on for my early morning runs (if I’m running in the dark I am either with somebody else, with Beretta or running on busy streets where other runners/cars are with my Run Angel) and they either stay on or flash and I think they are pretty great. Before you know it, I’m going to have 20 lights flashing on me for each early morning run.

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During my run I listened tothis episode from Ali on the Runwith Meaghan Murphy and absolutely loved it. It was SO good. I loved the part where she was talking about the mind being a muscle and while I’ve heard that a million times before, the way she said it really hit me. It’s really amazing to think about how much potential we have with the way we think, we have the power to train this muscle to think more positive!

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Then it was off to take Brookers to school..

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Later on in the day the sun came out. It was the perfect timing after our talk yesterday about how much we need some sunshine in our lives. We soaked in as much time as possible outside.

Skye has mastered the evil eye.

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Knox caught some serious air.

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And he got his hair cut… it took me a second to recognize him when I first saw him!

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Beretta was pretty happy about us all being outside with her too.

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Is anyone else having a hard time with the new type of math they are teaching?

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Kids in bed + cinnamon roll + a movie.

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Time for the back to back long runs and maybe the fact that I now do two long runs a week = All of life’s issues are going to be solved while I’m out there:).

Think about the world problems I am going to solve during my 30 miler training run?!

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I need to find these this year for my long runs. If you see these at your Target this year… buy them and tell me how incredible they are.

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Utah is getting it’s first Shake Shack! I’ve never eaten there before… how does it compare to In N’ Out or Five Guys? I need good fries in my life and In N’ Out doesn’t give that to me (sorry Andrew).

Do you ever use a head lamp or any other lights while you run?

What is your workout today?

Suggestions please—> If you look at the top of my blog you will see that I added a new page (up by the workouts/about me/favorites area)… It’s called Friend to Friend. I want to write about topics outside of the normal running/food/randomness talk… It will be more of a place where we talk a bit more about personal topics so you can go over there to read it but you aren’t forced to read it on the main page. Any topics that you want to read about? I’m currently finishing up a post on getting through heartache… what else would you want to read about and discuss over there?

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shake shack is good, but their fries don’t compare to five guys (in my opinion). I think you’ll like shake shack concretes, though! think DQ blizzards, but thicker.


Totally agree! Shake Shack has the best burgers but Five Guys has the best fries!!!


‘DQ Blizzards, but thicker.’ <-- That sure made me happy. I cannot wait and maybe I'll grab some Five Guys fries and go pick up a shake shack concrete to eat together at the same time:) . Have a great day Jess and Adrienne!


I have a Petzl headlamp that I LOVE. I think it’s the Tika something?? It is super bright, but has a setting that dims if someone or something gets close to it. I love that feature.

I had some super easy miles this morning. I have a new running coach and she’s making me focus on making my easy days EASY. Why is taking a run easy so hard?! I struggle with that. Big time.


Ooh! I will check out that headlamp. I really like mine but it does NOT dim and I feel so bad when another pedestrian comes on and I blind them. Thanks for mentioning that feature! ( I love this blog for useful tips :) )


Chelsea, I am so excited about your new coach and that is what my coaches have always had me focus on and goodness gracious it was hard but it made THE BIGGEST difference in my speed! Okay, that is an awesome feature. I wish mine had that. Have a great day!


No workouts today, but I am going to a sewing class!


Oh I love that so much! ENJOY!


I have a 2nd grader and a 6th grader, and the new common core math has been a struggle at times. However, I do see the benefit in it. I think it’s teaching kids how to work things out in their minds instead of relying so much on pencil & paper or a calculator. My girls are way better at figuring things out in their heads than I am – and obviously I’ve had way more experience :) Nothing wrong with them learning new ways to solve problems – the important thing is that they get to the right answer in the end.


这是非常真实的阿曼达…我甚至不认为阿布t that. I need to focus on the positive things about this new program and helping them to work things out in their minds is huge. Have a wonderful day and thanks!


“Nothing wrong with them learning new ways to solve problems” I love this! This really is the main goal in my view. I am a math education professor, and I stress to my students (who are future math teachers) that there is almost always more than one valid way to solve a problem and their job is to help their students find the way that makes sense for THEM. I have seen students solve 1000 – 1 by stacking the numbers vertically and doing the borrowing across the place values, likely because they were taught this is what subtraction IS, not that this is one way to solve a subtraction problem.


Shake Shack is so good! SO much better than In-N-Out (although we’ve discussed how we’re not as impressed as most people are). Have you ever had MOOYAH?? The burgers there are SO good. It also has some really tasty sweet potato fries!

I love the Friend to Friend idea, Janae!! You know I’m ready for a topic on heartache. :( It might also be good to discuss dating and putting yourself out there, especially since so much has changed now, and it can be tougher than it used to be to meet guys if you aren’t on dating apps?

Have a great day, my friend!


I NEED to try Mooyah… I’ve never even seen one! I love that idea and I just wrote it down so I can work on that post. THANKS NATALIE!


Yes, please, to the extra page. I am going through a very painful divorce & the pain is overwhelming. I’d love to hear the steps you took to survive (especially because I can’t run right now due to an injury.) Thank you for sharing so openly.


M. My heart is absolutely broken for you. My post about this will go up early next week and I am ALWAYS here to email with if you need a friend. Thinking about you.


I am a math education professor that teaches teachers how to teach math. Let me know if I can help!


Emily, I am totally taking down your email address and will send over any questions I have. Thank you so much, that means a lot!


Emily, so Kristen at 6:06 says, “Well, what do you know but once my daughter got into school that “different approach” is one of the aspects of common core and as I started helping her with elementary math I actually started truly understanding numbers and math!”

Super glad you wrote in today!! I’m wondering about the ORIGIN(S) of new math/ common core? A nice and thorough summary. COMMON CORE – is this the real name of the SHIFT? Do you have a LINK you could share with us where we could check out this shift in the math programs? Did our elders do something good/ awesome here for CRITICAL THINKING and COMPETITIVENESS in the US? In The World is Flat (?) book, they talk about elite universities in India (better than our Ivy League), so are we SKILLING UP to the WORLD? Also, Brooke is in 1st grade, so is there MORE SHIFT is higher grades? If so, new math people might be a great friend group for me, and I want to know – I want to get on it if it is the case.

Also, considering this SHIFT in US math, do you have an opinion if there should be a COMPANION SHIFT in english/ humanities to keep critical thinking balanced (right/ left brain balanced)?


Hi Lee,
I am replying from my phone so I will do my best to answer completely. Common Core is the shorthand name for the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics ( Before Common Core, each state set its own standards for what students should learn and when, so that a student in California could be expected to learn (and be evaluated on) something drastically different from a student in Florida (leading to inequities, struggles when students move etc.). So the governors from most (but not all) states signed on to create a unified set of developmentally appropriate standards to inform teachers what students should be able to do and when. (A common misconception about Common Core is that it is prescriptive in telling teachers HOW to teach, but it is not. Just what to teach.) While Common Core itself is relatively recent, the things the standards advocate for (emphasis on understanding the “why” of math instead of relying solely on memorization and procedures) have been around for decades under different policy names. This is just my opinion and I don’t have evidence to back it up, but I think the more drastic change is in the elementary grades. Once students become accustomed to new expectations at an earlier age, the transition at the secondary level will be smoother. I am not sure about English and Social Studies, but Science is attempting a similar shift — their standards are called the Next Generation Science Standards ( Here is another link I’d recommend pertaining to Common Core Math: I hope this is helpful! I completely understand and empathize with the anxiety parents feel over trying to support their kids in learning something in a completely different manner than they were taught! Hopefully though, with time, those children will grow up having a better experience with math than any of us ever did and we can start to reduce the anxiety and stigma surrounding learning math and create a more quantitatively literate society.


Emily, Thank YOU!!!


I love the headlamp I bought a few years ago from Home Depot. I picked it up for a Ragnar (it was like $12) and was really surprised how well I liked it. I am actually going back to get another because my husband always borrows mine & I think we need two. I think it was an Energizer brand – one that was not necessarily intended for running. I need some of those cool little clips you have! I have one, but I like the idea of using multiples.

Thanks for the new podcast suggestion – I’ll give that a try on my evening run tonight. I couldn’t wake up early this morning, but I can do it this evening after the kiddos are asleep. I am learning to love my treadmill! That’s my current goal.:)

I like your new Friend to Friend idea & I did notice that link!


是的……得到的一些片段!这是如此之大,you have found such a great one… we will be seen! Let me know what you think of the podcast episode, SO SO good. I’m going to join you in that goal! Thanks Katie!


I’m halfway through the podcast and I already want to be Meaghan Murphy! She sounds like quite the rock star!


Yesssss! So glad you are loving it!


I love the Friend to Friend page idea! I would love to hear more about your struggles and success with body positivity, any unexpected challenges with a blended family, or any personal parts of your life that you feel comfortable sharing of course!

Have a wonderful day!


Katrina, thank you for the ideas… I just wrote them down and will be working on those soon! I hope you have a great day too!


I listened to Ali’s podcast yesterday too!! So good!! I felt like I could totally hang out with Meaghan and talk for hours! Such a good episode… I laughed, I cried…so good!
I haven’t had a super early morning run in the dark in a long time! The few times I did run with a head lamp (and that was several years ago) I hated it because it totally bounced around, so I stopped using it. So now if I do run in the dark, I stick to well lit streets.
I love your Friend to Friend idea! I think a lot of us really think of you as a friend, and draw a lot of inspiration from your posts in our running lives, so talking about other parts of life would be great ?
I feel like I’ve been away from your blog for a couple of weeks! My husband surprised me with a trip to New York for New Year’s ? We had so much fun, did everything, including a run through Central Park the morning we flew home! Great trip, we made some really great memories, but it is always nice to be home and back into a regular routine.
Have a great day Janae!


Right?! I just want to go to dinner with Meaghan and Ali now ha! We are friends so I’m glad you think of us that way:) .

SURPRISE TRIP… okay, that makes me so happy. I’m so glad you had such an incredible time Wendy! You deserve that. Have a beautiful day!


Happy new year, Janae!
Shake shack does have good burgers, but I actually prefer Five Guys. Shake shack has crinkle cut fries and i don’t think they are crispy enough for me. Fries from Five guys and chick fil a are much better. And I think Five Guys burgers are better.
But shake shack does have a kids grill cheese which is super yummy (made on the brioche bun!) which the kids (and me!) love. Plus the frozen custard is great. Worth a try to see what you think!
I use a headlamp, but also only run on lighted streets. I do most of my runs early in the morning (5-6am) and this time of year it is dark as pitch…I’m getting a bit tired of the dark runs and miss summer runs where 5am can seem downright bright!
Love the friend to friend idea! I think anything on depression/feeling down as well as work-life balance, which I struggle with daily.
Thank you for all that you do!! Your posts always make my day.


Ohhhhh not crispy enough… that scares me ha! Good to know. Are kids will love that grilled cheese and I can’t wait for the concrete! I am right there with you, I am counting down the days until more light. Wrote your ideas down.

One thing I want to tell you as far as your work-life balance goes–> . You are doing better than you think you are. I’ve heard that quote a few places and I really think it is true. We see ourselves doing so much worse than reality so I think you are actually doing a fabulous job. Off to start on those posts. Thanks Mary, I hope your Thursday is amazing!


Thank you, Janae! I always feel like I win the lottery when you reply! :-) Hope you have an amazing day!!


I live in the land of Shake Shack…there’s one on every corner, just like Starbucks here! I think the burgers are OK, but they’re definitely a fast food burger if you know what I mean. Very comparable to In N Out in that they’re both better than the other major fast food chains.

Still, I prefer to make my own burgers or if I do go out, I like Bareburger, which gives you the option of buffalo meat. Do you guys have Bareburger? I think it might be an East Coast thing….

我认为在N炸薯条have the edge over Shake Shack because they’re skinnier. Although McDonald’s beats both, in my opinion.

Totally agree that the shakes are the very best part about Shake Shack. Definitely try those!


Every corner… that is crazy! Bareburger sounds amazing… we do not have one! I am right there with you on McDonald’s fries. Nothing compares (I think it is mainly the high salt content that I really love ha). Can’t wait for the shakes. Have a great day Emily!


Knox’s hair cut looks soooo great!


I totally agree!!!!


It’s always easier to wake up in the summer.

We hate the new way of math! It’s 3 times as much work to get the right answer and it’s wrong if you don’t do it that way. Lame. And I hated math before haha.


Hahaha oh no, you are really in for it then! I feel like I need to hire a tutor for me in order to help her! Have a great day Jenny!


I love the friend to friend idea but I have no suggestions this morning!

On math though… I struggled so hard with math for so many years. I was always considered one of the “smart kids” and scored high on aptitude but could not grasp a lot of math concepts. Until I had one math teacher later on (maybe middle school?) who taught me a different approach and things clicked that never had. I still struggled but was able to make do. Well, what do you know but once my daughter got into school that “different approach” is one of the aspects of common core and as I started helping her with elementary math I actually started truly understanding numbers and math!


NO WAY!!! Okay, this is such a cool story! Now I just need you to teach me Kristen:) . Have a wonderful day!


I love this story too!


We don’t have Shake Shack here, you’ll have to review it for us!

Yes on the new blog section, please!:) Perhaps a entry on patience/encouragement when things are rough. I think you have covered this before, because you helped me mucho through my difficult days when dealing with miscarriage and then infertility.

I would be interested in parenting ideas/issues, too!

Excited to read more, soon!


I just wrote down your post ideas… THANK YOU JENNY! Keep me updated on how you are doing and have a beautiful day!


我已经决定,它是黑暗,不冷,that keeps me inside most mornings. I always take a dog so I feel safe, etc. but I just cannot make myself get outside. I would much rather hop on the treadmill so I must hate the dark a lot! And this morning, well, I just couldn’t do it period. Schedules are meant to be broken!


They sure are!!! I hope that we start getting some more light soon and that your next treadmill run feels amazing!


I hadn’t listened to Ali on the Run in a while and by coincidence have been catching up the past couple of days! I haven’t listened to the Meghan Murphy one yet. I am in the middle of the Yosef one – he works at the Today show. I was always obsessed with that show and it’s interesting to hear some behind the scenes details on it.

Skye’s elation is amazing :) I love Knox’s haircut. And, oh yes, good luck to Brooke and you and Andrew that “new” math. I went to a “bring your relative” to math class day a few years ago with my niece and I was lost. I felt so dumb :) Ha!

I’ve been doing an “Elliptigo, hop off, run on the treadmill, Elliptigo” circuit lately and I love it! I can read on the Elliptigo and then when I get on the treadmill I turn on a movie, pause the movie, hop on and read again on the Elliptigo. Time flies by and it’s fun and a great workout.

For the personal page – I would love to discuss books and TV/AmazonPrime/Netflix shows. Thanks for asking!

Happy day to you and the fam.


Oh I will have to listen to the Yosef one next, thanks Amanda! Bahaha that is how I feel each time I try to help her with math. I need to try and elliptigo. That sounds like an awesome circuit. GREAT IDEA… just wrote it down. Thanks Amanda, you too!


Oh gosh I love the new friend to friend idea. I can’t wait to read more. I personally would love to hear more about amenhorhea. I know you’ve talked about it a lot before, but specifically your thoughts while going through it. I actually just got my period back and now I’m terrified to lose it again but also still on the journey trying to not obsess over body image…so those kind of feelings.

Can’t wait to listen to that Ali on the run show and eat those Swedish fish !!

Question->for your ultra is your goal to run the whole 50 miles? Sorry if you’ve answered this before! Have a great day Janae and fam!


Eleanor… thank you for that idea, I just started adding it into my current amenorrhea post I have been writing. You are doing amazing and I am so thrilled you got your period back! Great question… I will not be running the whole time! For many of the ups we will be hiking so our heart rate will still be up there but the hiking will allow us to finish:) . Have a wonderful day!


So, for periods, we have Alisa Vitti and FLO living. There’s a book, an app, facebook live chats and more. If you have a chance to use her resources as you prep the post, it could be super helpful to readers IMO.


Friend to friend……..I love this Janae!
I have been to one Shake Shack and it was delicious. However, it came after shopping Michigan Avenue for hours in Chicago, and skipping lunch while doing the said shopping. So………..take that review for what it is worth…….


Send me any ideas you have . Bahaha so basically anything would taste delicious at that point;) . I kid! Have a wonderful day Erica!


Ok so here is my OH SO OFFICIAL take on things: the fries st Five Guys are great but their burgers taste like a hot grease slick. The burgers at Shake shack are THE BEST. Hands down…at least when it comes to fast-casual burger joints. And I am on a mission to know everything about every place to get a great bacon cheeseburger. True story.

I love your ‘friends to friends’ link. One great topic would benon ‘friendship across the great divide’ and I don’t know how else to word it. Essentially, we live in a day and age where there are opinions and beliefs that can easily divide us and that seem so much to link directly to personal values—even who our president is and why we are ok with some things while ignoring other ‘parts of the package.’ But starting dialogue on the ways we can not lose integrity for who we are and what we believe—while still honoring our friendships and prioritizing the ways we love each other and how those parts of our friends aren’t ‘less true’ just because their beliefs may be so different—and talking about the ways we engage in tough discussions without lessening our beliefs OR lessening our love and respect for the people around us who vote/think/believe so differently. I hope this makes sense. Being who I am and coming from the crazy right-wing super affluent Greek American environment I was raised in has been a very difficult thing to grapple with. And being in a profession that leans strongly in one direction while living in a geographic region that leans so strongly in the opposite has been…well, not easy at all.

I use those clip on blinking lights! I love them. Thy clip to the back of my running tops and blink and I have a clip on lightnfor the visor of my running hats that give a bit of visibility for my foot fall.

I fully agree with your self made statistic. I heorize that it is backed by only the best science.


我迫不及待地想尝试them!!! Oh I absolutely LOVE this topic and it is one I would love to learn more from others. Thank you Stephanie… I’ll get working on this! Hahah I’m glad you agree! Thanks Stephanie and have a wonderful day!


I LOVE this friend to friend topic, too – COMMUNITY!! Women and men and adult relationships. They fell out of style and it would help a lot for them to come back.


The new page idea sounds awesome. I would love to read about more Skye updates and how you work through any relationship struggles with Andrew ( if you even have any!)


I LOVE THAT IDEA. Oh we definitely do (like everyone) and I will get working on a post about that. Thanks Hailey and I hope you have a great day!


Janae, awesome idea on the Friend to Friend!! I love it. I would have totally missed it, so thanks for making a note. Maybe do a whole post on the new page just to publicize. Ideas: just more on letting go of food rules, was your recovery sparked by a rock bottom moment? or just a slow progression of letting go?, using food as fuel, etc. Awesome idea. Super excited to follow along. And I am looking forward to your review of Shake Shake compared to In and Out and Five Guys! A full hamburger post! I am pumped.


Alisha! Thank you SO MUCH for the blog idea… I just wrote it down so I can start writing about it later today. Oh you know that review is coming your way haha:) . Have a wonderful day!


I love the friend to friend idea! I would love to see a post on “dating your spouse” and how you make time to be a couple and be intimate in the midst of being a mom, running a household, focusing on your own running/personal goals. It is something I struggle with


Jane. This is an awesome topic and I’ll start today writing about it. This is something I think I’ll gain with readers suggestions too. THANK YOU for the idea, so important. Have a wonderful day!


Is Brooke helping Andrew with new math or the other way around? LOL Wow! Skye looks so much like Knox in that picture of her standing on her own! Shake Shack is overrated, but I don’t like burgers and my kids greatly disagree with me on that point. I do like fries, and they lose next to Five Guys in the fry department.


BAHAHA I think SHE was teaching HIM! I totally agree, I see more Knox in Skye lately than anyone. I love your opinion on Five Guys and I completely agree. Have a wonderful day Amy!


I like the friend to friend idea – would you consider asking for some guest post submissions? You have a lot of your own life experiences to draw from and are always very genuine in what you share, but there will of course be issues/perspectives/life situations that don’t personally apply to you but that others might be dealing with and would appreciate hearing from someone about. Just using suggestions for things that I would be interested in – how to balance work and family/marriage when you have a work-outside-the-home career, infertility struggles, and the challenges women/working moms experience in the workplace, etc.


You are brilliant. And I just sent a text to someone that I know that would write an amazing post about infertility and I cannot wait to start brainstorming other people to ask about different life situations that they could share their experiences on. As far as gust post submissions go do you mean asking readers if they want to send in their stories, I love it! Thank you for this idea. It is perfect. Have a beautiful day Mollie!


I’ve been reading your blog for years and while I originally started for the running content, I’ve loved hearing about all aspects of your life. A couple weeks ago my husband and I decided to divorce. I immediately came to your blog and typed “divorce” into the search bar to re-read all blogs on the topic. You have such a positive and realistic outlook that is much needed in my life right now. Thank you!!!!!!


Rachel, my heart is absolutely broken for you right now. Seriously my stomach dropped when I read this. I’m always here for you if you need to talk to someone. You are in my prayers.


I’ve only had shake shak 2 times in New York but I remember it being amazing!!


Oh and the new math they are teaching is awful!! It doesn’t make sense


I feel your pain.

I hope you have a beautiful day Natalie!


Five Guys > Shake Shack > In N Out. But Five Guys fries hands down. Maybe I’ll go there for lunch today, hmm…


I love your order… I agree In N Out really isn’t that great, I just go because Andrew loves it ha. GO FOR LUNCH and get their cajun fries for me!


Janae, you’re going to look like a running Christmas tree with all your lights! I can think of no better running outfit. :-)

Love the Friend to Friend idea and the name–heartache is a GREAT topic; I’ve also been thinking a lot lately about how friendships change and evolve as we get older. That could be a good one to think about!

For Brooke’s math: can I suggest Danica McKeller’s book Do Not Open This Math Book!? It explains how to understand and how to teach the “new math”–the way schools teach it now. The math coach at my school loves it, and it’s suited for K-3 elementary math. It’s also adorable, so kids like it, too!


And I just ordered it. Thank you Kristin, this is really going to help us! I love that idea, I’ve actually been thinking about that a lot too.
HAHAH A Christmas tree… that just made me so happy:) Have a beautiful day !


Yay! Let me know what you think of it!


Already started reading the book with Brooke and it is AWESOME SO FAR. THANK YOU!


This makes me so happy! :-)


我爱动摇小屋!他们有皱纹减少薯条布鲁里溃疡t its their burgers that I really love. We always stop when we are in Chicago. They usually have a special burger for each city they are in. I slept through my workout today. I saw it was 4 degrees outside and my warm bed just sounded so much better. Hopefully I can talk myself into doing the workout later tonight.

I run with a blinky light attached to me. I used to run with one that blinked red and had it attached to the back of my vest. But then one day a guy pulled up and said “I like your rear light”. Kind of creeped me out so now I have a different one and i wear it on the front of my vest.


You made the right decision to sleep in … FOUR DEGREES. Ummmm no.

Oh goodness, that just gave me the creep chills. I am so sorry you had to experience that.

Have a beautiful day Corrinne and hopefully it starts to warm up there!


Janae, Happy New Year! Your Friend to Friend section sounds like a wonderful addition.

About Shake Shack, I am purely speaking for their concretes. I have never had anything but a concrete at a shake shack, but boy those things are amazing. They are made with frozen custard, not ice cream which make it creamier and perfectly rich. Definitely try it!


我迫不及待地想尝试their concretes… those sound SO good (and I need one right now at 9:15 in the morning:). Have a wonderful day Caroline!


You caught some epic facial expressions in this post–Brooke looks like she can’t believe Dada is having trouble with her math, Skye has that side-eye going on, Knox has such a joyful smile, and Beretta’s happy face!!!

My son’s homework was long division (5th grade) the other night, and that’s something I can do (for a change). But he totally threw me off with something about the Big 7 or Magic 7 as a way to solve the problems. Once I watched a YouTube video, it made all kinds of sense, but WHOA, it was really not what I’m used to. And there’s a lattice strategy for multiplication that is seriously next-level thinking…but it works once you (and I mean your kid) understands how to process it. True confession: I’ve used Google and YouTube many times to try to help my kids with math homework.

Really looking forward to the Friend to Friend posts!


HAHAHA that is exactly what Brooke was thinking in that picture:) . That’s a good idea to go to YouTube videos for help… thank you for helping me out! I might come to you with more questions haha! Thanks Corey!


Now we’re talkin’ new math! YouTube! A new math/ common core community – yes, today’s posts are all coming TOGETHER. Brooke is only in 1st grade. MmHmmm. Love it. Ribbit.


I am really sick right now so no run for me today but hopefully tomorrow!

I love the friend to friend idea. I’ve actually thought about emailing you about marriage etc. .. my husband and I have been really struggling the past 6 months or so… maybe a post about marriage after baby or something like that would be really helpful. Or just about going through your day to day when marriage Is a struggle. Thank you!


Amanda, I hope you are feeling better asap and I am incredibly sorry about what you are going through right now with your husband. Did you just recently have a baby? I will definitely start working on a post about this. I’m always here if you need someone to email with! I hope you are able to get in to see a therapist, that has been the most beneficial thing for me in the past when I needed help with relationships! Good luck, I am thinking about you!


MmHmmm. Possibly hormones (progesterone), Alisa Vitti, FLO living, et. al. Also, the test you took last year, HRG – testing post while at family reunion. Mussel and kombu soup for 1 month – awesome Korean lady on YouTube – micronutrients. Change starts with us/ you.


I love the Friend to Friend concept! I would totally appreciate learning more about how you overcame amenorrhea, and how you make sure to stay healthy and keep hormones balanced with all of the mileage you’re putting in. Looking forward to future posts over there! Thanks Janae!


DONE AND DONE… I have that post almost finished!!! You’ll see it soon! Thanks Emma!


I saw those Swedish Fish hearts at CVS this weekend! I almost got them for bike fuel.




I agree with your statistic about getting up in the dark winter mornings. It’s my daily struggle!
Five Guys fries are the best. Shake Shack is ok, but I think it’s overrated.
我爱朋友的页面。你的帖子阿布t “friend”-like topics have been some of the most helpful. It’s good to know i’m not alone out there!
I love Swedish fish! I need to find those hearts!!!


你肯定没有T ALONE!!! Find those hearts, they are amazing. I hope that your next early morning runs feel a little bit easier to wake up for. Have a wonderful day!


The new style of teaching math was pretty confusing to me as a parent, BUT I think that going through that curriculum has made my son really really good at mental arithmetic and juggling numbers in his head. Best advice I have is to try and roll with it and not let your kids hear how crazy it is or how it seems like the “wrong way” because that can undermine what the teacher is doing and confuse your kids. You can pretty much pick any elementary parent and commiserate about it when the kids aren’t there!

Workout today was Body Flow at the gym and it was awesome. I do most of my runs very early in the morning so I use a headlamp about half the year. I was lucky to win one in a race raffle about 6 years ago. It’s great but the elastic in the headband part is wearing out so I will be on the hunt for a new one.


Heather, that is exactly what I needed to hear. I definitely need to be more supportive and roll with the punches of it all! Thank you for that reminder, it was so helpful! I want to try Body Flow out! Have a beautiful day!


This is great advice! Love this outlook!


Haha I promise there is logic behind that new math, but it’s definitely an adjustment for us adults.

My run was just (ha) 5 miles today, my hip wasn’t feeling great so I cut it short. No sharp pain though, so hopefully tomorrow will be better.


Oh no about your hip and I hope it is better tomorrow too!! You are right, I just need to get out of my comfort zone a bit with this new math:) . Have a great day Grant!


Well I had an appointment with my PT today and she told me I need to run a lot less for the next few weeks. I went in thinking I would be able to handle it if she told me that but now I’m pretty sad and frustrated about the whole situation. It sucks having these issues not because of an injury I caused myself but just because of abnormal hip structure. It’s gonna be hard to follow her orders, because running has actually been feeling good lately, I just get pain afterward… I’m trying to remind myself that at least she didn’t say to stop running. Anyway, I’m just venting, sorry.


I listened to that podcast the other day too! Loved hearing Meaghan share her life and story. And Ali on the Run is my new favorite podcast. It’s so powerful when women share what they’ve been through with each other.

And yeah I’m a SAHM but have a teaching credential and I get stuck on the whole common core stuff. Wait until you see how they teach division?!


She is my favorite too… she inspires me in so many ways! Oh noooo now I’m shaking in my boots over the division ahhhhh! Have a great day Christina!


Weird question, can you explain to me your backyard? Every time you post a photo I try to figure it out lol, are those wooden platforms or raised garden beds or wooden stairs?


Hahaha I’m still trying to figure it out!! They are wooden terraces for the hill that we have back there. There are also wooden stairs back there too. We do have garden beds but learned that it’s not a good idea to plant food there because of the old railroad ties! Have a great day!


Shake Shack fries > In n’ Out AND Five Guys’ fries IMO.


Good to know!! I can’t wait. I hope you are doing really great Annie!!


I’m sure it will sound strange, but with everything you’ve experienced in life, I am wondering if you would ever consider reading Elizabeth Smart’s new book Where There’s Hope, and then reacting to it…. It is the BEST book I have ever read in my life, and I immediately thought of you (besides the Mormon connection). PS you should hunt her down in SLC- she does interviews!
And I am sorry if I sound weird or creepy- I honestly mean this comment in the best way possible


Ahhh I read her first book and will definitely read this one! Great idea Bree! You don’t sound weird or creepy in the slightest! I hope you have a wonderful day:)


Shake Shack is the best, hands down. I crave their burgers and fries. I have very strong feelings about this ;) haha.


Hahaha I have strong feelings about food too! I can’t wait to try it Monika!


I just bought those clips, thank you! I do most of my runs in my neighborhood before the sun comes up and just use the flashlight feature on my phone. It certainly helps me see where I’m going, but I don’t know how well it works to help drivers see me.

As for the more personal topics, I would love any tips you have related to helping young children cope with divorce. It is a situation I may be in soon, and I am so worried about scarring my 3yo for life.

BTW – Skye is no longer looking like a baby!! She is so darn cute!


Lindsay. I am so so sorry. I feel terrible about what you are going through. This is something I would love to write about and I totally will. I’m also always here if you need anyone to email with! Thank you so much and I hope you love the clips!


I really appreciate that! XO


LOVE this new Friend to Friend! And Shake Shack has the best fries with cheese sauce IMO. I don’t like in & out fries at all. Shake Shack Chicken sandwich with extra pickles is better than their burgers IMO;)


Hey girl! So good to hear from you and jusging on me loving your other favorite things, I know I’m going to love that sandwich! Have a wonderful day.


I am so excited about “Friend to Friend”!!! Topic requests: parenting, being a new mom, marriage (building a foundation).. Just a few ideas! I admire you so much so I would love to hear more depth on these topics. Thank you for being such a wonderful remodel and internet friend!


EMILY!! Thank you so much for the ideas and for your sweet comment and internet friendship. I hope you have a wonderful day!


Neat idea! I’d like to hear about parenting – how you handle tantrums, when you feel like a crap mom, how to encourage responsibilities etc! You’be mentioned tough days but how do you bounce back from them?


Alison! Thank you so much for the ideas and 100% yes I’ll be writing about these. Thank you and have a wonderful night!


泵、泵、泵!与否。我泵、泵、pump, pump right now – not dark outside. Yes, Skye is looking different. A couple weeks ago I thought her eyes looked more directed and focused (a non-side eye moment). It’s hard to pick a favorite pic from the HRG Baby page, but I really like the 9 mo pic. Then we see how her cheeks slimmed down! She’s growing up like she should. CHCHCHCHANGES… just check out The World is Flat book – the Zippies from India are the Hippies from the 70s and the Zippies are pumped. (Those women cover their heads when they exercise – reverence?) Great pics and post today!!


She sure is changing! Have a great night Lee and thanks!


I love your blog! Thanks to you I am getting it together to finally go for a sub-4!

As for the Math…I teach that Math! It is hard when you are not familiar with it, but it really pushes the kids to think through problems and understand the Math behind the algotithm better! Message me any time for help!


I will absolutely be messaging you… thank you Michelle and you better keep me updated on your sub 4! YOU CAN AND YOU WILL!!!


Okay, can I say that I’m so glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t like In n’ Out fries! Bleh. Not a fan of their shakes either. Burgers, yes. But that’s it. Honestly, I think McDonald’s would always be my go-to fast food fry but since discovering that I’m highly gluten-intolerant (42 years old and I JUST found out!), Chick-fil-A is the only place currently that I can get fries (that I know of) because they have a dedicated fryer for just their fries. I am excited to hear about Shake Shack though. I’ve heard great things!

No work out for me today. Unless you count my dental check up? ?

Seeing that pic of Andrew and Brooke makes me think of The Incredibles 2 where Dash says “I don’t think they want us to do it that way…” and Mr. Incredible says “Why does it matter how you do it? Math is math!”

I’m very excited for your Friend to Friend page. I think it’s great to have a place to share the bumps and bruises in life. I know you’ve mentioned depression/feeling the blues before—I think that is always helpful to talk about. It helps to lift the stigma of it for others. Another thing that I think A LOT of people deal with but we never admit is perfectionism. And it manifests so differently for everyone but I think it’s pretty common that it does cause anxiety across the board for everyone who deals with it. So that might be a really helpful topic?

You’re pretty awesome, Janae! Keep up the great work, girl!


OH NO… well, I am glad that you can still get your fry fix at chick-fil-a! Bahahah yes yes yes… that quote fits perfectly with that situation.
10000% yes, I will write about those things and I definitely struggle with perfectionism often so that is something I would love to write about. Thank you so much and thanks again for the necklace, you are the best!


Oh my goodness, Skye! What a milestone! And those little jeans are just tooooo cute!

I can’t give you my vote on the burger debate because I am vegan…but we have five guys and shake shack my husband likes both! I think he might slightly prefer shake shack. But he loves the Cajun fries at five guys.

I haven’t listened to the Ali on the Run episode yet…but I work out with Meaghan! We take boxing classes and firebeat (kinda like barre, but in the heat and more cardio based) at the same studio. Love that woman…she’s a BEAST! And so stylish! Just a super-cool human.


That is so cool!! Tell her the next time you see her that I just think she is the greatest:) I want to come take boxing classes with you! Thanks Caroline and I hope you have a great night!


I absolutely will tell her! And I’ll let her know about your blog (if she doesn’t already!). And yes..if you are ever in NJ (about 35/40 from NYC) you MUST take class with us! It is an amazing workout and so much fun! As a runner, you will get the same ‘high’ as running gives you. ❤️?❤️


You are the best and if I ever visit there I am totally going to come! Thank you Caroline!


I love the friend-to-friend idea! Here are my topic suggestions: I’d love to hear more about your spiritual journey. I’d also be really interested to hear things your parents did when you were growing up to help you build your relationship with the Lord. Or things you and Andrew are doing with the kids to build that foundation! I became a believer in college, so I didn’t grow up with religion as a part of our family. But when I have kids I definitely want it to be central to our family so I’m always on the lookout for ideas and examples! Other ideas: dealing with doubt/insecurity/comparison, maintaining “internet friends” (people you don’t see often but have met or keep in touch with them mostly online), ways to build stronger relationships with your siblings (I love your sweet relationship with your sister!).


Love Skye’s little face! She is so stinking cute!
My husband is a civil engineer, he loves math and numbers but he absolutely HATES our kid’s math lessons. So, you are not alone :)


Hahaha I’m not alone!! Thanks Karissa!


I love the new friend to friend page idea! If you ever want someone to talk about life with breast cancer, you know who to call!

Also, all of the talk of burgers is making me hungry! I definitely think In-N-Out > Bareburger > Shake Shack > Five Guys, but my husband LOVES Mooyah. Although no burger is really complete without a chocolate shake, IMO. ;) And Shake Shack has amazing concretes!!!


Just emailed you love!!!


Oh my goodness I love this idea! Ok-I’d love to hear about kids. More specifically I’d love to hear your thoughts on more kids. We are at two and we really want to have another but so many of the “logistics” start creeping in. Can we afford another? Will it be crazy with schedules? Will we be able to give the attention they need? Etc. I so badly don’t want to make a decision based I. Logistics, but it keeps creeping in. I’d love your perspective!


That is an awesome question and something I’d love to hear everyone’s opinions on! I will write about this, thanks Kelly and have an amazing day tomorrow.


This isnt so much a suggestion for your friend to friend page, but something I believe you can relate to. I am in an terrible place in my relationship. I know he doesn’t want to be in the relationship, and in almost every way he isn’t. We have 2.5 year old, and one month old. I don’t quite know why I’m tellingy you this, especially since its very vague. But my family is many states away, i have a very small suppost sysytem, and absolutely do not know what to do. I feel so sad, and terrified and embarassed and like i have so few options. Im sure this isnt something you want to answer here, or even on your friend to friend page, but how were you able to leave your relationship?


你的故事。我很抱歉你基于“增大化现实”技术e going through. Can you reply back to this email you are getting and we can talk more? Putting you in my prayers tonight.


This might be too personal, but would you ever consider talking about how to time getting pregnant with running, and even just how you know the time is right to try for kids? That’s on my mind a lot and I’d love your perspective!

另外,我教三年级数学和永远快乐to help! I agree that the shift is tough but I’ve seen it be really empowering for kids because it gives them more ways to be right :)


That is a fabulous post idea… added it to my list! Thank you and I will absolutely be sending over questions! Thank you Kate and you are so right. Brooke is enjoying it so I need to join in with her:)


Hi Janae! Let me know if you need me to send some resources your way for math! I teach K and the first year we did the “new math” it was really frustrating, but I love it now that I understand it. Have a great weekend!


A few years ago when flying out to California, I had a shake shack burger for breakfast at the airport (don’t judge) and then In n’ out for lunch after I landed. Because…why not try both in the same day if you can? Anyway, my verdict was that the burgers were actually quite similar (not identical, but similar) and honestly both were equally delicious. I was really then only winner in that mini competition. I do not usually order fries, so I cannot comment on those. But I’m 100% confident that you will love Shake Shack! Enjoy!


A little late to your post but I have been wanting to ask you for a long time how you handle life as a step family so graciously. I have read several books and have only been a step family just over a year and we are a yours, mine, and ours family too like you…but man i find some days very difficult. Luckily I have a wonderful husband who listens to me when I need it but also two girls at my church that also are stepfamilies that I can confide in and ask for prayer. Just a thought…step family struggles are real and different then the “typical family” problems.


Sorry for the late response – I read your blog EVERYDAY but I rarely comment – I would love for you to start the Friend to Friend portion – I would love to hear about other topics in addition to running. Some of my suggestions would be as follows: 1). The real truth that some days in our life are very HARD – it is not all unicorns and rainbows. Hearing that would make me feel more normal. 2). Tips for keeping your extended family so close. I love how close you are to your brothers and families. That is sometimes tough due to personality clashes, differences in parenting style, etc. I am the youngest of a family of 7. My family is not close like yours. I see everyone maybe once a year (or sometimes two years). My dad was the glue that heard our family together and he passed away when I was 17. My mom didn’t know how to carry on the leader role in my family. HOWEVER, I want things to be different for my three sons (19, 16, and 14). I want to celebrate family birthdays, go to cousins basketball games and recitals. I love the bond that your family has and I want tips on how to do that.

I love your blog and I have been reading it since I googled the words – motivation for running back in 2014. I love your family with Andrew – all of your kids are beautiful. I have really enjoyed watching Skye over the past year. Reading about her and seeing her pictures makes me really miss when my babies were small.

I would love to do a guest post about my husband (stroke in 2012 at 41) and how running has helped me survive the past 7 years (along with my Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ). I read all of your comments and that was an excellent idea.

Lastly, I would love to hear about organizing closets, room makeovers (I want your new grey couch :) ) and most of all – NETFLIX suggestions or even movie suggestions. You and I have the same taste . I love your suggestions – what you like – I like. Thank you – Sandy


I don’t know why i didn’t think of this sooner but I would love to hear how you, a woman who practices a religion that believes in serving others, handles stress both during and after the kids are having “a moment”. I phrased it that way because I imagine a more therapeutic/respectful approach is taken over someone who loses their temper, flies off the handle and starts yelling at their kids. My boys are testing every single limit with each other which then tests my limits and I’m searching for an approach that will work for all of us that results in healthy, happy, respectful, loving and nurturing relationships all while they learn boundaries, rules, and acceptable behavior. I’ve been having a hard time modeling acceptable behavior at times …..


Your statistic works if you don’t include Las Vegas (at least for me), summers are so hot I have to run when it’s dark or die, it’s winters that I get to sleep in until it’s light.

Shake shack burgers are good, but what makes them great are the pickled pepper things (they have a name but I forgot).


Ooh, Shake Shack is my favorite. I’m not an In ‘N’ Out fan, and Five Guys is delicious, but we’ll take Shake Shack any day. But it is pricier than Five Guys, so we do Five Guys more. But definitely get a side of Shack Sauce to dip your fries in. And I haven’t been since I’ve found this out, but you can also order peanut butter sauce on your burger from the secret menu and a peanut butter bacon burger is the second best thing on the planet (even though it sounds super weird), second only to a PB&J bacon burger.


I’d love to read about mental health, or how to deal with life when you’re in a low phase. Although there are so many blessings, sometimes it’s hard to keep going!


I only wear a headlamp when I have to – they usually bug me too much. But when you want to avoid tripping on trails in the dark, it’s a must!


I have a cool Sprinter Black Diamond headlamp. It’s USB rechargeable and the battery pack is on the back with it’s own set of flashing red lights. Therefore, no bounce. The over the head strap helps hold things down, though it’s a little goofy looking – but who cares you are already running in the dark. Do recommend.

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