Callus the brain + Weekending high and lowlights.


Robin kept saying this during the workout—> ‘Callus the brain and strengthen the spirit.’ Um yes. So much callusing of the brain has to happen to do big things in our training (and some days even small things because just starting a workout can be difficult).

I forgot my water bottle and everybody was asleep, so I drank from the laundry room sink when I needed a drink ha; if you pause your class, it takes you off the leaderboard, and I didn’t want that happening.

45-minute ride + 30 minutes strength training class.

I’m not going to lie; it feels good to be on the peloton again and to do more lifting. I need to find a way to incorporate both again into marathon training. I remember during Boston this last year, my legs felt so strong, and I want that feeling again at Boston 2023.

Now for a few highlights and lowlights from the weekend:


*Skye wore her biking gloves for all sorts of different activities other than just biking… Andrew was thrilled with this.

*Beck only said no to me 88 times per day which is a decrease of 56%.

*THIS!!! Her first time at the starting line for a marathon since the Olympic Trials Marathon in 2020, when she had to drop out! Women keep getting faster and faster.

*These. Everything about these. Even better than the watermelons.

*We went to Sundance to get our Ski Passes and to hike around.

Beck’s first ski pass picture:

Hot chocolate at the end was a requirement.

And some lowlights:

*Brooke experienced major DOMs after the race… she could only go downstairs backward ;). She was laughing about it, and it’s fun to have your family experience what we experience as runners;)

*I roasted large batches of veggies, and now my house smells terrible.

*I’m in the habit of staying up way too late, and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to switch back.

* I feel so bad for Molly Seidel (this article talks about her struggle), but I am grateful that she is open and honest and breaks down the stigma.

*I missed running with my friends, but Boston long run Saturday mornings will be here sooner than I think, and I’ll keep recovering like a champ.


Highlight and lowlight from your weekend?

Favorite roasted veggies? Do you eat more veggies raw or cooked?

Who is planning on skiing this season?

Chicago runners… how did it go?!

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Love your highlights and lowlights… I am right there with Brooke today! I had an amazing (felt good!) and PRed by 5+ minutes at Chicago… so right now I can only feel highlights Thanks for cheering for all the Chicago runners… I love reading your blog everyday!!


Carrie! 5+ minute pr at Chicago?!? You are incredible!


That article about Molly Siedel was so sad, but it’s amazing to see her sharing her journey and working to recover! Also, did you see the interview with Emily Sisson, Keira D’Amato, Deena Kastor and Joan Benoit Samuelson? So inspiring to see them all together!!!

Highlights of the weekend were visiting friends in DC and winning our soccer game (first one! We always lose lol). Lowlight was finishing my puzzle and now having no puzzle to work on.


I haven’t seen the interview yet, I’ll go watch it now. Thanks for telling me about it! Way to go on the soccer game and I’m so happy you had time with those friends! I hope your next puzzle is one you enjoy even more than your last one. Have a beautiful day, Mariah!


Highlight. A last minute long weekend Thanksgiving getaway to Pemberton. The fall colors are beautiful. Jason taught me to mountain bike lol. Not pretty but I still had fun despite having to push the bike up hill and being a big chicken on the downhill.

There is also a hot tub and a fire pit on the pool deck where we are staying so definitely enjoying that and soaking in today as it is our last day..

I love roasted red peppers.

Have a great day Janae! Beck sure does like the word no. Lol.


I am SO happy you two got away for the weekend. Hahah we sound like we would be the best mountain bike buddies. That is exactly how I ride. Jason and Andrew should go together. Ummm that pool deck sounds amazing. He loves that word so much right now and I’m not sure when it will change ha. Happy Monday, Kristine!


I haven’t read that article about Molly yet. She is always so inspiring.
I would love to take a trip out to Sundance one of these days. It is so pretty! And how exciting that Beck got his 1st ski pass. You all are going to have so much fun.
Emilee was amazing in Chicago. Women are really getting faster and faster. I had some friends that ran the Long Beach half marathon yesterday too. I love hearing all about everyone’s races! It really gets me excited to one again.
Have a great Monday and start to the new week!


I think that you need to on your drive to Colorado one weekend:). Congrats to your friends! I love this time of year when their are so many races and exciting things happening. Thank you and I hope you are getting some fallish temps in California this week after a great weekend in Colorado!


Oh my goodness… I just read the article about Molly. I love how honest she is about everything! Thank you so much for sharing that! So many good reminders to really take care of our mental health along with our physical health!


Highlight was a new PR and finally breaking 3:30 at my marathon this weekend! For anyone looking for a fun, fast, and extremely well -organized fall marathon next year I highly recommend Steamtown in Scranton, PA. It’s a small race – only 850 finishers or so but still lots of crowd support and the course is beautiful. It is point to point and net downhill over all but a few big hills at miles 22, 24, and 25 made it challenging.

Lowlight – none really, but a long car ride back home post race did not feel great.


JENNY. JENNY. JENNY. JENNY! I am SO so so happy for you. And that race sounds amazing! I hope you are celebrating big time and getting in so much rest and recovery this week. You did it!


如果我们得到一些雪肯定打算滑雪。I’m concerned that California is going into another drought year (not only worried about my ski season, of course…) and I hope we somehow get the precipitation we need. I do so much better when I have access to the sports and activities that give me not only the workout, but the fun and the risk as well. Fingers crossed!


I really hope that you get the rain and snow that you guys need. Crossing my fingers too. I’m right there with you and hoping we get that too! Happy Monday, Liz!


So you really like the Peloton? Feel like you get your money’s worth out of it? I see they have rentals now and was thinking of trying it out, especially with winter approaching here in CO!


I don’t like it, I LOVE IT. We feel like we do because Andrew basically uses it every day and I use it more when I’m not in training. It really is so fun and the hardest workout. I cannot recommend it enough. Let me know if you rent it and what you think. Thanks Jen!


Hi Janae! Sundance is so pretty in the fall! My husband has the ikon pass so he will be skiing lots this winter! Using the kitchen sink as a water fountain cracks me up, thanks for the laugh!
We’ve had great weather here for October! It’s been unseasonably warm and it hasn’t started raining and I am just enjoying it as long as it lasts.
Happy Monday!


You’ll have to let me know if you guys are ever at Sundance again:). Hoping for some amazing snow this winter! Keep enjoying the beautiful weather. I don’t want fall to ever leave. Happy Monday, Amy!


You should bake pumpkin bread after roasting veggies and then your house will smell like pumpkin spice lol. I did that last weekend and bonus didn’t need to turn the heat on with all my cooking and baking.


YOU. ARE. BRILLIANT. Off to go make some pumpkin bread. Thanks Alicia and hope your day is a beautiful one!


My week and training has been derailed…I was thinking I have COVID, but my rapid tests keep showing negative, but, doesn’t make me feel any better. So no training fr me this week, just getting better, staying away from people..and reading everything everywhere looking for anything that says running is a cure for the common cold……boo


Warren, I am so sorry! I hope you are feeling 100% asap!


Janae ! !我做到了! !了3:20:02在芝加哥和though it wasn’t a PR, it was my second fastest race and I am SO happy about it!! I felt amazing the first half and was flying and then mile 16 is when my pain cave started. I felt like I pulled something in my left leg while also dealing with my right knee screaming at me. The last 10 miles were a battle but I channeled my inner Janae and kept pushing. Engaged in SO much positive self talk … Had to keep reminding myself to stay in the mile I was in … And when things got hard, I smiled and begged my angels to keep pulling me through :) It worked!

Appreciate all your encouragement so, so much!!! Hope you’re having the best start to your week!!


***** correction 3:22:02!! Too excited and typed too fast!


I am seriously on cloud 9 for you! With the training cycle you have had and what you went through during the race. You are truly incredible and those angels were there for you! Arthi. You are amazing.


PR’d by 4 minutes in Chicago! After breaking 3 for the first time in Boston this year, I ran a 2:55:08 on Sunday! At 46, almost 47, I couldn’t be happier, even though my race wasn’t perfect and the last few miles were horrible. I know I have more in me!


SARA. You just made my morning. You are absolutely amazing! I have to share this if that is okay, I am just so impressed by this! Keep me updated with it all!


Sure!!! Feel free to share!!! I’d love for other women and master runners know that this is possible!


I love roasted veggies! My favorite way to season them is just olive oil and a generous sprinkling of Goya adobo seasoning (the one with the green lid has lots of cumin).


Hi Janae, catching up on your posts so delayed comment, but have you thought about getting into Peloton PowerZone training? It’s supposed to be one of the best ways to cross-train for runners. If you take the FTP test and lock in your zones, you could do some endurance rides even during marathon training to add volume but at a low impact. Plus, it’s tons of stats and there are a bunch of programs/challenges to follow, so it’s really fun!

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