Friday Favorites!


I jumped on the bike yesterday! I’ve been so stressed because of the race that I’ve been in charge of is happening (500 kids!), and cardio is my favorite stress reliever… 20 minutes did the trick. It has been a few months since I was last on the Peloton. This thing is hard, but I finished feeling like I could handle the day ahead of me afterward…

A short walk with my sister happened too. Somehow we never run out of things to talk about. It’s quite a talent.

And then, it was non-stop errands and prep for the race.

Beck was a champ for joining us for ten different stops.

This girl eats either fresh or frozen mango every single day of her life.

The day’s highlight was heading to Salt Lake City to meet our friends for an NHL game.

It was our first hockey game!

They had amazing seats for us!

And we all stayed up way later than usual. I’m quite the party animal when I’m not marathon training.

Just a few favorite things for the week!

*I’m just really excited aboutthis new blog! Makenna Myler!

*This year’s coatthat I will be wearing daily (you are welcome for the public restroom photo). The color of this coat spoke to my soul and has made me excited about needing it all winter. I resolve to spend much more time outdoors this winter than I usually do after readingthis book.

*Our neighbor brought overTHIS Coconut Kamut Cake(I wish I had taken a better picture of it, but this was one of the last bites). It is officially the only cake I ever want on my birthday again. After 36 years on this earth, I have finally tasted the best cake that has ever existed.

Have any favorites from the week!?

What are you looking forward to this weekend?

Do you live close to any siblings?

When you are in the mood to make a baked good, what website/cookbook do you go to?

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At this point I’m convinced you have your usual fridge and then a second fridge of some kind just full of core power drinks!

Lately I’ve been really into for baked goods! She posted an apple cider cookie recipe that I will be trying soon. Just need to get through all the baked goods in my freezer first before I add to the stash haha. Happy Friday!


Maureen, you caught me. I actually do have that fridge haha. I don’t think I have ever seen that website! I must! Let me know what you think of the cookies and if you love them I will copy. Have the best weekend!


I too, am here for all the mango! It’s the best! Running a 1/2 on Sunday—first race since I ran the Houston Marathon back in January. We’ll see how it goes.
Also, Andrew’s prep for that test last weekend made me so stressed just reading about it. It’s crazy how we are all wired so differently! Have a great weekend.


AVERY! Good luck on Sunday! Oh I hope you have the best race. PS Houston is so on my bucket list. Hahaha I don’t know how he doesn’t lose his marbles from all of the stress. I guess the ICU has taught him to chill out which is something I have no idea how to do. Happy weekend Avery!


looking forward to a long weekend with family and relaxation! and getting my nails done. PS– please show us your full mani every time you get your nails done! they have been SO fun lately!

i go to your blog for baking inspiration when i want to make a treat!!! the big, fat, chew chocolate-chip cookies are my go to!

i’m lucky to live close to one brother but the other is in colorado. luckily we facetime, chat, and visit a lot!

have a great weekend! you’ll sleep in much later than last weekend ;-) xo!


Oh I need to always show them. I have had to add nails to my budget haha I can’t live without them lately. Send a pic of what you do with your nails and enjoy all of the time with your family. I think we both need one of those cookies. DROOLING. SO true, excited to not have an alarm clock tomorrow ha. Happy weekend, Courtney!


啊……Janae我发誓总有一天你finally going to influence me to buy a peloton. Right now we’re really trying to save up for a house, and I have a regular spin bike at home that I use quite often, but your peloton looks SO FUN! I’m always super tempted every time I see a post with you or Andrew on it. Maybe I need to have my husband start reading your blog; I’m sure he’d be convinced then! ;)
I always go to if I need a new baking recipe, her stuff always turns out amazingly and she gives very detailed instructions/troubleshooting tips.
I hope that your race goes well! Sounds like a blast! Have a great weekend!


Bahaha I am sorry in advance for the $$ I am going to make you spend. A new house though.. SO worth waiting for the Peloton. That is so exciting. Hahah yes, send him links to posts when I post about them. Seriously, her recipes are the best. Thank you, I’m exhausted now ha. Hope your day is a great one, Courtney!


Mango is so underrated. Actually just bought some dried mango to help with my carb load :)

芝加哥这个周末! !我有很多工作的因素ing against me right now (injury flare ups left and right and the race is taking place during the worst part of my cycle to name a couple). BUT I’m focusing on the positives and cannot wait to run around my favorite city. Both my mom and husband are gonna be there cheering me on and this is the first race where they will both be at together and it’s gonna feel so special seeing them on the sideline!!

And for those running Chicago this weekend as well, do yourself a favor and head to Sweet Mandy B’s afterwards and get their peanut butter rice krispie with chocolate on top. Best post race reward :)

Have a great Friday/weekend, Janae!!!!


GOOD LUCK THIS WEEKEND! I am so so thrilled for you! Ugggg those factors are so annoying BUT you are so much stronger. I hope you get to enjoy everything you love about Chicago and I love that your people will be there. You’ve got this! Ummmmm now I am drooling for that rice krispie treat!

Thanks friend, you too!


Is Andrew wearing PANTS at the hockey game? And you are in short sleeves?!? What is happening!


Holly. I don’t know what is happening but I am afraid.

Hahaha you are the best. Happy weekend!


Hockey games are so fun!! Last weekend we went to a university basketball game

It’s Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada so I’m looking forward to Turkey dinner and time with family.
I love using sallysbakingaddiction for baking recipes. I last made blueberry muffins I found on that site and everyone loved them. Please share any new recipes you like:)

Also…love that color jacket. I thank you for helping me wear other colors besides black haha. What size did you go with?
Hope you have a wonderful weekend


HEY ASHLEA! Hahaha I used to only buy black clothing and Andrew has helped me to branch out! I have the coat in a small, I hope you love it!

Happy Thanksgiving weekend. Ummm I want to come over for dinner. Enjoy every second with your loved ones. I will absolutely share the ones I love. I think I need blueberry muffins now. Happy weekend, friend!


We love NHL games too! They’re so much fun.
I am so excited for your fun run with the kids. I know how much work goes into setting that up.
We’re back in Colorado this weekend, and it is so pretty. It’s been nice being out here so much this fall.
I’m finally getting in the mood to do some baking. I love reading what you’re making, and I also love Pinterest for baking ideas too.
Hope your Friday is a good one Janae


I hope you guys have the best time in Colorado and happy birthday to your husband! Thanks Wendy, I need a nap now haha. Happy weekend!


Favorite from the week – turned in a paper that I have been working on FOREVER – 2 days early!! Looking forward to being done with my 17 mile training run tomorrow! One more long run next weekend and then the taper for NYC starts! Live about 180 miles away from my sister – about 180 miles too far. Have an amazing weekend!


Congratulations on getting in that paper early… you are crushing it. Go rock that long run tomorrow and happy tapering. I am feeling so jealous about NYC! That truly is 180 miles too far:(

Keep me updated with these last few weeks before the marathon and have a great weekend!


我喜欢看到你和你姐姐生活如此之近。My older sister (by 1 year and 10 months, not 2 years, I always remind her) is my best friend and she lives 4 hours away. Even though that’s not that far, we don’t see each other nearly enough, so every Sunday we talk on the phone for HOURS, and our families always wonder how we still have things to talk about.

Looking forward to the longest run I’ve done in…years?! this weekend. Wish me luck! Have a great weekend Janae!


Really just 22 months apart… definitely not 2 years! I love that your sister is your best friend. Sisters are forever. Hahaha never ever will you run out of things to talk about. GOOD LUCK on your long run and you better let me and your sis know how it goes!


Looking forward to running the Steamtown Marathon on Sunday! I’ve put in a lot of work this training cycle and I feel ready! The weather is supposed so be perfect – 40ish at the start and a high of 60. I’m still pretty nervous though and my kids woke up with a cold yesterday, so I’m hoping it won’t make its way to me until after the race! I’m basically a week behind you in life so seeing your post-marathon activities is exciting! I’m also looking forward to socializing with friends a bit more and getting back into the peloton, especially the strength classes.

My sister lives three blocks away from me. We are super close and she has kids around the same ages as mine. They all go to the same school and are BFF. It’s pretty much the best thing ever. I always think about how fortunate we are to be so close. And we also never run out of things to talk about! Sisters are the best.


JENNY!! AHHH I am cheering so loud for you. SO happy the weather is great and you have worked so hard to get to this starting line. Stay away from those germs and please let me know how it goes. You’ll have to tell me what Peloton classes you take after the marathon and so much more friend time again ha. I love that you live so close to your sister. I feel too lucky. Have the best race ever!


I love your coat SO much! Love the color! What size did you order? I always worry about ordering and having the sleeves too short. So debating on ordering a small or medium :)


Hey Amy! I have it in a small! The arms are perfect for me and I have a bit long of arms. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!


a good weekend began with a good 7K run today….random, and the weather’s great
a fun week, wednesday we had someone new join in a run club run, she told me she hadn’t run much lately as was slowing down…SHE LIED!….almost killed me, I hadn’t run that quick since I was 18…a long time ago
my closest sibling, my sister, lives in Scottsdale…, not close….but we visit

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