My left shoulder sure gets sweaty.

TheShe Runs Retreatwas a huge success just like it is every year. How about we all plan on going together to this next year mkay? Really. I am being serious. I’ll see you next February.

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I also got to see the amazingAlyssa. Kind of awkward that my left shoulder got so sweaty while I was speaking. I guess I must have been nervous or something.

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I wanted to take the day off from running and I was stoked because they offered a pilates class first thing yesterday morning. Who knew that doing a million different moves just using your own body weight could hurt so badly?!

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And then I got really into whatever I was saying in the below picture. I absolutely love doing things like this because it makes me feel like a teacher again. When Brooke is old enough to go to school I am 99% sure I will be going back to teaching too because I love doing it. I talked about training for different race distances.

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We didn’t have a chance to eat until lunch time and so we went straight over to the Mongolian Grill as fast as we could.


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I am so grateful to Paige for coming with me. We had such an amazing time together and she made the drive go by so fast. We rocked out to music the whole time and ate a lot of ice cream. My kind of day.

Nothing like hanging out on a huge rocking chair in the middle of Utah.

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I absolutely loved coming home to the Brookers and we went on over to my grandma’s house to visit with her and play with the pups.

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Time to get the long run done!


What is your weekend run going to be?

Ever tried pilates? Thoughts?

What are your Saturday plans?

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So sad I can’t run this week so I’m doing 35-40 miles on the bike instead. Saturday plans are just a swim and watching the Olympics! And I’ve done Pilates and my abs hurt or a week. Inner thighs too. And all kinds of tiny muscles I didn’t know I had :)


7m tempo run that I am dreading…so inanity ing here reading blogs trying to out it off.:). I do Pilates reformer once a week and love it – wish I had time to do it more – the stretching is amazing and I feel like
My core has gotten stronger over the last two months.
Weekend plans: birthday party and taking my daughter to an Irish dance performance! Fun!


My long run today is 7 miles, but I’ll be on the treadmill. Netflix will be my distraction.

Have a great weekend!


I’m doing 15 today, hopefully! I’ve been sick the last two days, so not sure how I’m going to feel on my run today. :/

I used to do pilates a little in high school. It was HARD!


12 miles this weekend! My last long one before my half marathon 2 weeks from now!!


Congratulations on a successful retreat!

I had a great run last night. Not sure what my workout will be today. It will depend on how I feel after working 10 hours. Ugh.

Pilates are awesome! It’s one of my favorite classes. I wish my new gym offered them.

Besides working today, I am praying for a good friend that has the interview of a lifetime today for his dream job. Fingers crossed it all goes well!


I really like your pink top! :)

Today I am going to do my last long run before I begin tapering for my second half marathon…. and I’m going to go see a friend’s daughter play in a soccer game. She is four so this is definitely going to be super adorable!


I just got in from an 8-mile run with my local MRTT group. Tomorrow my hubby, a good friend and I are running in the Have a Heart 5K. And it’s supposed to snow this afternoon! :-)

I’ll probably watch a lot of Olympics this weekend, too.


You make an adorable speaker! I’ll attend next Feb :)

IF I run, it’ll be a run/walk combo. Since my half my knees kind of hate me, so I’ve been sticking with the bike for a bit.

I have never given a go with Pilates, but would actually like to become an instructor one day to use the skills with some of my patients (physical therapy) (maybe I’m getting a head of myself here? Maybe I should take a class first?) :)

Enjoy your Saturday HRG!


My mom owns a Pilate’s studio…so i kind of grew up doing Pilate’s. I love it. I think it has definitely made me a better runner.

This weekend I have a lot of things on my to do list, mainly running errands. Some are fun though! Also need to get in 2 runs.

Have a great weekend!


Just saying hello from a fellow health teacher! You’re convention looked awesome and like such a wonderful experience!


17-19 for me (I mapped out 18.8… so hopefully I am motivated to run .2 more to make it a nice number!). I love pilates but haven’t done it in a long time. Shameful, really.

Plans? puppy training… then out for a friend’s 30th tonight! Looking forward to seeing a lot of good friends.


Sounds like a good time – I really want that ice cream you are holding!

Nothing big this weekend – cleaning and doing some work (back to regular classroom teaching = more weekend work!). I do have to buy some diapers (exciting) and sell my old iPhone as I got a 5S this week

Husband is working all weekend, so chances of a run is not looking good….will be running on Monday!


I love pilates, I always get tricked into thinking it’s going to be relaxing and then am abruptly reminded of how tough it is! Hoping to get in 12 miles if my body is feeling good, possibly in the snow.


I tired pilates a long time ago but not recently, maybe I will have to give it a try soon! I used to have two good at home videos as well. Hope you and Brooke have a great weekend!


I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. Your pictures have made me crave salad and vegetables ALL THE TIME. I love it! And thank you. Note: this does not include onions, nor will it ever.

Haha! Your speech picture is awesome. I love to speak about things I’m passionate about. You lose yourself while inspiring others, and they can feel that – what could be better? :-)


This weekend will just be a few 3-milers. The hubs is getting over being sick so we’re taking it a little easier together. Today though I need to go into school for a few hours…but then running, pizza, and then game night with some friends!!!

It looks like you had such a fun trip!!!


That bowl of stir fry looks amazing. It makes me wish that I could have stir fry for breakfast. I hope that you can find a way to get in more teaching, even if it’s through your blog. :) My plan for Saturday is working, but I’m actually looking forward to it!


So glad the talk went well! And Brooke’s love of dogs is adorable. :)


18英里长的运行完成了!现在我’m enjoying coffee and a gluten free blueberry muffin from my favorite bakery. Plans for the day include relaxing while watching the Olympics and some quality time with my boyfriend :)


I love short road trips! I have a half marathon race today. It’s -27 (C) right now and snowing. I’m debating skipping it as sad as that would be :(
I can say I’ve ever taken a Pilates class.
I plan on watching the Olympics for most of the evening tonight with leftover lasagna. :)


I think pilates is greaat. I just don’t feel like I am doing anything when I do the class, it’s usually the next day when I am like “wow, I am sore!” hoping to get a 10 miler in after a 12 hour work day..wish me luck! Marathon training starts Monday for me! Excited and nervous!


Is it awesome or pathetic that I know exactly what Mongolian restaurant you were at because I recognize the bowls and tables. Pathetic. I really just need to convince Ross that we should move down there.

There is a class Wednesday mornings at my gym called PiYo (its a pilates and yoga mix) and it is my favorite. I haven’t been in a while and I really need to go. Maybe one day I will start working out in the early AM hours again.

希望你今天早上运行顺利,不是rainy. I am planning on doing some easy cardio and weights after I go to a RS activity. Have a great weekend!


I’m planning an easy couple of miles today and a 7 mile long run tomorrow on the treadmill. Now I just have to decide which movie I want to watch while I run!

My Saturday plans are to get some rest, go for a short run and maybe do some dishes. Very exciting.


Rowing today. My toes are sore.

I used to do Pilates DVDs but I haven’t done a class.

Making cookies today with the kids. We ate ice cream out of the cartons last night. 4 spoons and 2 flavors. Simple and fun.


It looks like you had a blast!


Planning on a 20.. I think! I woke up not feeling so hot so we shall see!
Later, I have plans with my awesome SIL/bowl& my niece and nephew, I can’t wait to see their little faces!!:)


10 miles tomorrow for my long run, I am thinking about doing a 3 miler tonight.
Tonight I have a dinner and working the whole day before! So I am really looking forward to this dinner!


Tomorrow I am going to try for a 3 miler with no pain :) and I love pilates! It seems like it should be easy but really isn’t. Haha off to my very first spin class!


Riding in the car all day today to south Alabama to run the Biggest Loser Half Marathon tomorrow. A little nervous about it because I have been sick all week.

I like Pilates but I like yoga a lot better. I also really like Les Mills BodyFlow because it incorporates both with a little bit of Thai Chi


Janae..that is so awesome! Looks like a very fun and successful event! You look extremely happy. My run (completed) was an easy 5.1 miles and my plans for today include getting ready to leave for Panama tomorrow. I tried Pilates twice…. it was OK. Sure did make me sore, however. Have a wonderful weekend.


i would love to attend the she runs retreat next year… plus visiting utah is actually on my bucket list! :)

hope your long run went well! have a great weekend.


7 miles done today. 15 tomorrow. My daughter and I are heading to the outlet mall today. Hopefully we will find some good buys.


That rocking chair is very important for Utah road trips! Glad you had a good time Janae!


I would love to go to that event next year!!
I am still debating between trying to walk/jog or not a 1/2 marathon tomorrow with a ginormous cast up to my shoulder… My doc said walking for sure if I insist on doing it.
I like pilates, it’s surprisingly hard.
Saturday plans are chilling with the fan, cleaning up, homework, and heading out of town with 4 girlfriends for the run tomorrow. I didn’t realize how said I was going to be about not being able to full on run until I picked up bibs :(


That should say *fam, not fan. Oy, to type with one hand…


I love Mongolian grill places! So delicious!!!

I’ve been doing pilates on and off for many years (almost ten now that I think about it!!) and I love it. When I’m in a workout rut, it’s usually what I go back to. If you liked pilates you should try Barre3. That’s my workout obsession right now and I really like it.


What a great experience to speak to others about our passion. I always love speaking at conferences, but it never has been about running, I am not an expert like you!


Pilates is awesome, i still do some of their ab moves during my workouts when I remember to.

Wedding planning in Chicago this weekend. gonna try and run at a gym, but it might be put off a few days until I’m back in double digit weather!


I just finished my 16 mile run this morning! I used to do a pilates DVD (I think it was called Pilates for runners) and it made my muscles hurt in a much different way! I should really get back to doing that again.


I’ve been sick all week, so today was my first workout in a few days. I did a strength workout today, and am planning on doing an easy run tomorrow — distance to be determined based on how I’m feeling!

Happy Saturday! :)


I’ve been doing pilates since 2006, and have been teaching since September of 2013. I LOVE it and can’t imagine running and biking without. It’s hugely helpful in strengthening weaker but critical muscles and helps with flexibility.


I’ve never tried Pilates but it seems really hard! Our plans for the day are to watch as much of the Olympics as possible and then refuel from my 15 mile run at Cheesecake Factory! Right now we’re watching speed skating and they are doing 5000m in like 6:30! So insane!


SOOOOO jealous of your Mongolian BBQ! I cannot find a place here in England anywhere near me. I may have to drive 2 hrs into London to find one! I get that way too when I teach something I am passionate about. It’s good to convey that you are excited about what you teach and teaching in general. Those are the teachers that I loved the best!


I ran 15 miles this morning on the Legacy Trail from Venice Florida to Sarasota Florida. It was beautiful as always. The rest of my day includes some type of reward system including ice cream… :)


Looks like the retreat was awesome!

We’re having a lazy Saturday over here. We walked Bungee, went out to breakfast, and did a little cleaning, but now we’re lounging on the couch.


How fun! Love the idea of an all women race retreat. I’d love to go next year! Hope your long run goes well : )


Glad the talk went so well – not surprised because I figured you would rock it!!
Cute picture of you and your sister in that big rocking chair.
I did a nice 11 + mile run on the treadmill this morning – great way to watch some of the Olympics!!!


I was supposed to do my long run (4 miles – just starting out a training plan) but the weather is too darn cold yet again. Therefore, its moved to tomorrow since it’s really not that long and the weather is supposed to be nicer.
Instead, we hung out in our pjs and watched the Olympics. Now we’re planning Wendy’s/Subway for dinner.


I have done Pilates & I agree, it’s hard! I went to cycle class this morning & now baking Valentine’s treats today for my co-workers, healthy ones of course while slower cooker chicken quinoa soup is cooking for dinner!


Hey you’re a teacher, maybe you’re meant to home school!? Just a thought. :)


I love that idea…. Thank you!


That Mongolian grill bowl looks so good!
Today I had an AMAZING run. This was my second, and last, 20-miler before my marathon. I ran the same (very hilly) loop as I did three weeks ago, but in the last three weeks I’ve been consistently doing strength training (for the first time ever), and my run today I ran 5 minutes (15 seconds per mile) faster!!! I was so incredibly happy, and credit it 100% to the strength training. Can’t wait for my marathon!!!


I’ve never tried Pilates before but I really want to! I hear so much good stuff about it! I had a basketball game today so that took up most of the day. Tomorrow I’m planning on doing around 4 miles, granted it’s not FREEZING!


I was supposed to run 2 miles yesterday, but vetoed that and was lazy ALL day. I tried to make up for that today and went out to run in pre-pneumonia weather. 1 mile in and I was soaking wet and angry. Tomorrow, I’m taking my 3 miles to the gym!


Yay for a great speaking event! Have you had any time to watch the Olympics? I’m obsessed! It definitely made my gym workout fly by today.


I would love to hear you speak at the event! what a great event. I have tried pilates and I don’t really like it which is stupid since I’m a professional dancer and it’s like, the dancers workout. I still do it sometimes though! I’m waiting to find that all the fires in our area are out and then I get to do my long run, yay!


Hey I love that big rocking chair! I know that gas station is for getting ice creams for the car ride. and gas too, I guess.

告诉我你说的!我不知道你是一个teacher before! What did you teach? I have never tried Pilates but I actually ran today. I dropped my Iphone twice and I felt really wimpy but sure glad I did it.


That looks like such a fun time!! If I lived closer I would take you up on going next year!! As it is, I’m having a hard time raising money to go to Cali this summer for the IDEA World fitness blogfest with sweat pink! I really want to go, but my income is telling me no! I figured If I could raise enough money outside of my paycheck, I could go! lol… Looking for event sponsors… know of any companies looking to sponsor bloggers? I’m also selling some yoga mat straps I made :)
I’ve never been to a running or fitness conference before and really really really want to make it to Cali!! Cali or bust baby! :)


Took an impromptu day off from running yesterday because I’ve been suffering from severe exhaustion and have been feeling off all week. I’m hoping to repeat my long run from last week (12 miles) so that I don’t lose any fitness. It’s a bummer that I can’t do the 14 miles I was planning on (if I’m feeling great, I might, just don’t want to push it, but we’ll see!). Stress has taken me to a whole new level of insomnia. :-(
It’s only January and I already need a vacation!


Oops, it’s February now, yikes – the insomnia really is affecting my brain!


It was soooooo great to see you!! Way too short though. Love you lots! Can’t wait to see you soon :)


The picture of you in the chair at the gas station cracked me up. My good friend is from Beaver and I’ve heard tons of stories about that town. I love pilates but have only done mat classes – no reformer yet.
My Saturday run was 11.66 miles after two weeks of barely running at all. I felt every mile and it was freezing but it felt so good to be moving again.
Saturday plans? The Olympics are on. U.S.A, U.S.A.!!!!


I love your boots in the rocking chair picture! I also always feel like pilates and yoga end up being way more difficult than I anticipate :)


There are so many people supporting you and keeping you company and they are amazing <3 Your parents that come with you on every trip, Paige that is always with you and your sister. They are amazing people :) I am so glad you have them in your life.


That salad was HUGE!! And looks amazing!!!

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