Silentish Saturday!

The kids crushed the Fun Run—> 2.08 miles!

I’m not sure which was more exhausting… my marathon last weekend or the fun run.

They ran on the grass, the roads and sidewalks. We had police there to help at crossings, the BEST pacer from the local high school and popsicles at the finish line. 500+ runners!

I was so emotional watching these kids move around in the sunshine and accomplish something so big.

IMG 6513

Now to convince the principal to let me do this every month of the school year.

They did a lot of running too. Probably 6 miles for them:

Awards afterward!

So helpful.

We were there for 6 hours ha… we were all ready to go home afterward.

I got in a little sweat on the Peloton and I’m so jealous of Olivia’s blinging shoes.

Had my favorite curry bowl from Aubergine.

Brooke and Skye both had late nights with friends… already having a hard time keeping up with their social calendars.

Tell me three things you have going on today!

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Aww the race looked amazing!! Congrats to Brooke and Knox on running it too!!

6 miles this morning while listening to Nell Rojas on Ali on the Run, then going to DC to visit a friend and explore the city! Happy Saturday!


Thank you, Mariah! I have to listen to that episode! Have the best time in DC, I want to come with you guys!


Awesome job on the fun run!!! I miss doing those. But yes, they make for an exhausting day!
Colorado has been showing off for us this weekend! Perfect fall weather, incredibly beautiful colors, just so happy!
我丈夫是裁判在空军一个水球cademy today, so it will be fun to be down there for a couple of hours.
I love Olivia. She usually has on something super cute, but those blinged out shoes… Wow!
Have a great weekend Janae


I bet you were the best fun run director! Oh I seriously bet Colorado is unreal right now. Enjoy every second and how fun for your husband. She really is so great…motivating yet super nice and fun! Thanks Wendy, you too!


I’m cold plunging for the first time! Wish me luck!


AHHHH let me know what you think of it. I promise you feel better after the first 30 seconds!


Hi Janae! Random tangent but during the pandemic my husband got those same medals from Amazon! He then had friends over and made up some games (similar to the office Olympics) and we competed! It was a lot of fun.
I’m going on a walk with a friend and her pup and later studying with another friend! Group run tomorrow yay!
Happy weekend!


NO WAY! Okay, you guys sound so so fun! I love it. Have a great walk today and group run tomorrow. Thanks Amy, you too!


Ah!! Any idea what the bassets name is? They always have the funniest names that suit them. My bassets name was Fred.
I get choked up watching the rando runners at my nephew’s cross country meets.
I have ran 20 miles. Pushed myself to eat afterwards. And have a tires appointment today. I have the original tires on my 2013 car. In my defense I only have 40K miles on it!!


伟大的比赛!首席,你应该告诉你的least do a pi day 5k. 3.14 miles on 3/14.
Today: Soccer game, run, my dad’s b-day.


Way to go on race planning! I CANNOT imagine the brain power to ensure all those kids had an awesome run.

I ran a half marathon PR today! It was a perfect day weather-wise (50 degrees), and I used your advice to get through. I decided to be stubborn, and when it got hard, I (a) smiled every mile and (b) ran the mile I was in. I also fueled more on a HM than I ever had. My PR (1:41:45) was from 2014, when I was 8 years younger. What a treat at 41 to run a 1:38:10! We can keep improving SO MUCH longer than I ever imagined.


Congratulations Margie! Fabulous PR and great milestone to break 1:40. You give me hope as I hope to be fast again with lots of training at age 44 and beyond :)


Ah!!! That dog with Skye! Adorable. Of course loved all the pictures of the kids too :). Great job on the run! 500 kids is amazing and you are wonderful and must be so organized. Congratulations!

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